... WHE BLACKWALL DISASTERI A ?? INQUERST. 11MPORJANT EVIDMNCE. 'PI' AtLMON HAD TO) GO. ye,!t,*rlay atoiel-ng at the Poltlar Tuwii Hall. Mr. jon2; 1., b-tt? Cetir-uO ir thoe Ruitoru Divis.ion oi tyoiiid o, *1exfla 5i inquisst cut the belly, 'k~lie~i Mtln Oardnfer, saed 3?who ded at the * i E,,xv at Plakew?ll. Cai tho ?? of the ~~ ?? t~~ Ir ~ i.~i thi ,bu~ligh of weaz 411 ,,xt I ue.,dav. AA ...


... I THE MANAGEMENT OF THE POLICE. , AN INQUIRY TO BE HELD. (FRaOMi OUR COOBXSPONDENT.) BELFAST, Thursday Night. 1i The action of the authoritie in stationing the mili- r. tary at the points of danger last night, and pratically U closing the Shankflll-road to either pedestrlan or el1iculor traeic, had a very wholesome effsct in securing w peaco. All business wae suspended, stnd the public- o ...


... LAW NOTICEr.-Thxs DAY. e flIGH COUT OF JCSTIeCK ,oalu4=L - In Clmbern.-l to W.- Mr. Reigtrar Gifffsu-At U-A4Uommad appliation: Coben. Cohnn. cad On.- On Wtild=. At I13.: Onu petition. At 12: Thrar petitions At 2: A. A. n. Cronare sdtet er,1cs0i. Coup^zmr (W~onig- , 0Led, W.C.-Iu n Obamo -Rooe? 87-AAt U1: West dian d Bdrisb Onlana kn Company (Llmited). At 1120: Bewers Pad cenotale Elm luscraco ...


... | FIRST IDIVISION-Tuesday, June 14. (Before the Lord-President and Lords Adam, Ty'liaren$, and S innearol: APPEAL-CALEDONSAN ?? COUPAST V. .A aS ON.i This was an appeal from the Sheriff Court at Perth by the defenders inl an action by John Eas~ca, son., traction-engine and threshing-mkill proprietor, ~yresicle, Ifeigle, against the Cale- an Railway Company, in which ' sued for payment of 85 ...


... CONVICTION FOR MANSLAUGHTER. At the Guildford AEsizes yesterday two organ grinders named Antonio Pacci and Cesini Bal- lerini were indicted for the murder of Archibald Underwood at Ottershaw. Deceased and two companions had been drinking, and on Under- wood saying something in chaff to the organ grinders they showed fight. and a fracas ensued. Suddenly the deosased left. saying I'n off. and a ...


... DUBLIN LAW REPORTS0, CHANCERY DIVISION-JUrE 14. Before the MASTEr of the ROLLS. BELFAST WATER COMMISSIONERS, ESFARTE ROBINSON. Mr. WV. I. Whitaker instructed by Mr. David Dunwoody). on behalf of Miss Rosannah Robinson, of Drumalig, near Lisbun. applied that £94, standing to the credit of this matter, should be paid out to her. It appeared that her father held a farm as an ordinarv tenancy from ...


... BALLYMENA.-At this fortnightly court on lth inst., before Messrs. Robert Simpson, J.P. (presid. ing); S. J. lvPCartney, J.P.; and Samuel Smith, J.P., District-Inspector W. J. Hardy charged a priblican named Marv Barke, of Springwell Street, -with a breach of the Licensing Act on Sunday last. The same complainant also summoned Mary Henry With beinM at Mrs. Burke's premises on the occa- sion ...


... THE HtUDI I' IN INEPRY. 1Deails ef thle srck:-.!kig murder near l3-llvleiue. Count'. Kerrv. haveconine to ha.n-jd. It apears tihat in a towvnlend leni as ileandeirt. a emaill farmer named Tihoanes Cconredi. a-ped about 67, lived rir1h E tliS wife. Marcare;. ennd a fanilly of fear--three fl i-tin ien m le i avm eiiO. titliul aivanced in ve- ; i one uuitii-tetd dialighter. TIre Connell family i ...


... BRISTOL POLICE1 COURT. YE STERDAY. Before Messrs A. Robinson and 3. H. Woodward. DRUNf IN CIUAisi. i Williamil Henry Pratt 46, 1aulier, was fined ?? audiecosts for being drunk in charge of a horse and trap. PIC. 25fB stated that' on the previous evenlng lie found the defen- S dant drunk in New Wells road, Tottordown, I A FAMfLY DISPUTE, George James Nash,33,wareliousenan, lodging in Lower S ...


... | CLIRGYMAN CHARGED WITH BIGAMY. | ARREISTED NEAJL BRISTOL. At the Gloucester police court yesterday, the l'ev Arthur Mordaunt ITale, 25, son of an independent gentleman living at The Elms, Bridge Yate, near BIristol, was placed in the dock on a charge of feloniously marrying Mliss M ary EdithiBurr, datghter of Mlr lJ W. Burr, Caerleon, Sandhurst road, tOlou- cester, his wife, Eliza Sarah Hale ...

The Court

... tbe G court. BATAsroAxL CAtTaLF, Juno11 HI. The Queen, w-ith Princesis Henry of Prussia, went out yesterday morning. Ini the afternoon Sansger's circus company had the lionolt' of performing before thre Queen and the Royal family in the grounds of the Cas~tle. The, ladies; and gentlemen of' the hrnsw-ho~d were in attendancle. The tenants aind servants9 of thle Balrnoral, Abergeldie, and. Birkh ...


... STONEHAVEN JUSTICE OF PEACE COU1RT. TRANSFER OF LICENCE CERTIFICATT- At Stonehaven Juetice of Peace Court ci S1': day-Messrs A. B. Annandale and N. 1iN l dVt : the bench-John Grcig, farnmer, lhuiri ...