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... TRIAL OF MONSON AND RIS ASSOCIATES. At the Old Bailey, London, yesterday morning, Victor Honour, Alfred John Monson, and Robert Isa Metoalfe were indicted for conspiracy to defraud the Norwsich Union Life Society, and further with obtaining by false pretenecs from the said society a policy of insuraneo for £1000. on the life of Percival Edward Norgate, and a banker's cheque for ;£6 10s. ionour ...


... EXTRAORDINARY AFFAIR AT THEI BANK OF ENGLAND. . * A BAG AND £1000 TAKEN AWAY. t On Saturday afternoon a clerk from a London banking firm was engaged at the Bank of England in' withdrawing' £3000. EHe placed a bag con- taining a third of the sum in gold on the counter, while he placed the remainder of the money in 1 another bag. Whilst doing this the bag contain- ing the thousand pounds ...


... THE WLMAss DIVORCE CASB. DECREE GRANTE)D. Lord Stormonth Darling in the Court of Session yesterday heard evidenor in the RetiOu of divorce by Lady Lilian Mary Paulet or Erakine Wemyss, 19 Half-Mfoon Street, Piccadilly, London, against Randolph Gordon Erakine Wemyas of Wemyss, Fifeshire. The action was undefended, but the case was watched on Mfr Wemyss's behalf by Mr Grainger Stewart. The small ...


... ?? ?? O ' pa iuam ofetodii cas fkidnaping t ws chldrenia Hljte byeir ,m, other, Pat her father, n-sP. -o sonip tintpse children had bee i. a aphool- ats Fohiztond,- but; a few d ys ago, owinktotl* ?? drawisg1 -oe lek L iaqpgdysipr Auiac~ nihs Vr,bwh fahrdcdd$hvyhmrmvdt asthei goerness. T2he plac slected wtas Sutber- t lpnd: House, ai somewhat large h oarding~bcnae, onducthedb Mrs Kneel, faing ...

The Court

... I -_ _ __ colitt. 1 . iborine, Weduesday. HIer I niprial and Royal fighIness Arch- duchess Steplhallie, Cror. l Princess of Alus- tria, With iei do uigfite r A cCI Elliza- lieti. attendeId by Comte sco Condenhove, Comtoesse Chotlk, and Comte Corethi, arrived at Osborine estervdav aiternoon. W molone) the Earl of Strafford, equerry in Aevli!tig to the('nenl U;S iII attendance at (owe- ]Railway ...


... COf EC= N COMMA E RCtA L NE W S. | TIRE MONEY MARKET, (BY JOURNAL SPECIAL WIRE.) (FROM oUR OWN CORRtESPONDTINT.) STOCi; rXCI1ANCE STerrltisNTxS. ?I:alning-up dlays ..u. ,Uly 12 July 26 'I eliet days J uly 13 JuIy 27 Sttlinig Clays . uly 14 JuIy 28 CoNsolss Ss'crLMlEMNT, AUg, 4. 1 RkTF ,. 22 1).o. SAMP Timtv LAsr YEAR ., 2 P.C. tIS(OC -si ATES Oi TrE scOt'rtSn nANKS. ite ...


... | as ---- - - / lIHOUSE OF LORDS. Thursday. In the House of Lords 'this afternoon the Benefices Bill was brought from the Commons, and read a first time. Tlhe Earl of Onslow moved the second reading of the East India Loan Bill. The Earl of Kimberley made a few remarks in support of the measure, which wfas then read a second time, and passed through its remaining stages. Among other measures ...

The Court

... 'abc laR WmzvCoit t. _______I - C O~ WYIxDSOR ('ASTLt;, SiItIrChes-. Thle 2Mfaliaraja h of Kic-li Behal, lion. I ie la 00t-1-001011I :ci at ache(j to tilie litlI (Prince of AVIlles's ItegLiII eitl I enII' I Ca 'v'lr, arr TivUd at the [-tlti- sIn ,fer- (1,1y a:lel't 14OOII, and Xwa invested IJV till' i I(- with t- insigiah of Ihird £'Ia-se of the Grlnl of tile lHatli, -Iilitary' Division. Iii ...

The Court

... I Zbe zu Courllt. WINDSO1 CASTLE, Motiday. The Princeps of Wales and Princes.s Victoria of Wales visited the Queets yester- day atternoon. The Earl of.Strafford was in attondanee. The Queen drove out in the afternoon, acconl)paiiied by Princess Christian of Schfeswig-Holstcini and tile Crown Princess of Greece. M. lctautxas arrived at the Castle. The Queen's dinner party last evening included ...


... ])U1E7 f.;' SIF,'..-A(E ('.FCSE. '551b6tflNEvfiS. -ptt repieir ltin ji ttn ii- ct lon,d in artl net'm :wll )m ttit(. C;~~~~wi a h,' ari ,Sh'-if I 'nn : I~o linw hicthi CJit il-s', l:'t 'i-, t''r'eaif S ditt th leo NiLt - [i1~ iiiI t'pt it i'j.rrythlittltlit rIllC frt Ile fit. I.,ii tt i'ttt'iiptai~ti thu do'fetdet4 to iii I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ stto riti 13th A pt'il, ci itl-ir~tv I''. utiii ...


... ?? . !. 55 . ]5 1 , ;- ' - i ~- r OU ?? ' SESSION. :11 . -RST, DIVl1SN-Thdayr, J'uly I : Y. (Befort-the Lord-President and Lords Aidamr, ' M,. ..h'Lareai, &snner4- t ErMNT~et-:V. catxax.oos a~'onxnnr' courPs.1 ?? was ijitimated of an action by' v $obert limnter, machinist, '86 Belville Street-Ic -Greencok;, against. the -Greenock Foundry Corn 'j pany, East Stewart' Street, Greenock, for pay-. ...


... LA EOURGOGNR THE ACTION BY CROMARTYSHIRE OWNERS. In the 'Admiralty Court yesterday the Trans. atlntique Generall Company moved through counsel, before Sir Francis Jeune, to set aside the service of a writ upon them by the owners of 'the Glasgow barque Cromartyshire in an action lcr dsmagas instituted by the latter in this Court as the result of the fatal collision between the Cromartyshire and ...