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Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... 1S98.-EWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTIONS. Tbf Herald, the Evo~in~ Times, or the T~cerHtj Herald- ton be Poete~d re olrlry ior 3any enoth ot tim~e to any Itat of the Coun~try. Armerica. the Coloolee. or the Cou- 1 trli~t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SORLEY, JEWRLIB123 AND 81V 8 Na. l1~1 BUCEAiNAN STREE:T.I Antique Silver Plath and Jewels. WE ARE SPECIALISTS . BOYS' CLOTHING. For INTENIING VISITORS to the SEASIDE we are at present showing Special Ranes in VAN. O-WAR SU . BEEEPERS, and PEA. COATS suitable for BOYS' and GIRLS WEAR, and made trom Government -Serges and other Cloths specially adapted for these styles. Our Extensive Stocks of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bedee tretee.s ?? uligorE ~iN4t. l.t&50tM - \~.flFStreet l3)-oomdotd? onymt ?? , 9 at Sie i¶6SEI-L-L (Rtoyal Cecnl.tortO 9 Rooms intl C itchev, tsitn dear, aposie O en' Park Bowling -CRO,(SSMyLOOF (72Semu See.-.oSanii hot bath; goad house; ?? V -u- -11RED ~Augst ix apartmns Heald ies. ?? Mont ,ois Room and Eitche-u, i G3lahrowm. tiled grates. hoartbs; every modern I eoseeiocrrens mderte;free ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ---SPAEP.SUBSC1R1PONS. lnr: °bo' Co te-d forj any leogth of timue to any ?? in tbe Potai ?? tbn Colonley. or th con. UsrztZD ColTnzsr, , H1 1& lalf-ear. ia6d 6d Z ?? da-, 3s d 4s 4d T4.U--,Saturazy Atbletic Editim-;er Qarter, Per Half.Year, 23 2 to 'Unite do 0o Colonial, 13 Od per Qaarter; RalfYOSy, Otice Ordersn yable to GeoroOntrat k Ck. ablic B¢$ WTEDEYANGLISTICASSOCIATON lIEIGTO-DAY, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bIS ?? ~~Z, i4g ?? MtDAL;S, BRONZ1 MEAS D ?? I,, OP. -, ' VjA _VG--T ,. ?? ~Vii The PtOiwetars sa the EVENING flmU *f* tho *have-uanied A.Waevs to AMATEUr; P10TO0RAIll X14 ai§trdifl to toe c(5osc and Rules deacrihA below, C.Rs L=iANDSQAFrl OiR SISASOAfl.P Pla HAlf-Plate sed under. I Silver, I roi-or modal, ?? CerdiFlla, - MAS M- LlDSCAPC ;OR SEASCAVI. C Wbole-.PIte sansd Upwards. Er I &Ilnor, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A LITTTJE LIST -MM.E 311 VCURED II C ARTES LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Torrid LivarvnoitlvtlY cured by these Little Pills They also relieve Distres from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Too eatyEating. Aver edremedysor Dizzines Nausea, Drowinessr Ba Taste in the Mouth. CoUaed Teatge, Pains the Side 8ad Dank. Tbsoy reguletthe B3owelsand prevent~on- tilstsau d Piles. The smallest aod easiest to take, amd do ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - -- - !PUBLISHERS' COLUMN. THE WAR NEWS TOLD IN PICTURES. GET THE NEWzWAR PORTFOLIO, *THROUGH THE WAR BY. CAMERA. PARTS L, I., AND IIL NOW ON SALE. Coctaining Splendid Reproductions of PHOTOS. of WARSHIIPS, GENERAL., TROOPS, CAMPS. AD- I1URAIS, FORTS, ac., and now being issued by THE LEEDS AERCURY, THE GREAT YORKSHIRE DAILY. Price, 6id each Part; by Post, 7id. 'Prom the local Newsagents and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. 1 BUCHOANAN S!VOIEE't Antique Shier Pla-in sd Jewels. JMITTFD IIrsoo 3o nd TOILE.T CASES., Finest~ Coe- tiawsfastwntres. lest Moderate Prices. - Il. W1.rForsyth, Lssbr jteilt~cld Street sirS ?? street. $ TI-EATE-O YLGLASGOW. MR~%, INI) ns~ .101-IN GLEN~DINjNrnGMTs ROU17GH. AIND REA-DY. Frecouied tsv A, PANTOMIAME PIZINCE. S~ot I'laiwsat Psatsrrson, 10 to 2. NEXT WOMEK-` MY INt*7 ET DOW. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6SOREL'Y. .IEWRSltLEitS AND S1I.TERSIIITESi N. O. IUGEANA STRLIS -. AtiQue Sileer 10mb tod JeS eI. LADIES while Sholtsin, I GE;NTIMIIEN durioo -asitacmsnor, 1JPJrtsTS ANi'D ST!.AISIIIt.S Y;sitino the City, S;;JOULD }'ATRONISE CRANEST'ON'S TEA-ROtIMS, LTD. STUART Cit ANSTON, FO-NDER AND Mq;ANAGI1;G Dl=nCTOf.. A CUIP Of the FREEST TEA or COPPEE in'IIE thtr , 14odors, with Creasll and Svgtr. for. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 U TNI?ELDEVAN GELISTIC ASSOCIATIO-N. of &YER-:P -O.EIFt'1X TO-nAY, r't 12 N~oon. Isn ChRI~S- y 3.tou k XS'I.rt TOSON. >aJux..t ornliostv Soi55Sbiect--2G' O-jr., 4th draei) y ; U C 1IHAN A N S O C I ET Y. TEClNICAL T3URSAMES. rj, Yearly. tper. I, crtih=ir!tr ot' tire ?? of BiiCH~ANAN. tl-M ILAN. 2'AI1'S.xLx, 5-1VAl TIE. and 'ISI. ,\yplcatonrs mubo; be lodg2t trot later than 13th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... igEVENING TIMES ANlqNUAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CompETITioN. LAST DAY FOR ENTRIES, bmH AUGUST. SILVER MEDALS, BRONZE MEDALS CERTIFICATES. The o Proprietaa of the EVRENIG TIMES sver the above-named Awardsto AWATEURt PHOTOGRAPEERS.. . according to the Classes and Rules desoribed below. CtAass -LANDSCAPE OlR SEASCAPE Half-Plate sad uanter. 1 Silver. I I - .onze Medal, and Certi caate. CLASS IL-LANDSCAPE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... An~ique ilver P:ti And eaes. THE LEADING HOUSE IN THE TRADE FOR TRAViiPLLINoG B&GS AND PORTMANTEAUX. We are Shor-n- i ?? thil Derr.rtmet a Laree srl Ecxlleut Ftockz of all ' of s ?? r oo nsrtxb:c fr Home aul }e'o,4ins Travel. Comblainio tieumon.'. dern Impruseuients in Design aeS Finishl. STRICTLY MODFRATE PRICES. TVs alewe olf-'r ull not ostly csompare ;,yourably with ether Lceral s of Firrt ...