... EVIDE NCE BY SIR W. HARCOURT. Sir WVain. H{rcourt orilhlis tv gave evidenn55 before the Select Committee of tt e House 4l Commons on the telephone system Cf the country. The right hlon. gentlemi an, who was Charcefllr of the Exchequer between lt92 and 1895, said hoe WvO surprised at the statement made by Mr Luanb Oe the Post Ofliec, to the effect that bothf Mr(3ucjee and Sir William Ilarcourt ...


... LAW &0T.OW ?? LAW NOTCIM- DAT- At %0.%-A~ptW W~lMH=PaUyo# hroum the Cb ll, r~ b~lk, W VW* Dj~v AV~ad U~M the 4.,e~=aV kktm Mvgl~i wet-U Phuh .z oa, UUMlte& I lywd (.Note ne wiev8alhb4eean ?? tl A11.4ig'Th A UrkkMe1St jbstWJ150a. V NIU4 aw'4 C V ~.kS-tf a mote w, u ,UutE-H'U -a ~,fBYDl VfI 0V-Cktuwr L-Befin Mr, iurtios 1?$A-A~t Ogpy -MIfendby wya: Morts Ca Wsrd-aA~o QWi v y u.-prr Vb-KleroaT ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY .QUBT-YESulRDY.| Before Messre. G.AREOEr N.nGLs, R.M., and ARTHuR HAUSLL. RIOTOUS CONDUCT. A fine of 40s and costs.was imposed ?? Kelly, wio was charged wit-b having been d&ra, and riotous by m,3sking use of expressions caculated to lead to a breach ot the peare Mr Spiller pro- secuted in this and in otbar. police cases. Rob-art COes and Hugh Orr were clhareged with *hanig been ...


... SEQUEL TO TH1E BAD CHEESE CASE.I CHARGE AGAINST AN ABERDBEN FIRM. U 41 Before Baillie Taggart, in Aberdden Police l Court yestardayJamea Marshall and Thomas Mar- L shall, produce importers, Regent Quay, were charged with having, on the 6th August, in a lobby in their prnmises at Regent Quaby, L buid in their possession 41 bioxes of fi, cbeese, each box containing one cheese, yA said cheese ...

GROCK\NI» I.N'i'N'l'jUS* ASSIST. ANTS' \ssOCl . lON. The usual meeting *d ,i * above | was he! \e-iordav »inn:«; at

... rooms, • '.0 Ureal Pi k street, Mr. d Parre-.y 't member-, of the committee aei.» Messrs Ilooan, ,f iv. 1» I'it/>iuions, I'hos M'Cabe, M . • )'!leyaii, P !\eeviney. T Par■ y, C t)'lb irne, and d Farrellv. I'lio f* cretary anno me-'d the t f uipincjs from 1 'he f.*ll im.* wholesale 'inns, to v. vote thanks w,i> -d for 'i:«i»* very ' oit >. Wheitiev and liitea and the I»1». r. Pottle Company. ...


... COOKSTOWS.-This court, wa, held yesterday before Mr. J. 3. Magli, J.P., A.B., ?? Dr. D. H. Charles, J.P.; Messrs. S. E. Ekin, J.P.; Stewart Devlin. J.P. ;Foseph Falls, J.P.; and John Rickard, J.P. The onlv husiness of public interest was an application on behalf of two road contractors named O'Neill and Small, for an order to enter a quarry belonging to Robert Wilson, of Ballynakelly. Mr. ...


... MB. HOO.LEY'S AFFAIRS. ALLEGED ATTEMPTS AT BRIBERY. Yesterday, before, Mr. Jnstice Wriglht, sitting in the Bankruptcy Division of the High Court of Jus- tice, London, the motion by the Official Receiver in the bankruptoy of Mr. B. T. Hooley calling upon Lard TDe la Warr, Mr. Bradi-haw, Mr. Broadley, and Al-r. Martin Rucker to show cause why they should not be committed far contempt of court, ...


... v*q1;TvnnAV YESTERDAY. Before Alderman Jose and Mr J,-1,.llowell. AT'VEM1'TED 'TO rGltOY. Thomas William Beer, 17, -was charged: with forgiug an endorsement.upon. areceipt and:acknowv- ]ledgment of a Payment of. m oney by wvay of an order for £470, ith intent thereby to defraud. Detective q spector Robertson said teat when defendant was plpaced in the dock. at the police cow ,-and- ch arged I ...


... MR, 11OOLEYS DISCLOSiTR ES ! ?? FRSTL iDEVYELOPMENT. THE ALLEGED HUSH-MONEY. t ACTION IN THE HIG1H COURT. StRONG REMARRiS BY THE JUDGE. A CASE FOR NO DELAY. I ILLNESS OF MR. HOOLEY. it the Quevn's BDntnf Divisioa. yesterdaky, before Mr. V Justice Wright, rn applimtiaiu war heard, which haed beea specially set down for beariag upon the report of MIr. ?? llood, aud iad refereace to an alaegod ...


... BREACH OF PROMISE CASE, A BONNIE LAD'S FICKLE AFFECTION. AT Leeds Assizes an interesting breach of promise action was heard, plaintiff being Louisa Schellenberg, dressmaker, of Brad- ford, and defendant Edwin Horsfall, wool buyer and salesman. The parties ?? known each other for many years. Plaintiff was twenty-five years of age, and defendant thirty-five. Defendant's salary was stated at ...