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... ALLEGFD AMMAIJOTS PRPFAKING OF WINDGBWS IN NEWRY. Yesterdav morning a. young rnan named Donis Ward. Newry, was brought un in custody at a special. court of petty seessins, before Mr. Henry Turner, RE.M., cha.rgted with having maeliciously broken two plate-glanss windolws in a shop a-t the corner of Hill Street and Mill Street, the property of MIessrs. S. Connor & Sons. druggists Neswry. ...


... BELFAdST CUSTODY COURT-YaESTuaRDn-, Befo-e MNr GAORRETr NcAeGL, R.31 ]iLXARKIN AND .,AXfcRtNG CI&iFRGS. Constable Runt charged rin. Barrett and iTm. MAa ee with breaking and entering the public-house ot Patnick Byrne, 4, Joy's Entry, and stfealing thtrerfromn eight keys, two packages of cigarettes, .wo rri!nhrrgs in postage stamps, seine saodwiches, pork pies, and ten fiUrtgsi. A remand was ...


... EXT1RAORDIANARX CASE OF FRAUD A I CAPVTAIN BENN71E_,TT SENT TO PENAL | T SERVIYUDE. DUBLIN, SATVrn-vD.-To-day the Honoarable the Recorder, Sir F. Falkiuer, Q.,_ sitting in ihe Green Street Courthouse, continued the disnosal of I thle criminal business at the city sessions. M1r. George W1right, Q.C. (instructed by Sir P. GAl, C.B., Chief Crown Solicitor), anneared for the prosecution in the ...


... DUBLIN LAW IIlPOIRTS. LAW NOTIOES-THIS DAY. i Ai i OLri;,c ii't Co.iid llgitleoi1 polier. lb. Be]- fas v~~oz ;IM Li'Stirctil crortio. i6; L'BkIfest c'4i Fe- ci, ' L i E',lisl: v.)~i 23. lfi 2 S 'mir~ t a; Co. v. bon.Nw 6; Brew v. Brew, ;o;a ocSjirK'II Li-11 Fi i t i-kin CD., S; i ~vn :tnzijotier.o TO; MCoe N. the Mnat Northiern Ti itiI lm~iin'l Gas light Co., 1.: 10 - i i ii Di;)11 Mi ii Br; ...


... I POLICE INTELLIA3NC' - BYESTERDAY. r NOETPMRq Divisozon- Before Mr. Cartoe, Q C.) e CHARGIE AGAINST A HACKNEY CAR DaIVER. e Edward Cenaell, backney-car driver, was t charged oR remand by Detective-efficers t Ferrest and Kelly with stealing from a stable at Weet Perk House, Glsnevin, a bridle m the property of Thomas Flanagan, 8 Emor street. It was stated that ke sold ske bridle to Kr Suitb, ...


... I- i~. This A EXCITING CHASE. Bray, Saturday. This afternoon quite a sensation was caused at Bray owing to a prisoner who had just been sentenced to two months' hard at the local Sessions escaping from his escort, and giving all the spare constables in the barracks a capital ra. The prisoner, one Nicholas Mulvey, is well known to the police, whom he has enter- tained with cross country ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-YESTERhDA. Before Messr-s. F. G. HooDDEs, P.M. JAMES Jxx-clss, J. J. M'Do)XxicELLa, 11P1o1E KtLLY, JOIcN HOLLYWOOD, and J. C. C. PAx:ms. CIARGFES Or TlEFT. Constable Nesbitt charged Alexander Kirkpatriek -cithaving stolen a. lock saw and bevel, on the 26tla ult., the property of Bernard Kenna, 105, Snurville Street. Oan mnonths iiprisoninent waas ordered. Mr. Spiller pr ...


... POLICE IN TELLIGENCE. BELFA.ST CUST'lODY OO;L3T--YeslyDA Before Mr. GARRETT NAGLE, RKM. CrALRGES OF THEFT. Constable Costello charged Mary Ann Boylen with having stolen a wvatch beionging to some person atprsent unknown. A remand for eight days was granited in order that further inquiries might be made, Mr. Spiller prosecuted in this and the other police cases. Peter Quinn and William Ginn ...


... AWT- ?? = NC LAW INTELLIGsENCE I 4, THE COUNTY COMMISSION.; Yesterday, at 11 o'clock, the Right Hon Mr Justice O'Brien sat in the Courthouse, Green sireet, and continued the business of the County Commission. Sergeant Dodd and Sir George Wright, QO. (instructed by Sir P Coil, C.B), prosecuted for the Crown in the various cases. PLEAS OF GUILTY. The county and city prisoners were all in turn ...


... LU P ?Y VS O N E P S 1 N M L Hi R Y} () P, ' U e H JALT.. 4-K itr vi;a ?? he h;a-t ad~dressed the fol- o. ir: - 1,'er to tac F.i.:nt honourabe Gerald \~ §;..l a D-.four. M p. Chief Secretary to the U -- ca..: :nt o; lrel;O: ---As Evi artve imemter of the Irish Na- -to'.li Aornestv A-ocidTai0! I mry, without- pre- gTu'Jnitri, txrg under ?? reatire certain facts I v]L t ibtee ?? Fitzharr-s, ?? ...


... TERRIUBLE ENGLISH TRAGEDY.l MURDER AND SUTrCIDE. L-nd&n, Tuecday. A shackimg discovery was made this morn- ing in a rie'd at Mareir Har, nsar Longron, Staf- fordsabire. A we:-dresssd ?? Wonman, since identified as Sarahi Elizabeth Berrisford, the daughter of a cailiar. was found in a pool of blood, her herd being severed almost from her bodiy A miner named Langdiii, on his wav to ?? at Park ...


... POLICE INTELLPIGENCE. ,FlTS-ST CUST 0DY ' %RT_ Y-pSTEmRAY. Before M essrs. GARRrTT ;A l. PM ., and JA E9s A S A r L T C tS E BernaRd c Bt'iiev was ch;.r-wb having Ws- ar,,t it ti'on thi e our the nit t Comaplain' antes e C di Cio*ldscl '-ed : tnr 'sre of aaffirs -w n'sele t fait v occluping, one snall room-that in w i _;-ti ti e .aanult tool: niece. The prisoner kiked h sistsr and had ...