... AunDRLASS.-This monthly court was beld yester- dav, before Lientenant.Colonel Bowlby, R.RN. (in the chair); 2%essrs. Sinion Martin. and James Jellic. Eliza Johnston failed to answer a charge of drun- ken disorderliness, and was awarded a fortnight's imprisonment without the option of 9 fine. Nine persons were summoned for breaches of the muzzling order, and fines et is ard costs imposed in ...


... CHAfARGE OF FORGERY. A BRISTOL PROS.EClUTOR. At the High Wycombe (Bucks) borough police court, on Saturday, before the 'Mayor (Councillor Beacon,J ?? and other magistrates, aserious charge of forgery was preferred by a Bristol manufacturer against a tradesman of the Buckinghamshire town. Alfred Nicholls, boot salesman, of 6, Corn Market, HIgh Wycombe, was charged on a warrant with feloniously ...


... TME NORM LONDON LNQuIRY.I Vpon the strength of the inquiry initiated by the Board of Trade into the workmen's train service from the nrthern suburbs, a public meeting was held in Wood-roren yesterday evening to urge a better and cheaper servica. Coundillor Cowan, who presidod, declared that the present inadequate &srvice was a serious menace to the proeperity of their district. He was glad to ...


... LAW INOrICEh.-'Hlos ar. 76O~~R Cp 1.01130, WU-TIN-..TI-fl -TheFo11,,Tc-nz ?? I tt tt Fd I tt-' I, jjS W I ?? AIJ, Atti LP110-l 16t,' T rdU n 4-. ?? IJ I r HI'i1tC ft.itti tt.Vi ttl t ' -t- l o. III l'iA TI M .-f 1 ,V II I-1 I it- : tj I~~ .. ?? wir e Itkr. Jiritlit 1II- Is, - t> W115ti, tiI5: LI-l1ne CAt IAN EI , I lit Itt-I it 1 Mr. .itI-.t r. juidin'. ?? A t ~ ~ ii on5,-w o b. Silk ?? tfl ...


... SUDDEN DEATH OF AIRS. LANG. WORTHY. SUICIDE OF MR. LANGWORTHY, A TRAGIC STORY FROM PARIS. Yeatnrday's Times contained the following notice of death; LANGWOR'THlY.-On the 27th inst,, anddenly, at the Grand Roteb 1arls, Mri. Mildred t cbiuo Vaillbsr laug- worthX, tbe belovee daughter of William Long, of Bedlford P~trk, 1.ndou, undl formerly of Belfast. On the following dity, ths 28th, a ...


... COURT OF (Before Mr. P~tei;.trar Brougi,,,*4 ACTOR, COMPANY PRtJMrfrgR,k !tir ffur thi ?? e ion of LI2 ?? U.}iir ?? 1f1 ReJ'kv, sr I ;~r'v!istri ew.l 'i'hei de ?? aj~r;ii.ej to a~ a('Okis~t- ?? . lg t~kerecur s- d'br, oi Q ?? Ur ?? r ef. Ir~xsr,,joeti hv hr. Hsir' ...


... THE CASE OF BLOOD. A CHEBLSEAk PFNNY SHOW. ! kc the IV estrninster Police-court yesterday, Henry , .tes, won dlescribed hirnself as the owner of a i -ny -no-, *was smrnmorrel by the London Courtyl Couon 1 ;or' prrnuitting and surfering to be acted a stage plag in p. ce which wae not a patent theatre or dulv Ilicensedl - Mr. Chilvers who prosecuted for the Connci, sail the deenilaut had ...

Kilmersdon Police Court

... Beforo Miessrs G. Batev (in the chair), E. 1;. Broaderip, T. C. regoory, afid George Uarter. THill RADSTOCKi VICTORIA IAlft. An application was handed in to thi Bench signed by two Nangistrates, on behalf of tile ?? IL tile Victoria hall, lladstock, asking the Bench to appoint a special day for hearing an application for !a theatrical license for tle halil, The Bench lixed. the next mon0oth ly ...


... COURT OF SESSioN. t; . *sC'9DrViSION'rv1eday, Novebr1 ~ncethe Lord jestleCe-ciesi. Lords Young, Fr~amler, ?? jorlcreiff.) -J f oil the t~av'ow Inheritif Court tic11 rc0 ), ?? ce ~ :r or Dn- T- T. ~ rri ho,(V uil h~w 'Lt `- i iit -iC ?? -ad h I o ire t-.rc natii ji o I r~ ~ ~ ~~~o The ?? Contended 5' ii 'i-i ?? O'c`101'O lva G011 to trIO c, ?? i Ru lwz-y Company-, ?? were Cmt- ~ ~ Ii- - ...

Published: Wednesday 02 November 1898
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2047 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... CRIThES AND CThIRGE'S. I CAEU-i ROBE:RY OF JEWEILLERY. The Leicestler police yeslslday ieeived ina'r- Me)Lion c* a daring rolbbry in broad daylight at i lo-led-up jccwellor., s}hop owned by 3Mr Chanrle lU-ohcr, Rulnberstoo Gate, Leicester. Valuables esiiatlcl wvortbh L1000 wesr stolen. MLr Ursher left the shop secure at 10.30 yesterday morning. ad rc-turninmr trno haurw3 lalr founld the place! ...


... CIRIMES AND CHARGES. I 1|V! E LQOVAT ArDVejENT 3 IN E'34 ' i i. I ?? at a pleading diet of Edinburghr Sher3if Criminal Court, Katherine Louisa Lovatt' !Frser, 2$ years of age, was indicted on five I counnts of fraud on. Edinburgh tradesmen. The iclumstances under which accuised came munder t * the cosnrstlics of the police have been narrated. She had bheen thrae weeks in prison when she i 1 ...


... TWHE DREYFUS CASE. I DENIAL OF ALTERATION IN PRISON TREATMENT. L REVEL AIONS ABSOUT SECRET DOCUMENT. . ~~(nuvrasds rssa.eaG7.)l. Paris, Novenmber 21. The MIatin declares that the Minister of the Colonies haa issued no order eoncerning an alteration in the prison treatment of ?? Drevius. The Intransigeant says it is in a position to know that MIA. Dupuy and Casimir-Perier have been ...