... LOCAL LAW CASE:. LEAERi 110TIMEnS LIMITEnu A. BI3mrNGIrELD.-On Saturday the Master of the Rolls and Lords Justices Chitty and Vaughan Williams delivered their re- served judgment upon the appeal of the defendant from the order of Mr Justice Kekewich restraining him from setting up his boxes of soap in such a way as to be calculated to lead to their being passed off as containing soap of the ...


... DOWNPAT1MTOK. -The fortnightly court was held yesterday, before Mr. Mr. Healy, J.P. (in the chair): Colonel Bowlbv, R.M.; Dr. Heron, J.P.; Messrs. J. Cleland. J.P.; J. Denvir, J.P.; and J. Tate, J.P.; W. R. Whiteside, clerk, in attendance. Mr. H. C. Weir, solicitor, obtained a provisional transfer of the licensed premises in Church Street, formerlv held in the name of John Dick- son, deceased, ...


... J.ENTING T91VANTS IUPROVE. MENTS. hi the Court of the Land Commission this week we have had some startling instances of the way in which tenants' improvements are being dealt with by the Court. of Appeal. To put the matter shortly, A, a tenant, has twenty acres of worthless, undrained, unre- claimed land. Thirty years ago his landlord, B, anxious to get his property improved, so that he might ...


... THE DIVOBRE COURT. I A LADY'$ HALLUCINATIONS. Before the president, on Monday, in the course of the calling over of the list Of cases in the reserved list, standing over by consent or otherwise the defended ease of M Muldowney v.M uldowaey was mentioned. It was a petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Mluldowney for a divorce, the responlent being Mr. Richard Mul- downey.-Mr. Grazebrook applied ...


... CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Croydon Police Court wa's crowded to the door on Monday whon Sir Frederick Eslridgo end other Magis- trates resumed tho hearing of the charln of man- slaughter against thle Christian Sciontiats, Mrs. Athlalie Mills snd AMiss Kate TLvoi, in connection with the death of the late Mr. Harold Frederic, the distinguished Amerieain journalist and raovolist. -cMr. Avery, who}ID ...


... CHAfARGE OF FORGERY. A BRISTOL PROS.EClUTOR. At the High Wycombe (Bucks) borough police court, on Saturday, before the 'Mayor (Councillor Beacon,J ?? and other magistrates, aserious charge of forgery was preferred by a Bristol manufacturer against a tradesman of the Buckinghamshire town. Alfred Nicholls, boot salesman, of 6, Corn Market, HIgh Wycombe, was charged on a warrant with feloniously ...


... CRIThES AND CThIRGE'S. I CAEU-i ROBE:RY OF JEWEILLERY. The Leicestler police yeslslday ieeived ina'r- Me)Lion c* a daring rolbbry in broad daylight at i lo-led-up jccwellor., s}hop owned by 3Mr Chanrle lU-ohcr, Rulnberstoo Gate, Leicester. Valuables esiiatlcl wvortbh L1000 wesr stolen. MLr Ursher left the shop secure at 10.30 yesterday morning. ad rc-turninmr trno haurw3 lalr founld the place! ...


... TWHE DREYFUS CASE. I DENIAL OF ALTERATION IN PRISON TREATMENT. L REVEL AIONS ABSOUT SECRET DOCUMENT. . ~~(nuvrasds rssa.eaG7.)l. Paris, Novenmber 21. The MIatin declares that the Minister of the Colonies haa issued no order eoncerning an alteration in the prison treatment of ?? Drevius. The Intransigeant says it is in a position to know that MIA. Dupuy and Casimir-Perier have been ...


... EASTNEY WOUNDING CAS.E. | TRIAL AT THE ABSTZES. 1 t A LENIENT SENTENCE. c At the Hauits Asseles at Winchester, on Tues-E- day, betore Mr. Justice Kiennedy, Walter WIunro. ii a guninter in the 1-oyal Mlarine Artillery, sestionied b at Eastuey Barracks, was indicted for unlawiully .i wounding Gunner Johu WaltSh, of the ?? d eorsis,wltth intent to mnurder hicil. '[nrder a secon d *. count in the ...


... LAW _. wLLW E-_ ,e0LP~iCID.' ' ' Y:SM DAY. DONATIO MORBTPS CAUSA.. I Yesterday, in the Court of Appeal, before' 'the Lord Chancellor, Lord Justice Fitzibbon,. Lord Justice Walker, and Lord Justice Holmes, judgmenvt was given in the case of Duckaworth M lies. This was an appeal froI the judgment r of the VieeChaneellor, which ramatd for the' a first time the question of law as to whether an r I ...


... CRINES AND CRARGE-3. A.~L MMIHY l C(REO WIT9 FRfAUD. At Bow Street yesterday Louis Henry Good- man, a dentist, and Sir Edward Lee, of Vereher Road. Kensiagton, vi-ere charged with conspiriag to'def-raud in connection with the West Australian Gold District Tradi:ng Corporaticn, of which they were respectively managing direct'or and director. The secretary and buyer to the corporation had left ...


... A QuESTION OF SANITY. LUThNDUE INFLUXENCE ALLEGED. In the Probate i)ivisiou, on Wednesday, Mr. Justice Barnes had before him the suit of Smith v. Crump,which bad referonce to the testamentary s dispositions of the late Mr. John Ashmore Grump, latecf 14. Gladitone-terrace, Portsmouth, who .died on the 14th March, 1896, at the age of 72. _ The defendant, a son of the deceased, pleaded that the ...