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... AIZE INTELLIGENCE. AsIZ ULSTER WinTIER ASSIZES. or.E.\ C OF THE OMMI1SSION. The Rirlhi loourablc Si: Peter O'Brien, Bart., TV -i t .ltlCC of Ireland, entered the Crown tsa cc he &tur-tY Courthouse, Cruimlin Road, l aftetfoOU at hallf-past three, and operned ,S ?? of earizk for the Ulster winter *c ?? H~it Loridship wvas accompanilied on fi. SD-i a, : \ ,t Honvurablo WX. J. Pirric, J.1. .,;v ...


... I YESThRTJAY--B-fore his Honour Judge FITzGrBBON, M1essrs. H. M'Neile M'Cormick, registrar; Edward Allworthy, official assignee; and A. J. Weir, deputy registrar, were present. I Two arrangement matters wtere disposed of, in which Mr Wallace, Mr. Hayes, and Mr. Moore- head were professionally engaged. IN RE PATRICK BRtEE. The bankrupt was a spsrit-krocer in Leopold Street, and the matter came ...


... TM S CHARGES AGAINST A BELFAST EX-DI R CTO R. PROCEEDINGS IN THE GCSTODY CORT. In the Belfast Custody Court yesterday, before Messrs. F. G. Hodder, KM11.; John Burke, James Jenkins, and J. Herdrana, John Thompson, for- mnerly a director in the firm of Messrs. Thompson, Rogers, & Co., Linited, linen manufacturers, Severn Street, was charged, on remand, 'with having, within the past twelve ...


... I La lQUE -$3AT M4 itR'S HOPITAL. | is Yesterda a Meraer's Hospial Dr J E eKenny, City Corner, held an inquest on the body rof te late Mr Sydney Hughes, aged 30 years. s of 147 Rthagr rmd, commission- agent, who died in the hospital on Thubmlay frotm the effects of rnyuies received in South Great. George's .treet on the evening of the 20th instant. Mr H Hughes was riding a bicycle, which ...


... THE kOXA~NCE, OF CRIME, CRIT IINALS, AND POLICE, When we am tempted to gibe at the police for certain recent failures to unravel notorious crimes, we nay take profit in comparing the state of crime to-day with what it was a century ago. In 1798 w-atchmren, armed with rattle, staff, and lantern, were still the guardians of public security through the night; in London alone one man in every 500 ...


... P'ETTY -ESGIQNS. le .Aaon,srrrs-At Ahoghill petty sessions court yes- L terday-before Lieutenant-Colonel Rowan, D.L. (chairman); Messrs. Philip C. Creaghe, R.M. ; and William -Moore. J.P.-Diatrict-luspector Hardy, Ballvnmena, charged Letitia M3Clenaghan, Auglhter- le cloney, with having on the 18th November last in hier possession, or in the farm or premises occupied by her, a warm of a still ...


... Yesterday-Before his Honour Judge FITZGTr13nNo. LI Messrs. A. J. Weir, deputy registrar, and Ed- ward Allworthy, official assignee, were in atterid- y ance. ' A There were four arrangement mfaters, in wbich. the professional gentlemen engaged were Messrs f, Henna, Barrister-at-Law; MiGonigal, M'Iidowie, and M'Cutcheon. t IN RE ANTn DINSMORE..d This matter was listed for audit and composi- t ...


... - POLICE INTELLI-GENM E- i SATLiURDAY. CHARGE OF ROBBERY WITH VIOLENCE. On Saturday, in the Northern Divisional Police Court, before Mr T J Wa.JI QC, Privates Scott and Selsby, of the Bedford Regiment, and an elderly woman namied Bloom, who resides at l Elliott place, were charged! with assaulting Michael Abbott in the house, 11 Elliott place, on Friday evening, and rob- bing him of £10. ...


... - ' .Aw , . . I.TII . I - ?? - N ~ ..~l I YESTERDAY. ' CHANCERY DIVSION, 0 Cork Palace 'Tbeatre of Varieties.. Mr Jef' itrson (instruetid by Mr Shaninon). applied wis bebalf of 'lr StapIeton. of 12o:k, the liqunaloir of the Cork Palace Theatre of Varieties. Ltd, for leave to carry oil the underraking for six norlthls with the view of selling' the theatre, the only ils- osfet of the cormpany, a ...


... ,.VTELLLGENc&. -I C~HANCERY DIIM ?? the Vie-Chancellor.) iq T-Sus TnAxxu TOwN Coxxis- * 'i W~igt,.Q C, with whom wasr C stoted by Meessr- Downing and a edo n behlf of Mr Thomas C Good- injunclia to restrain the Town tetof T~ee and otfiers naed in from maintaining at Basin Field, 4'pIt for she reception of offensive Falvey otieer of health, had made C 4:*Ag that tlte depot in question, acicelly ...


... LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. (From the Legal Diary.) H. M. COURT OF APPEAL IN IRELAND. The Attorney-General for Ireland and the Grand Jury county Mayo; Kelly and another, seppli'tnts, the Queen, respondent; Craig v. Greer; Irwin T. uebb. ROLLS. Earl of Erne v. Donohoe; Gwelo (Matabeleland) Explo- ration and Investment Co. Rolls Chabera-Berrill T. Lac; Thornton v. Sheehan; Tru-ell v. Williams; J. ...


... INQUaESTS IN BELFAST. I IEGLECT NOT CUrBLE.AL The coroner (Mr. E. S. Finnigan) held an in- quest on Saturday morning in the Recorder's Court on the body of & ohild named Thomas Cassidy, whose death occurred at .29, North Thomas Street, on the 23rd inst. Evidence having been gone into, the jury, in accordance with the evidence of Dr. Mllroy, 170, York Street, found that pneumonia was the cause ...