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Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... I La lQUE -$3AT M4 itR'S HOPITAL. | is Yesterda a Meraer's Hospial Dr J E eKenny, City Corner, held an inquest on the body rof te late Mr Sydney Hughes, aged 30 years. s of 147 Rthagr rmd, commission- agent, who died in the hospital on Thubmlay frotm the effects of rnyuies received in South Great. George's .treet on the evening of the 20th instant. Mr H Hughes was riding a bicycle, which ...


... - POLICE INTELLI-GENM E- i SATLiURDAY. CHARGE OF ROBBERY WITH VIOLENCE. On Saturday, in the Northern Divisional Police Court, before Mr T J Wa.JI QC, Privates Scott and Selsby, of the Bedford Regiment, and an elderly woman namied Bloom, who resides at l Elliott place, were charged! with assaulting Michael Abbott in the house, 11 Elliott place, on Friday evening, and rob- bing him of £10. ...


... - ' .Aw , . . I.TII . I - ?? - N ~ ..~l I YESTERDAY. ' CHANCERY DIVSION, 0 Cork Palace 'Tbeatre of Varieties.. Mr Jef' itrson (instruetid by Mr Shaninon). applied wis bebalf of 'lr StapIeton. of 12o:k, the liqunaloir of the Cork Palace Theatre of Varieties. Ltd, for leave to carry oil the underraking for six norlthls with the view of selling' the theatre, the only ils- osfet of the cormpany, a ...


... ,.VTELLLGENc&. -I C~HANCERY DIIM ?? the Vie-Chancellor.) iq T-Sus TnAxxu TOwN Coxxis- * 'i W~igt,.Q C, with whom wasr C stoted by Meessr- Downing and a edo n behlf of Mr Thomas C Good- injunclia to restrain the Town tetof T~ee and otfiers naed in from maintaining at Basin Field, 4'pIt for she reception of offensive Falvey otieer of health, had made C 4:*Ag that tlte depot in question, acicelly ...


... I- I YESTERDAY. THE COLONEL AND ' THE AMERICAN MILLIONAIRE. A LtTTLE GAME OF CARDS AT KILKEE. Yesterdy, before Mr .Justice Boyd and a cnnnon jury, Gee Edward Foot, of the Morant Arms, Brakenhurnt, in the county of Hump- shire, sued Lieutenant-Colonel C J Taftiell Oases, of Moore's Hotel, LkIkes, h~otel a tar, to recover £20 15s 4d amont of a ha of exchange dated 23rd January last, payable ...


... WINTER ASSIZE&S - MUNSTER. Cork, Saturday. Mr Justics Kenny reeuwed the business of these Assizes in the County Courthouse, Cork, at half-past ten o'clock this morning. THE ESEKY SWINDLING CASK. &imond Reehe, alias C R Gaunm-Cunning. bawhbo had pleaded guilty to forgery and false pretences in the county K~erry, was then called., Prisoner said be- had prepared a written statement, which be ...


... WIMTHER ASSIZES. a M'EUNSTER. Cork, Friday. The business of the above assizes was se- - sinmed in the City Court this moraing by Mr 1e Justice Kenny. rT Four men of the farming class, namned Thos O Culligan, John Culligan, John Reddin, and it John -anrahnn were indicted for having, in ASeptemoer last, unlawfully wounded one Daniel Tya defence d as an alibi. as The jury disagreed; and were ...


... THR U - y W PLAN - ;t |0 ;R %sc ?? .ASE. , ?? INFORMATION DISMIS8D. I e YTesterday at 11 o'clock, the Master of 2i the Rolls gave judgment in 'the case of the iw Attorney-G(ueral, at the relation of the Rev John Johnson, Presbyteriau Minister of uilla- loe, in the County olf Londonderry, against the Irish Society, the London Companies, and a the Corporation of Lindn, which, had been er argued ...


... I I i ?? I YESTERDAY. 'LAND JUDGES COURT.' - (Before Mr Jnatile Ross.) Sv:SouRss EsTATx.'TbiE mnatter came. be- fore the Court on an application on behalf of Mr Seymoxur, who is son of t~h 1ato owner and Court tenant o- a. considerable porion of tlu estate. wbi£ h ie situated in the Co Gaway at a Mut of 4124.1haf. he might be forgiven.two years' arrears of rent on- the ground that he had ...


... XAW,-. I1 YhGFNICE. 'I ThSTZEDAYL THE CUSTODY OF AN INFANT- Yesteday MrJustie O'Briensatepeily in the Queen's Bench Division to receive the re- turn t a writ of hab1 corpus in -e Ryan. an infant, granted by a Diviaional Court on Wed- nesday. Sarah Ryan, mother of the child, M£ar- garet eary Rya, who is illegitimate, applied t6'thii C6it for a writ of habeas corpus fituted toiss Chrr, who had ...


... - CITY AND COUNTY .CO MISSioN. DIMINUTIO r OF CRIME. I -Yesterday the- Commission of Oyor and Terx- e miner for City and. Cunt of Dublin opened r im the Courthos, Gren street, by Mr Justi S Andre-ws, who wa accompanied on, the bench b-'the Right-Ron the Lard Mayor and the Hial sA h who -b-endted. in State.- The 8_u ' Sheriffs, Dr Condon and Mr Oraby, ware also , present. ._The following ...