The Court

... ' -beI court. Osborne, Friday . The Queen drove out yesterday afternoon, attended by the Duchess of Roxburghe and the Hon. Mary Hughes. The Hon. Reginald and Mrs Brett hbd the honour of dining with Her Majesty and the Royal family last evening. The Queen went out this morning, acoron-' panied by Her Royal Highness Princess Henry of Battenberg. The Hon. Reginald and Mrs Brett have left Osborne ...


... ACTION AGAINST A BUTIDFR. . , . _ 1.- I .. The record'was d1osed in Aberdeen Sheriff Court yesterday in an action at the instance of Jas. Leask, dater, Magiala Place, Short Loanings, Aberdeen, against Pobert.fitcbell, builder. 3 Elmfield Place, Aherdeen, for the sum of £19 2e Sd. PlirPuer tates that on or about 17th October, 1898, defender asked pursuer to offer for the slater work of a house ...


... I THE BAKE HOUSE TRAGEDY. EXECUTION OF SCHNEIDER. OVERCOME WIT HGRIEZF AND FEAR. Johann Schneider, alias Richard Mandel Kow and Richard Montague, a butcher, was executed yesterday morning in Newgate Gaol for murder- ing Conrad Berndt in a London bakehouse. The murdered man was in the employ of Mir Ross, a baker at William Street, Hampstead Road, and on November 10th Schneider obtained ...


... THE DREYFUS CASE, A RECORD. i OF FORGERY. ELEYEN BOGUS DOCUMENTS, DEBATE IN THE' CHAMBER, TTHE KAISER'S LETTER FRAUD, DENIALS BY M. DELCASSE, ] (FnOM OUR COiSASPONDENt.) t PARIS, Friday Night. f MI. Jaurbs gives~ list of eleven forgeries per- uctratud, as hoe says, by the Gtenleral Staff of the French Army. This is not a discovery, the interest of M. Jaurba' article being, so to speak, U ...


... I LOSS OF TH CLAN DE N I0O I DECISION UN BOARD OF TRBA4D INQUIRY. Decision in the Board of Trade Inquiry into the loss of the Clan. Drumnond, which foundered in the Bay of Biscay on 28th November last, was given on Saturday in Glasgow Court-House. Sheriff Fyfe, who presided, was accompanied on the bench by Captain Kenneth Hoare, Captain Kiddle, and Captain Wood, nanticft assessors. :ir ...


... 1: N-OB~ ROBBERY. 'NtE -I, OBE RO~tB1ERY. A hys'jE RIOU AFFAIR. OVER t OO MISSING. A sys-terious robb,^r oel board the cruiser t ti ?? rei-tly C-lissloned for service with . ?? Ilhr .Lngascd utl hc o by Uartaia A. L. Winsloe, is l Iiioitiurtedy.t lkvunort ou Mlonday by a nroi jjjquirn. 'XiLeLunoant missing io over £ 110O lilyetill gold, lie loss 'Was diicovered ] Ts ?? week by Eleet-Paymaster ...


... IACKSHEPPARD: UP TO DATE. I X - STRANGE: SPEECH FROM THE DOCK. AT the Croydon Borough Quarter Sessions, before the Recorder (Mr. R. G. Glenn) and other magistrates, Joseph. Dealing, alias Jack Sheppard, thirty-two, described in the calndar'. as a. basket-maker, was indicted for feloniously bieaking and'enter- ing a tailor's shop in Station, Road, West Croydon; and stealing therefrom three ...


... ,-tpF~ IN~ AI[ERIC Al THE EAGAN COWIT-3ARTIAL. PAINFUL SCENE IN WASHINGTON SUPREME COURT. BY CABLE. .ROMS OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. NFW Yonx, TaSURSDAY.-The court-martial on Commissary-General Eagan continued its sitting to-day at Washington, and heard a number of wit- nesses for the prisoner. All of them testified as to Eagan's perturbed state of mind from the moment General Miles gave his ...


... AMERICAN WOMEN AND TIHE LAW. ve Protty women, it is said, are rarely convicted. Mty ras experielco leads uic to believe, writes J. 1. M1Intyre, Assistant Distiict atiorncy, that in New York State it is to aIlost impossiblo toi onvicta roman of CriUc, particu- Ito larlyifsilhe be pretty. Mlaudlin sentiment intervenes to vo, prevent the jury froim bringing in a just verdict on the nd teslinony ...


... At the Central Criminal Court, London, yesterday, Donald Stewart, aged 51, who described himself as a captain, who was convicted at the November Session t of obtaining money by false pretences on two worth- less cheques, after previous convictions for misde- 3 meanour, was brought up for sentence. MrE. J. I Lampard prosecuted, Mr Bowen Rowlands, Q.O., r and Mr Edmondson appeared for the ...


... I THE CRY OF THE CHILDREN.' I WORK OUT OF SCHOOL HfOURS. TWO GRUESOME CASES. TEN-YEAR-OLD UNDERTAKER, SOME WORK TIE DOES NOT LITKE * _ ?? AND) WHY, HUMAN HAIR AS RAW MATERIAL, (By OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDINT.) lhree or four days ago I said I had finished the 1 reriea of articles on The Cry of the Children. I thought I had. Since then a couple of such t particularly pathetic cases have been ...


... I PO- lE - _ N L ;LIe , N . I POLICE IN1'TELLIGENCE, , YESTERP4y. Non'srnza DsvssroN-(Before MtrDL M~shony. CHARGE OF POOKET PICKING. George Woods, aged 55,- described as a clerk, resi'ing at 1 Church avenue, Irisbown, was charged by Constable James Hanrahan (131 C) with having attempted to pick the pocket oZ Mrs Margaret Doyle at Henry street on the .evening of the 21st inst. It appeared that ...