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... Stvan Boats. IMPRESS THEATRE. EARL'S. COURT, LONDON, S.W. SA\'4GE 1OUTII Af*RICA. SAVAGE SOUTH AFRICA. A Picturesque tsttd Realistic Representation of LIFE in the WLDS of AFRICA. Depicted bh FRANK E. FILLIS. TWICE DAILY, at 3.50 and 8.i0. Tlhousttds of ...


... following dr. eular lerer-:- Archbishop's ROuse, Westminster, I)ecembei 20,-1899. Rev. Dear Father,-The fortune of war in South Africa 1Ls the public miind with justifiable nity. while the negotiations 'were proceed- ing. public prayers 0for. peace were ...


... conviction that we have earnestly desired peace. Though war is imminent, though it may be that at the moment that I ain speaking wvar has actually begun, that war is none of our seeking. That war is none of our desire, but it has been forced upon us, forced ...

The Court

... Buckinghain Palace, wheroe -he remains for the present. She mnmediately sent to the War Office making inquiries as to her son's pendirsg de- parture for South Africa. The istarquis alnd Afarelhionees; of Zetland have returned to KEinrara House, Inver ...


... discussion at a later stage of the meeting, inasmuch as what was now taking place in South Africa was having a serious effect upon our trade. The total trade of South Africa now amounted to £47,000,000, in- cluding bullion and specie, and of this vast total ...


... -Prisoner surrendered to his recognisauces, which Mr. Corser bad allowed, contrary to the usual practice with aeserters, whilst the War office was being communicated with, and an escort of the Black Watch was now in attendance to take charge of the prisoner and ...


... COLONIAL AND WAR OFFICES. A QUIET DAY. There appears to be no sign of Mr. Charmber- lain's speedy return to London, and yesterday the Colonial Office had one of the quietest days since L affairs in the Transvaal reached a critical stage. At the War Office, ...


... upon our promises. He did not see that we could go back upon our pledged word. It would be a war-if war there was, and ha prayed God that there mi'ght he no war (hear, hear)- wh'cb we should go into feeling that we had done wrong,feelingthatif timehad been ...


... steamship Nul).:t was owned by the Peninsular and Oriental Company, and was chartered by the Government to dice troops to South Africa. The vessel left Soathampton on October 21st, with some fifteen hundred sokdiers, and re.ched St. Vincent on the 29th. leaving ...


... troops on the borders of the REoublic while friendly negotiations are in proaress, and diseclaiming responsc- bility in case war should result. A' further resolution was passed expressive of the hope that the Governmeat would act according to circumstances ...

The Court

... quietly on Saturday, October 21st, at nt Peter's, Pagle- sham. owing to the bridegroom being under im. mediate orders for South Africa. The Record of this week will announce that the Bishop of Liverpool has intimated to the Archbishop of York and to Lord ...

Franch Evidence

... vention in Africa. The discussion was havily serious on the part of the opponents of the mea- suro. One of them, comiplailnod that the arrange- ment alf tihte Y years' standing, by which Franee eztablisled her equality with England in Africa, no1w enabled ...