... as Assistant Military secretary to Lieut.- general Sir Arthur Conynghame during the Kaffir war of 1878, was employed on special service throughout the Zulu war of 1879, and commanded the troops in GENERAL Sir F. FORESTIER-WAL12ER. Egypt in 1895. The gallant ...


... people and egg them on to war. Alone amongst the London dailies, the Daily Chronicle has the pluck to speak out clearly and frankly about the origin of the war, which it anticipates will be bloody and protrtcted. a South Africa, in fact, has been made ...


... for armed intervention. And again:- A war with one of the independent States in South Africa would be one of the direst calamities that could occur. -0- THE CAPE SQUADRON. In view of the situation in South Africa the I position of the squadron on the ...


... Transvaal question has become appreciably modified, express the hope that war may even now at the eleventh hour be averted, and remark that just as Eng- land in the event of war may have to face dis- turbances on the Afghan and Indian frontiers, so Germany ...


... material has to be delivered as speedilv as poasiblo r for shipment to South Africa, where it will be used for rep l ainS ad repairing the bridges destroyed or damalged during thi war. ...


... experienced. There will, of course, some day be au inquisition as to our preparations for this war, as to the force which was left in South Africa, or sent to South Africa in view of a condition of things always critical and frequently alarming, and the presence ...

The Court

... limited to 150 copies. I . * . . a IThe orders for building fronts are being 'sffecetd to a considerable extent by the war in ISouth Africa. The bulk of theso orders have been coming fr's London and other large town6 in the south, and oapitalists are reserving ...


... between the chi white races in South Africa,, wvhich would in- ml volve frightful consequences, especially as regards the nativey. The earnest sins of all nwb should be to maintain peace, and to ferns a Af snited South Africa-Tangaiyika to Cape till Town-linked ...


... Armley and Wortley division of the St. Jobn's Ambulance Brigade, Leeds, have offered their services to the War Office to render help In South Africa. All possess first aid ceaificates and vouchers for reexamination. rIn case the offer is not accepted they ...


... LADYShJIMIE JUSITE, GRAVE STORY FROM BU'STER'S FARIM. Recent events in South Africa, the glamour of war, and the distance temnpt us to forget that our countrym'en in the colonies, who, happily, are not always fighting, have much the same troubles as ...


... 1876, when he was severely wounded; also served in the Zulu war of 1879 and in the operations against Seku- kuni, when he was mentioned in despatches. His other services include the Egyptian war of 18S2, taking part in the battle of Tel-el-Kebir, Burmese ...


... ARTHUR GREEN. THE PLACE. TO GET INFORMATION. To the EDITOR of the PALL MALL GAZETTE. SIR,-A dozen or more war correspondents have been sent to South Africa'while it is in the nature of military operations that the official censor must suppress most of the telegrams ...