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Advertisements & Notices

... Sos,, X6 Suffolk sutret -Dublin anS ?? ,Bros Q~ra.- ow,. . [TNION LINE MAIL STEA*RSR 1TO gold Fields of South Africa, Nawl, Ad Rel Africa, and Madira and Tenerife. Twsl Screw Fleet. Departures from Southampton evrery Satirday.,w . , SWT (t se) ra Madeira ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Agents; or the Isle of Man Steam. picket Co, Liited, Douglas, 3011 UNION INj MAIL SrEAMERS '1O Gold -Fields of South Africa, Natal, and East Africa, and Madeira and Teuerife. Twin Screw Flest. Depaltures from Southampton every Saturday. GaX FON ?? via Tenerife ...

Advertisements & Notices

... street. S. KAVANAGH. 3 AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. 29607 . SHIPPING. UTNION 1NlE MAIL STEAMERS TO Gold Yields of South Africa, Natal, end East Africa, and Madeira and Tenerife. Twin Screwy meet. Departures from Southampton every Saturday. GREEK ?? Teneriffe [Dt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GRAND G - XMAS BAZAAR AND FANCY FAIR. '8ER -v BRITON AT GAMAGE'S FANCY FAIR. Soldiers of the Qaeen. War Games, Boer Armies. Forts, Cannons. Gnus, Men-o--War of the latc~t typeMotors, Electric and Steam Models innmotion. Complete. Railway Systems, and all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it zis exactly as ,enresentiel. t57 ol A GRAND CONCERT s IN ATID OF TIF, FAMILIES OF IRISH . 01 SOLDIERS 0 SERVING IN SOUTI AFRICA, G WILL TAKE PLACE IP IN THE j 0 ANT1EN 1' CONCERT ti - - i00.NISi' T TONIG 1't, THURSDst At 8 30 o'clock. St UINDER TrE PATRONAGE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... strest, Dublio: and Cfmi% ins B195. Qn^-iS t Wn ~ ~ -131366 ; NION LINE.: MAIL STEATS LI Cold Fields of Soute Africa,: Natal and east Africa.and Madeira andlTsnerife. Twin Screw Pleet Departures from Sotlhampton every Saur MEXICAN ?? Nadjira .. ?? Oct ...

Advertisements & Notices

... strect, Lubi ani C.-arir- Tr,,s, I lQueenstomo- .a9 jrTNIO- LINN,, MIAL STEAMERS '10 I t) Gold F'eids of Sauth Africa. Natal. alI lI Africa. asd Madeira %trId T-nrifo. Tcr.i Sires t Idepartures from SouicaLn:tin eon:)' S.uardaiy. MO(a via Matloira *. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PACIFSIC STEA. NAVIGATION OOMPANY, 13rer- I poel 2R ?? . : 25736 ;fTNIOI: IM L STEAMERS TO G; Gold Fields of South Africa, Natal,4aidTakt Africa, aid Ma~detra and Triserife. Twin Sereow leet. DnionepAnrture af s ohmt ?? Ridy.':T. D IlIATONttcw scr) ?? via ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ThuF PACIFIC STEAM NAYIG?.ZON (COMPANY, Liver- pool 12496 - fNION LINE MAIL STEAMERS TO -LJ Gold lields of SonTi Africa, Natal, and East Africa. and Madeira and Tenerife. Twin Screw Fleet, Deplrtures from Southampton every Saturday. ?? . . ?? _ GAUL ?? via ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6 0 Roes and Ruse. By Alice Furiong. Net ?? 2 6 0 A Selection oft Songs arid Poems by T D Sullivan a o CM ?? Peate airs in War ?? 2 0 0 Dickens. A Vale of Two Cities. Pocket Editieu I 0 0 The United States of Europe. By W T Sleadt 10 0 The Rapid .Cwts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... History of Sootland. Hi=ne Brown , 6 Johneo'6e1ti e of Swift. tyld.--e Jolison's Life of Addison. Ryland The Conloniseion of Africa. Johnston ?? .. . 6 0 WithnNanseninthelNortbi. LIetitJObrasetn ?? 60 ?? St Patrick's ymnn Book (Organ Snore) Net . 4 0 Lamb ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Liver- pool; or to Shaw, 4jav11. anti Albion Co, Ltd, 34 Leaden- hall street, E C, or 51 Pall Mall, S W. 26264 APETOWN, SOUTH AFRICA. J CIIEAP FARES. Special opportunity by R M S 1'iKOiMA-RU; leaving London (Royal Albert Dock). Feb 23, and Plymouth Feb 25 ...