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Belfast News-Letter


... I I ?? ~ ?? I The DreyfAs trial at Rennes was the subject of a very interesting, eloquent, and instructive lec- ture delivered last bight before a crowded audience in the Grosvenor Hall by Rev. D. A. de Mouilpied, M.A., Paris. The Lord Mayor (Mr. Otto Jaif 6, J.P.) was announced to preside, but. being :un- avoidably absent his place was ably filled by 'Mr. F. MNegarry, J.P. Rev. Mr. Mouilpied, ...


... Cssnzwnuje.-This court was held yesterday, before Colonel Bowlby, E..M. (in the chair); Messrs. R. Dods, J.P.; R. Perceval-MIazwell, J.P-; J. O'Flinn, J.P.; and XV. Stranahan, J.P. Wm. Brown, John Gracey, and Joseph Hall, all of Castleweilan, were charged at the instance of the police with being members of a riotous and disorderly crowd which disturbed the public peace by shouting and ...


... THE GLASNEVLN MURDER. | CHARGE AGAINST DECEASED'S BROTHER. DimTJN, THVDSDAY.-The Police Courts proved -a centre of unusual attraction this morning, in conseiluence of the arrest of Samuel Chlads, last night, charged with the murder of his brother, Thomas Childs, aged seventy-six years, at his resi- dence, Glasnaevin, on the night of Saturday, the 2nd, or morning of Sunday, 3rd September. The N ...


... I1 QUARTER SISB1 flNEWTOR'VVNRD-OcToEn2y. Before his Honour Jmno;E ?? Mr. Disney. registrar, was in aetecliaat e WTHTESIDE ?? MA'CANIL;Ii ...


... 3 ~ ~~ BEL FA.ST.| | Yesterday-Before his H lon.r Judge FITZ( ,1/UO. Mr, H. N[. Crawford. deplity arid acting; clerk of the peace, ?? in I! endate- GREGG, SONS. & Fl XIX V. .AMtEL linui;}. In this ?? thle llaintiff sued [or il i snm of £3, being. :aiollrIH r f eruln icric to t lie defv(rid.nlnt by the lwte M.Ir. PIenlix. Mr. S. rvinblel op- peured for the pltitills, and MNr. D. Nit tigud for ...


... DUBLIN LAW REiPORTS. LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. (From the Legal Diary.) ROLLSS. Rt. E. Hooner, deceadesi, Houiter v. HRnner; R. Ryan, denceded, ltaim v. Ryan; TLwless v. Widon: J. Currall, deceased, Carroll v. lasijrarhal; (l:arner v. Pinu HLeyv v. Doughty, Torley r. Toro; J. Hodges. decca.,0d. Holees v Hodges; V W. Martin, decee-ed, White v. lartmn; F. Mi: enS. deceased, lirHyn-1 v. il .Man;u ...


... POLICE INTELLIN Ct. - . BELFAST CUSTODY CO UP.Ts-vz Before Mr. G.UaRar. X~t Lii Edward Bretman %vtc ..i_ rn5. and Count>' DoliiRawen ?? theirir. \Willian Beatuic ?? . e ans orilercil six ?? MIr. Lewr:s prosccutedl tr tliv Thnnns Csonnoliv, Ihost a A similar hune Wa.-m s¶ r was charged with 1IVIict, . Heniry..- Martha ?? rt is: v:o stable Shcni-t with N. ?? false Pretences. 10>. - A remand ...


... PETTY SESSIONS ARDGHILL.-At this monthly court on the 16th inst.-before Lieutenant-Colonel Rowan, D.L. (chairman); Messrs. P. C. Creaghe, K.zrr; and T. A. Kelly, J.P.-Thomas 3M'Conaghie sum- moned Robert Campbell for alleged assault. De- fendant was fined Ss and costs. Susan Neeson .pr4erred a similar charge against Dawson Hang- hiam. Mr. J. H. Bradley appeared for the com- plainant. The ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCI I BELFAST CUSTODY COURT.1 T-alak Before Messirs. . r. - on, 1' It.131., N BIILL\Vx&CI aiJ Thomas Reynolds Was ?? nH A stable NiLxon With haina a&ttlll,'l suicide the previnus eeii'in4 ?? P-n Mr. Wellington X'onng1 PIo''1 the Hailbour Cnunlissi rant.r ih ?? ?? peared, wvas foutd lvin. on lta g ?? razor in his haid. ' hllih th r from him. A remnand T IS rtn,- in order that ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT.-YFSTERDAY. Before -Mr. F. G. HODDER, R. M. KNIFE ASSAULT. A boy named MIDonnell was charged with having assaulted a young man named Ferguson by throwing an open-bladed knife at him. Fer- guson said that the prisoner importuned him to buy a paper. H~e refused to do so, and prisoner flung the knife, which stuck in witness's coat. There were about a hundred lads at the ...


... Yesterday-Before his Honour Judge FiTzGrBBoN. Messrs. H. M'Neile MCormick, registrar; Ed- ward Aliworthy, official assignee; and A. J. Weir, deputy registrar, were in attendance. There were three arrangement matters, in which the solicitors engaged were Messrs. M'Ckonigal, Ross, Wheeler, aud Hanna, Barrister-at-Law. IN RE TfOS. METCALFE. This matter eame up upon a private sitting to bear ...


... MAGEE COLLEGiE, LO- JONDERRY CLOSE OF THE SESSION. The usual public mteedtng in connection with the clo.,e of the session was held in thc Common Hall of 'Magec College, yesterday. Professor Lcebody, D.Sch., President. of the Faculty, occu- pied the chair, and on the platform with him wvere-Rev. Professor Henry, D.D. (vice-presi- dent),; Rev. Prlfesser Graham, MA. ; Rev. Pro- fessor Woodburn, N ...