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... BOROUGH POLICE COURT. Fbidat. —Before Mr. J. Harrison Jones (presiding), Messrs. W. Mellard, and T. W. Bowdage. THE LICENSE OF THE CHIRK CASTLE ARMS. Steosg Remarks by the Mr. Monseley, from the office of Mr. A. Foulkes Roberts, applied for the full transfer of the license the Chirk Castle Arms, from Mrs. Emma Roberts, to Robert Edwards, of St. Asaph. A temporary transfer was granted at the ...

Published: Saturday 27 May 1899
Newspaper: North Wales Times
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 300 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... The 21st annual meeting of the North Wales Permanent Relief Society was held at the Wynostay Arms Wrexham, on Monday, under the presidency Mr. W. F. Bntler (in the unavoidable ahienee Sir Watkm Williams Wynn, Bart), There was a large attendance. Th« Animal report, •nbmitted by Mr. George L Campbell, atated that at the cloie of 1898 the member* of the society numbered 12,435, against 13,65* the ...

Published: Saturday 01 April 1899
Newspaper: North Wales Times
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1144 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... With tbit iasao preeenb oar •übecriben free with copy the North Walbs Tucks Pocket Railway Gun* for April, containing good deal informa- UonMloßftliwmy Triint, &c., csros,^ Ports! intelligence. Tide Tablea, Peire, Lighting op Table for CyclUta, end others, end • lot of other oaefal inforoedon. ...

Published: Saturday 01 April 1899
Newspaper: North Wales Times
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 47 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... who are too mnch oeeopied with the problem of the living wage, be much intereeted in ocher mettere. Briefly, there ere two eeneet which contribute to this eternal want of pence. There ia the gene- I ral neglect into which the lend baa fallen, and alau the decadence of many Tillage indnetriea. Where we grow enoogh food for one pereon, Belgium grow* anffieient foe four. We only feed Moot one ...

Published: Saturday 01 April 1899
Newspaper: North Wales Times
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1990 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... 18 Pupils Elementary; 10 advanced. Average attendance 15 each night. These classes have done excellent work daring the Session. The Elementary elm was attended by no less than 18 pupils, and with one or two exceptions, these attended the lessons with commendable regularity, thus affording the teacher better facilities of imparting thorough knowledge of the rudiments of the Art, laid down in ...

Published: Saturday 03 June 1899
Newspaper: North Wales Times
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2686 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 

Cheap Trains will he mn from all parts

... Cheap Trains will from all parts. Foe farther iiarticulars. Schedule of Prize*, Entry Forma, Ac., apply to the Hon. Sec., J. Parry Joneb, Town Clerk, Den high. MISS CROMAR (Late WILLIAMS), 13, Portland Place, Denbigh Boot & Shoe Warehouse, MISS CROMAR having assisted the late Mia* Williams for >r* in the Hoot and Shoe trade, ha* now succeeu*! the Buaines*, and hope*. btbiot attkktion. bral ...

Published: Saturday 15 April 1899
Newspaper: North Wales Times
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 77 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

la Two Vole, price Ba. each la boards

... The Ber. EDWABD WILLIAMS. DJ}. of Botherhem. four §▼© Voltuxim in Author. Prie« 41 to. NOTICB OP BBMOVAX* Tha Oldest SstabUahed Auction sad ■stats Basin ms A/T*. WILLIAM HALL (eoeeMer to the Mte Mr. JXL T. C. Amo*), IUCnOHXEB and BSTATB AQKHT, hasiteaMattstia aaaaaqaeaaa the aontinaed OF UTTfITH—. HALL OHAKBBBB. bt Axronov b any part the Oaaaty. Krtat— ManacH. wad Reeta Oolltctad. VahHttaoM ...

Published: Saturday 15 April 1899
Newspaper: North Wales Times
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 125 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... FITS. ST. flTOg' DUSE are curable where ANTI-EPILEPTIC DE Llfedfi is USED Hundreds have been cured, to whoa you can write to convince yourself. Descriptive book, with testimonials, be sent free by sending your drees ANTI-EPILEPTIC COMPANY. 80, GREAT RUSSELL ST., LONDON. ® Never be without a bottle of § Symington’s EdinburghCofTee Essence in the house. All Grocers sell it. It makes de-5 licious ...

Published: Saturday 16 December 1899
Newspaper: North Wales Times
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Illustrated | Words: 94 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Continne planting out whenever the weather is dull, filling all spare corners and plots. CARROTS. Thin ont the seedlings a* early possible to several inches apart. During showery weather another thinning may I>e effected, the p-oduce supplying a delicate dish for the table. Enongh roots ate left to mature at from to or 12 inches apart, according the vigour of the variety grown. Kigoronsly ...

Published: Saturday 20 May 1899
Newspaper: North Wales Times
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1215 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... The casualties hare been reported by the Genernl . (.ines of Communication, Cape Town, to the Secret of State for War; DriTfr W, Bartbam, Bora! Horse Artillery died *23; No. 13*J03 Drirer Charles Skelton. Amy Corps, died Noremher 30, of meningitis; Private J. Whitmore, Ist Northumberland Fusiliers, died November 28, from pneumonia. Following deaths from wounds received in action: } No. 9715 ...

Published: Saturday 09 December 1899
Newspaper: North Wales Times
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 431 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Sow in the open ground in fresh, sweet, well dng eoil, in open situations. It is most essential that good seed bed be prepared, though it need not be too rich. Get the seeds in haif-anineb deep in drills ten inches apart, and net the seed-bed a protection against birds. ...

Published: Saturday 18 March 1899
Newspaper: North Wales Times
County: Denbighshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 51 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News