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Belfast News-Letter


... AaeTnm.-The monthly petty sessions- were held yesterday before Mhessrs. P. C. Creaghe. ?? and John Kirk. District-Inspector J. F. Gelston was present. John Young, clerk to Ihe Antrim Town Commissioners, summoned Wm M'Kee and Thomas Kitson for riotous and inde- cent behaviour on the public street on the 15th November. There was no appearance on behalf ofl the Commissioners, and: the chairnan ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-YSTEmRDAY. Before Mr. GARRETT NAGLE, R.M. ALLEGED LARCENY OF CLOTHING. Constable Wallace charged Jane Potts, or Dobson, with the larceny of a scarf, bodice, skirt, and other articles of clothing, the property of the Prison Gate Mission, on the 5th inst. A remando till Tuesday was granted, in order that further inquiries might be made. Mr. Spiller prosecuted in this and ...


... NEWTO.WN ARDS. Before his Honour Mr. J.LaSr Gix0, Q.C., Counts Court Judge. Mr. Disney, registrar, was in attendance. EJECTM!ENT AGAINST A PBESBYTERIAN MINISTER. John M1onnell, J.P., Enthrmona, Donaghadee, wa. plaintiff, and the Rev. John Beatty, P'resby- terian, Minister. Ballycopeland, defendant, and the civil bill was one of ejectment on the title. Mr. Hume, Barrister-at-Law (instructed by ...


... PETTY SESSIONS, Anorennr-.-At this mnnthlr court vis before Lieutenant-Coioeel Ponan D.i and Mr. P. C. Creaglhe, ?? cr6 charged Robert O'Hara with a.7'.i Walker, and the defendant an, rnonth's imprisonment with hard I Graham, fowl dealer, BaLlinella e furious driving, uni was waze'l 5s anrid Nelson charged h l)awson Baua iri a Mr. John l. Bradleyviirppear..i Io iil and Mr. J. K. Currie tor tte ...


... C.4SaFwflLA.Y.-Thei monthly court was held on the 4th inst., before Colonel Bowiby, R.M. in ial the chair, and Mr. J. O'Flinn, J.P. Patrick in Kearney, Gargory, was prosecuted by District- ?? O'Neill for causing grevious bodily hf harm to Wm. Singer on 21st December last. Mr. 5 MISpadden, solicitor, watched the proceedings on er- behalf of the injured man, and Mr. J. William- his son, ...


... LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY, (pron the Lcgal Diary.) HI.. COURT OF APPEAL IN IRELAND. Thomas Sloyan, a bankrurpt; ?? v. Calhoun and ethers;; in re an arranging debter, E. H. Vagg's aPPe&; . Palnmer, landlord; may, tenant. ROLLS BeInk of Ireland v. Cogry Flax Spinning Co.; Harri- ?? -. Manis; rarne v. same; 3'Gillieuddy v. liGilli- cuddyv Watt v. Carey- ?? v. Walsh. tolls Ghasmbers-Causnock v. Culien. ...


... SATURDAY-Before his Honour Judge FITZGIBBON. MILLSR V. ROBSON. Thomeas H. Miller, dairyman, Newtownbreda, sued John and Joseph W. Robson, auctioneers, Ohichester Street, to recover £10, being money had and received by ihe defendant for the plain eiff's use. . Mr. H. Hanna. (instructed by Mr. S. Ross) ap- peared for the plarntiff, and 31r. Frank Kerr for the defendants. e The plaintiff stfted ...


... ASSIR INTELLIG-ENE. COUNTY OF ANTRIM, CROWN COURT. 2ofore the LosD Carp BARaoe. ROSS V. XENNEDY AND ANOTHEr. This was an action brought by David Ross against David Kennedy and David MComb, to recover damag-es laid at £500 for assault and bat- tery commaitted on the plaintiff by the defendants. The defence was a denial of the acts complained of by the plaintiff, and, further, that, as set forth ...


... ALLEGED MANSLAUMIER IN BEL FAST. In the Custody Court yesterday-before Messrs. F. G. Hodder, ER.M. ; James Jenkins, and F. D. Ward-William Elliott was charged with the man- slaughter of his wife on the 5th February last, at 21, Samuel Street. The deposition of the deceased woman wa.s read over. It had been made in the Royal -Hospital, where she had been removed for treatment. It showed that ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT-YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. GARBhuT NAGLE, REM., and ALEXANDEA MALCOMSON. p.EU.GE ADA4iST A SOLDIER. Samuel Campbell was charged with making a false answer on attestationi1 on the 28th August,5 when joining the Royal Irish Rifles. He was senr tented to a month's imprisonment. UNSOUND EGGS.. Nin.: Spiller, on behalf of the Port Sanitary ;ightpity, made application for the ...


... LONwiDON, WEDNESDAt-Tn the Divorce Divi- sion to-day Mr. Justice Barnes and a common jury had before them a petition of Captain Peter Wall, a master mariner, for a divorce by reason of - the adultery of his wife with the co-respondent, Mr. John H. Cumnuing, against whom damages were claimed. There Mwas no defence. Mr. Priestley, who appeared for the petitioner, said that the marriage took ...


... THE INTEIBREDIATR EDU&TT1ON I COVIISON. THE STUDY OF CElTIC. EVIDENCE BY DR. DOUGLAS HY-DE. DUBLIN, TUESDAY.-The Commission appointed to inquire into the working of the Intermediate Edueation Act resumed the hearing of evidence this morning. The Lord Chief Baron presided, and a11 the other Commissioners, with the exception of the Provost of Trinity College, were present - Dr. Douglas_ Hyde, ...