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... ,-tpF~ IN~ AI[ERIC Al THE EAGAN COWIT-3ARTIAL. PAINFUL SCENE IN WASHINGTON SUPREME COURT. BY CABLE. .ROMS OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. NFW Yonx, TaSURSDAY.-The court-martial on Commissary-General Eagan continued its sitting to-day at Washington, and heard a number of wit- nesses for the prisoner. All of them testified as to Eagan's perturbed state of mind from the moment General Miles gave his ...


... DUBLIN LAW REiPORTS. LAW NOTICES-THIS DAY. (From the Legal Diary.) ROLLSS. Rt. E. Hooner, deceadesi, Houiter v. HRnner; R. Ryan, denceded, ltaim v. Ryan; TLwless v. Widon: J. Currall, deceased, Carroll v. lasijrarhal; (l:arner v. Pinu HLeyv v. Doughty, Torley r. Toro; J. Hodges. decca.,0d. Holees v Hodges; V W. Martin, decee-ed, White v. lartmn; F. Mi: enS. deceased, lirHyn-1 v. il .Man;u ...


... THE GLASNEVLN MURDER. | CHARGE AGAINST DECEASED'S BROTHER. DimTJN, THVDSDAY.-The Police Courts proved -a centre of unusual attraction this morning, in conseiluence of the arrest of Samuel Chlads, last night, charged with the murder of his brother, Thomas Childs, aged seventy-six years, at his resi- dence, Glasnaevin, on the night of Saturday, the 2nd, or morning of Sunday, 3rd September. The N ...


... Yesterday-Before His Honour Judge FITZGIBBON. Mi. H. M. Crawford, registrar, was in atten- dance. ASSAULT CASE. KELLY V. 31'NETLL. This was an action brought, by Joseph Kelly, publican, Ravenhill Road, against James M'Ntili, 26, Apsley Street, clerk, for the recovery of £20 for assault, alleged to have been committed in July last. Mr. David M'Gonigal (for Mr. M'Erlean) ap- I peared for the ...


... POLICE INTELLIN Ct. - . BELFAST CUSTODY CO UP.Ts-vz Before Mr. G.UaRar. X~t Lii Edward Bretman %vtc ..i_ rn5. and Count>' DoliiRawen ?? theirir. \Willian Beatuic ?? . e ans orilercil six ?? MIr. Lewr:s prosccutedl tr tliv Thnnns Csonnoliv, Ihost a A similar hune Wa.-m s¶ r was charged with 1IVIict, . Heniry..- Martha ?? rt is: v:o stable Shcni-t with N. ?? false Pretences. 10>. - A remand ...


... ZTTY SESSION& RALznotr.-These weekly sessions Wre held in the Ballybot Courthouse Yesterday, before Messrs. Henry Turner, B.M. (presiding); -James Aiken, J.P.; Robert Harpur, ?? and J. C. Nicholson, t 3.P. Daniel Larkin, Bridge Street, summoned P. Burns, Pool Lane, for having assaulted him on Sunday, the 9th inst. Mr. Hanratty appeared for l the complainant, ad Mr. A. Fisher defended. Larkin ...


... Yesterday-Before his 'Honour Judge FITZGIBBON. Mr. H. M'Neile McCormick, registrar, and Mr Edward AKiworthy, official assignee, were in at- tendance. There were five arrangement matters,in which ihe solicitors engaged were Messrs. David M'VGonigal, Samuel Roms, P. J. Magee, and Harper & Mill IN RE ROBERT BROWN. The bankrupt was a builder and contractor carry- ing on business in Nertownards, ...


... PETTY SESSIONS ARDGHILL.-At this monthly court on the 16th inst.-before Lieutenant-Colonel Rowan, D.L. (chairman); Messrs. P. C. Creaghe, K.zrr; and T. A. Kelly, J.P.-Thomas 3M'Conaghie sum- moned Robert Campbell for alleged assault. De- fendant was fined Ss and costs. Susan Neeson .pr4erred a similar charge against Dawson Hang- hiam. Mr. J. H. Bradley appeared for the com- plainant. The ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCI I BELFAST CUSTODY COURT.1 T-alak Before Messirs. . r. - on, 1' It.131., N BIILL\Vx&CI aiJ Thomas Reynolds Was ?? nH A stable NiLxon With haina a&ttlll,'l suicide the previnus eeii'in4 ?? P-n Mr. Wellington X'onng1 PIo''1 the Hailbour Cnunlissi rant.r ih ?? ?? peared, wvas foutd lvin. on lta g ?? razor in his haid. ' hllih th r from him. A remnand T IS rtn,- in order that ...


... THlE CYCLIG' FATALITY AT BA NGOR. I . CORONER'S INQUEST. I Mr. E. S. Finnigan, coroner, held an inquest in the Recorder's Court yesterdav on the body of Thos. John MICooey, who died oni the 5th inst. at 21, Castlereagh lBoid. District-Inspetor Frank M. Fenlv oniiduted the inquiry on behalf of the police, nd Ml. 1-1. H. Mesmea ricpr-si-ntcd Rober O'Neili, a car driver, with wh:x.e horse the ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT.-YFSTERDAY. Before -Mr. F. G. HODDER, R. M. KNIFE ASSAULT. A boy named MIDonnell was charged with having assaulted a young man named Ferguson by throwing an open-bladed knife at him. Fer- guson said that the prisoner importuned him to buy a paper. H~e refused to do so, and prisoner flung the knife, which stuck in witness's coat. There were about a hundred lads at the ...


... Yesterday-Before his Honour Judge FiTzGrBBoN. Messrs. H. M'Neile MCormick, registrar; Ed- ward Aliworthy, official assignee; and A. J. Weir, deputy registrar, were in attendance. There were three arrangement matters, in which the solicitors engaged were Messrs. M'Ckonigal, Ross, Wheeler, aud Hanna, Barrister-at-Law. IN RE TfOS. METCALFE. This matter eame up upon a private sitting to bear ...