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... POLIOE INTELLIGENOE. I YESTERDAY. _ ?? NOBTERN Divisios-}BeiorO ffr. Wall.) 1 ATTrEMPTlD BURGLARY. A man named Peter M'Kevitt was charged by Constables 133 C and 106 C, whose evidene was that on that moning between one and two 'clock, whilsg on duty in Lower Gardinor street, thev discovered the ?? in the Zea of the house of Mr Wilein Fair, No 3'7 in that street. The prisoner had lowered a ...


... OIRANGE ROWDYISM IN BELFAST. l - ATTA.CK ON ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH AND THE CATHOLIC CLUB. Belfast, Monday Night. To-oirht the principal thoroughafares of Bel- fast were the scone ot an outburst ot sectarian feeling. A number of Orange bands, attended by demonostrative crowds of followers, met at Carlisle Circus to celebrate the release of an Iindividua wbo was sent to jail recently in t ...


... Armagh, Saturday. This morning, before Mr Justice Andrews and a special jury, an important record was heard at Armagh Assizes. The plaintiff in the suit was Martha Bleakley, of Granshabeg, Co Monaghan, spinster, and the defendant was Mary Ann Mitchell, of Belfast, married woman. Messrs Campbell, Q C, M P; Jackson, Q C; and Williamson, B L (instructed by Messrs W and R Hancock, Belfast) ...


... I LAND COMMISS1OS COURT. Belfast, Thursday. Mr Justice Meredith, ComMissioner the Hon i Gerald Fitzgerald, Q C, and Mr Commissioner Lynch resumed in the County Courthouse here to-day the hearing of fair rent appeals from the County Antrim. Samuel Paul, tenant; E W S Gray, landlord. The holding contains 3 roods and 19 perches. The o'd rent was £17. The Sub-Commissioners fixed it at £9 4s. The ...


... j LAW INTELLIGENO- I u ~~SATURDAY. CHANCERY DIVISION. (Before the Master of the Rolla 1 Leslie v Richardson-Mr sohn Bartley (in- a structed bv Mr William Martin) apnlied on behalf of the plaintiff for an -der for discovery . of documents. Mr Robert Charles Leshie, of 1 Ballybay, has brought the action as executor and residuary legatee under the will of Mrs c Louisa Bacon, of Richhill, Armagh. ...


... POLinic T!NL[AO*gNV. I YES91T$DAY. NORTIIERtN DIVISIONAL COURT. (Before Mr. Mahony.) VIOLENT ASSAULT ON CONSTABLES. A young man named Miehael Deeney, a fire man employed on board a steamer, and four women nwaed Kate -Breen, Ner& Fitzgerald, Mary Sweeney, and Mary Bye, were charged wtith esanitig Constalsie Harris (183 C), and Constable Saunders ?? and also with assaulting a woman named Florrie ...


... AW INTELITGENCE. YESTERDAY, CHANCERY DIVISION. (Before the Master of the Rols.) Freeman v Byrne.-This was an action by a stockbroker in London to realise a mortgage for £2,500 on the Imperial Hotel, Newry, executed to the plaintiff by the defendant, who is the proprietor of that hotel. The defences were I that the mortgage had been obtained by con- ceatment and fraud, and that it was in part ...


... LAW NOTICES-TIS DAY. *F rom the Legal Diar.') .MICHEELMA`LS SITxGs. COUNCIL CHAMBER, DUBLIN CASTLE -For Saturday next, the 18th November, 1899 -2 ?? FairS (-ange of days), Cork Electric Trsamways (Extension); CaSCel Union Rural District 1abourers' Order, 1899 (part 2) H M COURT OF APPEAL LN IRELAND -For Hearing-Ernipe v Blair, Lord Chancel- lor. part berd. ?? v Mere- dith and others. Exparte ...


... I YESTERDAY. NORTHERN DIVISION.-(Before Mr Wall). A LOITERER. c Thomas Tracey, an old offender and well- t known to the police. was charged by Police c Constable 345 C with loitering in Sheriff street b on Wednesday night wvith the intent to commit s a felony. Mlr Wall (to the ?? have y-u 5 to say for yourself? I The PFrisoner-Ob. your Worship, was simply tak~ing a walk for the benefit of Iny ...


... I I~ . [NORTHERN DIVISION-(Before Mr Wall.) ELL-TREATTNG CHILDREN. John Nolan, described as a shebeener. residiug in Mabbot stieet, was sent to jail for three months for ill-treating his two children, Wm and Richard Nolan. aged nine and seven years respectivelv. It was alleged that the prisoner put the children out of the house in a nude tate, and refused to show them back. '[hey were in ...


... |LIBEL ACTION BY AN IMISH! E M. P. I London, Thursday. To-day, in ihe QueeL's Beach Division of the, t High Court of Justice, an action for libel biought by Mr T B Curran, M P for North' c Donegal, against Mr Charles Diamond, formerly 2.1 P for Monaghan, and proprietor of the 'Catholic Herald, a weekly paper. published it. London, was resumed betore the Lord Chief f Justice antd a special ...


... London, Wednesday. To-day, in the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice, an action for libel brought by Mr T B Curran, M P for North Donegsl, against Mr Charles Diamond, formerly M P for Monaghan, and proprietor of the Catholic Herald, a weeky paper, publicsed in Luadot,, came on for henring before the Lord Chil J -- tice and a special jury . The plaintiff alleged that on the ...