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... THE NOTORIOUS V7MRS EBBSMITR. Mr. Finero's Play' The ?? Mrs Ebb- ' smith was produced last night at the Theatre I Royal before a crowded audience, sad the in- m terest associated with the occasion was un- J questionably justified by reason of the performance of Mrs Patrick Campbell. Having said that the interest so created, was justified' would almost suffice to cover whatever is agreeable ...


... AM U S E M E N T S. THEATRE ROYAL. PANTOMELME OF THE SLED, PING BEAUTY. A pantomime just now seems to bave something odd about it, like the weather we had recently- that is, it is not according to the season. The explanation, we assume, is that this is only fol- lowing the traditions of the Royal. The Grand Opera House had its torn at Christmas; it is now that of the older house. The ...


... FABSHON AND VARIINTII. I : - i _ ,,I; , A:RRIVALS -AND DEPARTURES. Sir William Thomson has arrived at Kings- town-fromI *England. S ir Robert Ball has adrrived at; Kingston from ,s England.'. I~eutenant. Colonel Brodie hlas ?? at Kingstown from England.. ?? Major, Hetheringtofl has arrived at Kings- j town fromEngland.. . fi H E the Lord Lieutenantbhas left Kingstown b for Englaad. . q C'A ...


... VFRSiS5 SCGG1?STFD BY THE GRADUATFS' MNNUAL DINNER, 16TH MARCE, 1899. As one who listens to the Hay Of brook and bird in vale end wood, When, like a bride to motherhood, Coy April blushes into May: Who feels the sunshine on his face, And, in his heart, the morning ilght, And Sorrow, during for a nieht, To perfect Joy bath yielded place: So. thro' me boyhood's April hours Of academnic hopes and ...


... I I . 1. . - I Last evening the Gaiety was again crowded, and the Bed Lamp was repeated, the occa- sion.being a continuation of Mr John Gunn's benefit. It was preceded by The Burglar and the Judge, in which Capt Owen Lewis, Mr F Stoney, and Mr Wolsely Charles appeared with considerable success. The performance of The Red Lamp was followed with great interest in- deed by a crowded ...


... ROCK, COUNTY TYRONE-T.he monthly. horse and cattle fair of this town was held yesterday, and was well- patronised -by buyers and dealers from Armagh, Portadown, Dungan- non, Cookstown, and other places The turnout of animals -was well up to the average. Thle demand was good, more especially for springers and youhg stock. Beefers sold from 40s to .50s 6d per cwt; springers realised from £9 to ...


... FASHIONABIE INTELLIGENCE. I 'lTHE VICEREGAL COaX.RT. y , DUBUSt, 11HEISDAY.-Her 3 excellency Countess a Cadoggn. president of the Police-Aided CUildren's Y Clothing Society, presided at the annual meeting - of the society held in the lecture hall of the Royal ,E Dublin Society this afternoon, Mr. Algernon Peel, a private secretary, and Lord, George Scott, aide-de- .t camp-in-waiting, were in ...


... I BROTHER OFFICERS. Last nizht Mr. Leo Trevar's military drama, Brother Officers was produced out the Theatre Royal. There ws a. &good audience which included Lord Rebert% and party-hin jordahip, by the way, wa laudly cheered. Brother Officers was preceded bay a triffing: comedietta, M.r. versus Mzs, in which MFr. F J Nettlifold and Miss Regina tehotn repre- sented the ly two ...


... i -: FASEION A ETIES. . : 1 .; ,. 1., .. I . VICEREGAIJ COURT. gis Excellency the Lord. Lieutenant, K.G., presided at a mneeting of the Privy Cbuncil, held atl the Castle yesterday afternoon. -Sub- sequently his Excellency honoured Lord and Lady Iseegh wit~h a visit at Farmleigh, Castle- hoinck. Sir John Keane, Bart., ?? was in atedance upon his Excellenco. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. X iscotsn ...


... I I VICEREGAL COURT. The Lord Lieutenant was present at a meet.- ing of the Cabinet held at the Foreign nOfee: on Tuesday. His Excellency attended the fa- le neral service for Lord Herschell in Westminster at Abbey yesterday morning before going to the le Cabinet meeting. ?? Excellency Countess Cadogan leaves Dub- s lin this morning for Knowsley Park, Lanca- shire, on a short visit to the Ea ...


... ,l.-1RELAWD,:-AND THE; P.ARIS 1 ;-q EXHI:BITIOM- I - . REPORTS OF 'll £H COMIS.|TTE Tlie report of the Irish Committee of the t] -BRoyal Commission in connection with the Paris c Exhibition of 1900 has just been issiued, and is deals with in :our editorial columns. The fol- .d ti lowing Royal Commissioners were, appointed an Irish Committee, a special grant of £W00 being t aillocated for, ite ...


... E. ' ]3XCiTING. SCENES;; 'I : IN ElThISH THEVTtS. ?? H. :. -; ; : .London3, Sunoday., - WA West Thrtlepooicorreapdndenttslagtphed on Saturday night tha dis.astiros fire' broke out at the timber yird ?? to Mr -John ltnrtn. in Lamabton street, West Hsrtlepolb on -ajtuy eiening Fanneri by A >stg: wind, tite mines attadced the Alhambr, Theftre, iun i the inihrediate vieinity of te . outbreak, ...