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Lancashire, England

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... I~AS1II0 NSS OCIETY. ]3FL~ TO pHyLIS. L 'iS e displayed in some of l vetare 1 ri 1 i? Irnt0i1l, the three colours fwe bert W1'D tlo b the tle popular are Q b il's I greF U ad( dtlvL eggs' blue. 111 f ertalilll, there are -OIIe -xrquisite tlits :i EelSel' dill' ft(tlvl(l CM t ese ?? shades, i tit notod, %ill ?? a. veiyr be- J.J ast~n, fatpeculiar. flegh. ,0d ?? hi I iiil.aflv, avsseen o lt 1 ...


... or. . IC 10T.1 - I ?? :THE- FATAL LOOMS-OF SI.N. -L lJJANUASHIREB STORtY. BY J. SWINDELLS BARLO. Aithtor of the Opere Horisi Mytery,' Whomn God bath Joined, V-. &c. CH'APTRR XXV MEG'S LAST DANCE. As her glance rested upon Adam, who was standing alnost opposite her, Meg's' song died -Oll !|eri lips, and she ran to his side with a cry of j I knew you :wou~ld'come back to your oid mothler; I ...


... I THE CHILDtEt''-S HOUR.I - CONDUCTED BY The other day I read a story about a nian who hadl led a velfish, unwoort y life, without caring to do good ti' anybody. But one day he was so touelhed by the goodness and purity of a certain person with whom le came in contaet, that ihe suddenly felt a great desire to become good and noble, too, and to completely alter his way of living. But he found ...


... I:, .. !~ - .THE. A Royal Dhvorev, haic, has paid to the city ad the neighbouring bhe-sr ' Thoare Royal thin week. The c' at! - Miss Amsy M'Neil, who takes the ?? In press Josephine, and Mr. Gborge W. CrA t L impersonates the Emperor. The baiad Otf1 Battalion Msn-heoter Regiment play or, tte each evening Eckersberg'a descriptivey mmi tle The Battle of Waterloo. Ce. et Next week, MAr- ...


... I ?? P ASIIE T Y~,SOCIT. ! I FA~~llI_ S BEALR ?? p41MS. DJEARE:ST PHYLLIS fature in thisv.ea. velvet will play of tho prettiest °O ar0e a Ioa's modes and 60 d velvet. TAe ?? which )on libM les,~ of clothan evt combiation no ueftil ever to go out of fashion, baa i, a uot~ g~ bfre lessew of life, and i pulu, Dot I; only in cloth for d(y gowns, but also fI'TET AND in relret for semi-ovenin6g wear ...


... MISHION GOSSIP: HOME COJUNISEL I iX4eronioa, answers all questions addressed to her *ontlie 'toilet, d'reas, and household management. - Letters should be addressed Veronica, care of * Editor,i weekly Times, M1arlchester.' Correspondents must in all cases' rive their full name and address as a guarantee of good faith. 'A peou- donym, or motto, for use in reply, should also be given. T.D .l ...


... ?? ?? D THOUTS. 1--l Behold the-perfect ma-wbhen you find him. Don't go for short time in goodness. Eight hours a day is not enough for loves leba~rs. When carrying eggs don't walk on ice. On the ocean of life einbark on the good ship Speed-. well, Captain Hope. Chief mate, Trust. For a mna's character refer to his wife, and vice-versa. Bind up the wounds of sorrow with the sticking plaster of ...


... TEM STA GY ?? nard B9yne ,and his Company are ~oyalwher theyate p~earing ij the sl Irana ya reh .n'parting Life. The piece . and ataged, and it has been well receti, It would have been difficult to find a better eessor to the piaitoaninle at the Prince's tihs , dolightful n2Usical play, A Greek Slave.' critimi imay differ aa to its merits when compared 1;c fz popular predecessor, The ...


... ,. 44tOPYRUGHT.) MHE SAUCY ARETHUSA By JUSTIN XcCARTHY, Author of Oaamiola,'' Red Diamonds, The Riddle Ring, Dear Lady Disdain, etc. The `Saucy Aretliusa lay bobbing and pitch- ing at her moorings in Shepperton Bay. The town of Sheplperten is en the southeast coast of England, and as yet is not getting to be known toomulleh. But some of us like it only too well, and are apt in the ...


... I . ?? ,opyRIORT I THRE -BOND 01?OF B - . . . i, I -BE :LACK ?? E BY WILLIAM LE QUEUEX, Author of Whoso Findeth, a Wife,`.'1f! Sinners Entice Thee, Scribes and:4Pharisees, The Day. of Temptation, The Great War in England, etc.,.etc. BEGAK JANUARY 20TI ' .GAPTdE _XR I. (Continued). Little escapes you, I observed, a strange' feeling of terror.creeping over me. ' Sin is always more ...


... [coPsmuanT.1 I A. JANCASHIRE STORY. BY J. SWINDELLS BARLOW, Author of the Opera HoueB Mystery, Whom God hath Joinied, &c., &o. CHAPTER XXII. PUT TO THE TEST. The detective's visit to Meg was not destined to produce the result he had hoped; he arrived at the Grimbies to find the old woman bed-ridden, suffering from the effects of another fit like that which her failure to mesmerise him had ...


... :1,-ASUT°S S~bI~tY:; - i; .- i TO PHYLLIS. ?? Piil~not ?? time to see the fashions Pthough Lent 2O 8not as most osftho novel- 4Jtb0.din the P 1t till Easter, still there 44 Vdntieesare ?? ba.V ofwhet is to~be Iv~sindications of vt itob o are t a few hours pentin 'look- -C t noi art d. It is evi.- t lR -P o be one pre-eminently of eat tbS this Se2°me5 andthe slops are full of. a and 5ilk stocks ...