... LIVERPOOL AND DISTRICT I POLSCE COURTS. MONDLAY, MAY L LIVERPOOL Before Mr. Thomas Bell and Dr. T. Clarke. Intimidating a Workman.-Edward Bassnett was summoned ior naving intumfaated a work- man named Ernest Eric Graay. jar. Q-l1ham appeared lor tme prosecution. it appeared that tue two men were in toie employ of Messrs. Kaufmann, cabinetmakers, Enenoorough-street; in the sand-papering ...


... LIVERPOOL ASSIZES, FRIDAY, MAY 5. CROWN COURT. Before Mr. Justice Ridley. SENTENCES. John Thomas Wigans, 25, iron roller, for having, at Wigan,on the 22nd of April, assaulted Martha Ann Mitchinson, was sentenced to penal servitude for five years. Mr. Marshall prose- cuted. , Alfred Yates, 26, collier, who pleaded guilty to having, at- Hindley, assaulted a Ir named Emily Robinson, was also ...


... INSPECTION OF LIYERPOOLi POLICE. Yestrdayafteanoon Sir Herbert Croft, Bart, her Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary, in- - speoted the Liverpool City Police Force in a Sefton Park. a large company of guests having r been invited by the chairman and members of the Watok Committee to witness the ceremony, which is one that annually attracts great interest on the part of the citizens The ...

BANKRUPTCY ACTS, 1883 & 1890

... 1 (.rorn last night's Gazette.) RECEIVING ORDERS. Arthur H1. Blackett, Great Marlborough-setreet, London, publisher. George Otter, Grosvenor-street and Keighley- road, Colne, Lancashire. carter. Joseph F. Steele and Harry V. Currie, trading as the Albion Ml~~s 8addlery Company, and as London Bros., Harford-atrret. St. Gsorge's, and G~redat Hahmpton-street, Birmingham. factors Robert H. Field, ...


... A Cl'Y DIVoE= SUM In the P o u*ad Dhwft Divisloo, ?? Mrt. Jusd Bue, th4 e t04 of e = .i BsErgua and Weed was beh d. Lo thisn wisdfod suit Mr. Arthur B%.gAto, in bsitn in Lawrnce- Lane, Cheapside. tought a divorce by reason of the adult,-ry of his wife with the ce-reeporidi.g, who wa3 etated to be a conerei l elerk in the City. Mr. Priestley, who appeared for the petitioner, said that the ...


... Three inquests were held at the Town Hall on Monday, before the Borough Coroner (Ar. T. A. Bramsdon, J P.) FAT.AL SLIP ON THE EERB. The first inquiry related to the death of Eliza- beth Hughes, aged 68, the wife of a Naval De pensioner living at No 6, Little Hambrook- X4 screet, Southsea.-It apoeared that on the after- e noon of Saturday, February 11th, deceased was ge crossing Little ...


... I Charges of Obtaining Jewellery For several hours Messrs W. J. Davis and Arthur Lee wereengaged at the Bristol police court ydsterday in the Further hearing of a case in which the prosocu- tois were J. W. Benson, Limited, of 62 and 64, laudgate lhiIl, London. The accused were Charles Hall, 35, Edward Nagle Welsh, 35, and the wives of the men, Stella Hall and Mary Walsh; and they were charged ...


... POLICE INTELLIN Ct. - . BELFAST CUSTODY CO UP.Ts-vz Before Mr. G.UaRar. X~t Lii Edward Bretman %vtc ..i_ rn5. and Count>' DoliiRawen ?? theirir. \Willian Beatuic ?? . e ans orilercil six ?? MIr. Lewr:s prosccutedl tr tliv Thnnns Csonnoliv, Ihost a A similar hune Wa.-m s¶ r was charged with 1IVIict, . Heniry..- Martha ?? rt is: v:o stable Shcni-t with N. ?? false Pretences. 10>. - A remand ...


... PETTY SESSIONS ARDGHILL.-At this monthly court on the 16th inst.-before Lieutenant-Colonel Rowan, D.L. (chairman); Messrs. P. C. Creaghe, K.zrr; and T. A. Kelly, J.P.-Thomas 3M'Conaghie sum- moned Robert Campbell for alleged assault. De- fendant was fined Ss and costs. Susan Neeson .pr4erred a similar charge against Dawson Hang- hiam. Mr. J. H. Bradley appeared for the com- plainant. The ...


... i I - - ?6 Z,? ?? ?? , ?? d., , , , , ?? ; - .. 1, ?? , ? , - I . -tkw ?? I I - ? tuib? l ?? ThSTERDAV. TUE IRISH WOOLLEN MANU- FACTURINGWND EXPORT COMPANY. ACTION AGAINST DIRECTORS. Yesterday hi the Chancery Division, beforethe. Master of the Bol, the bearing of the actidn of the Irish Woollen Manufacturing and Ex- !port CompanyLinmited, against M~essrs George Tyson hna - Mayne,: Francis 3 ...


... CITY CRIMINAL SESSIONS The Recoder resumed the iia buiness of the Sessons on Saturday morning in Green street Courthouse. Mr Wright, Q C (instructed bty Sir P Coll, a B, Chief Crwn- Solicitor) prbsecuted. BAD IONEY. Francis Noon ad Patrick Ciawke were charged with having passed a bad half-crown and obtadning change of same at the Mutascope sop, 5 Grafton street, on the 20h April. O Clarke, who ...


... THE DiEYFUS CASE. THE D EMAND FOR lREVJS1ON THE ItEPOIIT OF M. BALLOT BEA U PiRE. pECLARE> FOR A NEW TRIAL. INTEXESliiG HISTORY OF 'ilE CASE. THE sCENE IN COURT. 'Lert ' rRY LSOfrr~~ AMX). Paris, Monday. Tha oi YI15!\ i-: of the Court of Cassa- ., ,-div to hear the report ofi l fU4 i3e- 11 ?? Dreyfus case. Rigorous U I. 1, t:rvation of order ana-t ,. j I e ,Tat the Zola trial were ?? , vi.t ? ...