... I a ne A NIANTWICH SUIT. d In the Divorce Court, yesterday, Mr. Justice a Barnes had before him the petition of Mrs. Ellen h A. Williams, residing at Kirkham, near Nant- wisch, for the dissolution of her marriage with George Henry Williams, a joiner, on the ground of desertion and adultery with a woman with whom it was stated he was living at Blaekpool. There was no defence. The parties were ...


... ALLEGED ATTEMIPTED FRAUD I ON A RAILWAY COMPANY. I~~~A I . SINGULAR CASE. I At Bow-street Police Court, London, yester- day, before Sir Jdhn Bridge, who sat specially in the Extraditionr Court, William Liddell Howard, 60, commission agent, was charged on a warrant with attempting to obtain money 'by fraud; Mr. J. P. Grain, who prosecuted on behalf of the London and North-western Railway Com- ...


... THE EDWARDS DIVORCE |CASE. ANOTHER APPLICATION TO THE COURT. In the Divorce Division, yesterday, Mr. Justice Barnes had on his list for the purpose of making decrees absolute the case of Edwards v. Edwards. The petition, it will be remembered, was that of Dr. Davis Edwards, in vractice at Cemmaes, North Wales, for a dio orc(, by reason of the alleged adultery of his wife, Mrs. Catherine ...


... THE DREYFUS CASE (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO STANDARD 0U' TO-DAY.) Paris, June 29, Night. No definite news has been received during the day concerning the Sfax, but a rumour has been current that the vessel is off Ushant awaiting orders. This statement, however, is unconfirmed, and scencs highly improbable. The arrival of Madame Dreyfus at Rennes, as announced in to-day's Standard, gave rise to no ...


... A BOY 0? TWELVE KILLS A YOUNCER BROTHER. A dreadful tragedy was enacted at eorham, near Eye, Suffolk, on Monday evening, when, in the absence .if his ra)rcnts, Stanley Roe, aged 12 years, pet his brother, aged four years, to bed, And told him that if he did not lie quietly he would shoot him. He then took up a gun, whnch he declares he diid not know was loaded, and the weapon wenrt off, ...


... ALLEGED RACING TELEGRAM CONSPIRACY A 3ACING case engaged attention at the West London Police Court, when Edward Barker, described as a clerk, residing at Grosvenor Buildings, Manisty Street, rop- lar, and George Bubear, ex-champion of the' Thames, and landlord of the White Hart public-house, Barnes, were brought before Mr. Lane, Q.C., on warrants charged with conspiring together to defraud: ...


... A sitting of this Court was held on Thursday, for the public examination of debtors. The Regis- ,trar (P. Walsh, Esq.) presided. Re PHII}P HENRAY MA'rTI, late of The Anchor, Heyfield-r6ad, pulblican and ?? reply to the Official Receiver, Mr. George Mallam, he said he 'had been for 15 years employed as a compositor at the Clarendon Press, and through failing eye- sight he took the Anchor. ...


... A CARD)IFF FIRM'S IRISH CUSTOMER. In tile Dublin Bankruptcy Court, on Wednesday, before Mr Justice Boyd, the case of Mr James J. Hughes, grocer and flour merchant, of Westport, county Mayo, came on for further hearing. He was examined on a foimer day ab to the circumstances attending thle transfer of a large quantity of flour to Messrs Spillers and Bakers, of Cardiff, In July last] and asto an ...

Britsol Police Court

... Bristol riL,?j !icc colarto SATUIR\VY. Before Messrs P. N. Tribe and W. A. Latham. I 'rlTE RAT-TRAP' IN USE. Henry Twose, 44, was charged with violently assaulting his 8(fS, kJrnebt Twose, on the previous evening. Complainant, whose head was thickly bandaged, said that his father had been drinking lately, and there had been bothers at hoiUti. it resulted onthe previous evening in ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCI I BELFAST CUSTODY COURT.1 T-alak Before Messirs. . r. - on, 1' It.131., N BIILL\Vx&CI aiJ Thomas Reynolds Was ?? nH A stable NiLxon With haina a&ttlll,'l suicide the previnus eeii'in4 ?? P-n Mr. Wellington X'onng1 PIo''1 the Hailbour Cnunlissi rant.r ih ?? ?? peared, wvas foutd lvin. on lta g ?? razor in his haid. ' hllih th r from him. A remnand T IS rtn,- in order that ...


... BELFAST CUSTODY COURT.-YFSTERDAY. Before -Mr. F. G. HODDER, R. M. KNIFE ASSAULT. A boy named MIDonnell was charged with having assaulted a young man named Ferguson by throwing an open-bladed knife at him. Fer- guson said that the prisoner importuned him to buy a paper. H~e refused to do so, and prisoner flung the knife, which stuck in witness's coat. There were about a hundred lads at the ...


... Yesterday-Before his Honour Judge FiTzGrBBoN. Messrs. H. M'Neile MCormick, registrar; Ed- ward Aliworthy, official assignee; and A. J. Weir, deputy registrar, were in attendance. There were three arrangement matters, in which the solicitors engaged were Messrs. M'Ckonigal, Ross, Wheeler, aud Hanna, Barrister-at-Law. IN RE TfOS. METCALFE. This matter eame up upon a private sitting to bear ...