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... SUND AY SCHOOL FEi:STIfVAL AT THEF ('iYS?FAL PALACE. NINE THUSLMAND VtOICES. hi dy ?? T.i'acl:or.-ni zmd C1;h-ren ititarlri the Gn'ital I.kiLcee, yi'stcryav, ?? their thousallnd, the0 |rav e- g set ampartL fovr the Choir feei-val Atinually ; rraid-d at thto great, g aets. liilrto t Mtvlenit I ILs, ii' fr thmn., ,%ftor a nirg- of m, t.e oft ?? , il::. Tl'-ro tre :, truI . t ;ldS t ii thd AtV ...

Published: Wednesday 21 June 1899
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 479 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... LORD OVERTOUN AN) THIS DE- 'lRTTh l'l'ijts. TABlOURf C0CrhfDITjrmf4 AT THEV fITAWFIETJD t WORKIN TH, (JHARORq ENED For Iome~ moniths past ailonyinous. ;paniplrlrits livtya t in hundreds of thotisruilds been eairoidatod in f;ies- c gow, makinhg ?? ?? against ILord Over- i tolrm, as to the mianner in which hie trealts Iris workers in respect of wages, saitardxy ceiaditoirr, anti isndiry ...

Published: Tuesday 20 June 1899
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1887 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 

The Dispatch and The Speech

... TheMhpatch T ?? Th8 Speech. A GRETI deal too much is beng maje of an Edleged ?? in tbne and substance between Sir MAlfre d ilner's dispatch of Aar 4 and his I spe(ch of June 12. It is ?? thet the Hligh Commissioner was on thim earier occisizn eating fire, whereas on the flatter ter tvoii1dd hardly melt in his mouth. In the dizpat:oh, he -is ac-cased of losing his Lead. in the speech, he ...

Published: Friday 16 June 1899
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1897 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 


... L, E IX AND' T IQUGI? i k't A\F I., I2; TC. t N x rri a, I '20. 'i'l 1rt- (IiMtYRN2TNT. , . ?? l- ?? in Se.t to tte b sieiwe pf,~ ,, h.t,>:v^tE iti'i 01 tse net-iia, at ?? Capjv aru~ oi1:u ha ~ntr ?? W~k~ ,. I .t'hX.till: 'A Itreet. ?? .) a e E,..'t\.f.¢nIt~ton tn-e o tit:5e -anlil arns o *- tj'ti i-oefli^2 ?? PWv t2i t tiltCCttsL 7- 0- ?? !f0Us A nrv ?? ?? ,, i., ( av.e~s-vn ' Mr.l '1.t Ut~ ...

Published: Friday 16 June 1899
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 411 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: News 

A Liberal Appeal from South Africa

... A Libend Apveal irrm SuthAf ica. PLAIX speaking aiva- s causes all greart coumotinn, and Sir Alfred I Milner's dispatch is no exception I n _ . . ?? . .. i to tbe rule. We are so accustomned in these days to flabbin&ss in high places, and the ltnLugc of statesmanship' is so often found to consist in ?? pi~tituiinaarianism, that a servant of the CrownL who pronounces definite views in strong ...

Published: Saturday 17 June 1899
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1457 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... I LIBERALS AND LOCAL VM RESIGNATION OF AN MP. SIR JOHN AUSTIN TO STAND AGAM. Last night's Gazette contains the followI ing notificntion. of the resignation of Sir John Austin, Liberal member for the Osgoldcross JDivisioll of Yoricshiie: Treaiury Chmtbers, June 16. 1899. T'he ChaneeJlor of the Exchequer hbas £p- pointed Sir Jolir, Austin, Bart., to be Steward and Bailiff of the Three Hundreds ...

Published: Saturday 17 June 1899
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1082 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... MEETINGS & LECTURE.8, TO-Dky, National Sunday Leaztio:-Eo;crliou te Rugby, L~utteiv~ortll, Le es-teI, 3s. 6d.; Lougbhorough a]d Noningbo; 4s,, ly Great Central Railway from .RQirylcosr 11.35 a.m.; also to Stratiodt-oL. Avon, Is. 6I, frome Mafrylebons, 11.35; Il i tow, 11.3 0 ser, Afternoon trips to Sw;aiye, hynofad Shoreham, Oxford and IeVeonoaos ls 1 .: from Holborn Viaduct, l.140; m ictoi, i ...

Published: Sunday 18 June 1899
Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 594 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... WHA T A GERMAN WORKMAN THINK S OF ENGLISH WORKMEN'S WIVES. ENGLISIH women with a fancy for seeing themselves as others see therm, would do well to read a certain curious little book, How the English Workman Lives, in which much is said of them, and not to their advantage. The book is written by a German miner, who is living in England. I-le lavishes praise without stint on England and all ...

Published: Thursday 15 June 1899
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 843 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... THE 1k2fADJI AND HIS HORSE. (AN INCIDENT OF TRAVEL IN SOUTHERN MACEDONIA.) AT the end of a long day's ride under the blazing sun I stopped my horse ?? the entrance to .One of those wayside inns named chans on reachinlg the smiall towu of Elasson, within a few miles of Mount Olympus, as the shadows of evening were spreading across the valley in lengthening Masses; but the mountains were ...

Published: Saturday 17 June 1899
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1575 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... AN AG' 1{CTVIMRAL PARVT'TY. Among the question'x which ought surely to ?? faced at the Cone-rial Election is the necessity for abolishing tile tax on agricultural Ilaud known as rent. The uon-prosperitiy of the British favlorer is duo to the existence of a useless class of liudlords, and a disgraceful system of Mediteval Land Lanvs designed to nphold family pride at the espnse of the natioun ...

Published: Sunday 18 June 1899
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1494 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... EXT:MAORDINART CEARGE OF MRAUD. William Goorgo Turner, 33, who described himself as a bookeeller in the employ of a person at the East-end of Londoni, wies brought beiore Mr. Mersehanm at West- minster on Fridny on it chairge of obtaining money by false pretenu:ee from John Carr, of Queen's-roadi. West Chelsea. On Thursday lsight thb prisoner was given isto custody at M1larlhorough-roald, ...

Published: Sunday 18 June 1899
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 592 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... WTOMEN--THEIR, W YS AND DOINGS. 1 Yslit tierls :01 t (201' -, [12 i'ii ?? * ¶1 iP iziilthul, ?? the |nIced( , ..ilii-[ Iillt, Ii rii i is 1iil ,I - r.ii-el. --M1s. .A t S;N ?? .1Y fi lWNS. To moot of us a gown of inneulill o: or (if1il, prettily ln'11ii RliJ tlrIiMNtlt, it-ulli 9creel 402 XIll-stliritont garb ftc the lie?' illg; 11i ll' ti-'lo is 0I garulii-I. Society women thi-.n othe1'o ...

Published: Sunday 18 June 1899
Newspaper: Reynolds's Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1337 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News