Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -DEATH OF A FAMOUS BEAN I MANAGER THE IrAST OF THE WESTERN BANK LIQUIDATORS. Our obituary to-day contains the intinjation of the death, at his residence in Edinburgh, of Mr James Simpson Fleming, es-cashier and general manager of the Royal Bank of scot. land. Born at Forfar in 1828, MlrFleaminn was educated at the burgh school lof his native town. Having served an apprenticeship to a leading ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SAD DEATH OF MR. D. G. HALL. Many of our readers will hear with regret of the sad death of Mr. D. G. Hall, well known as the churchwarden, for a lengthened period, of St. Giles', which occurred at Buxton, on Monday morning, from the effects of an accident. The de- ceased, who was staying at Buxton for the benefit of his health, on the previous Saturday weekv was trying to step out of the way ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... n MARRIAGE OF dt MR CHARLES E. C. BROWNE it At Christ Church, Lancaster Gate, London, W., on d Saturday afternoon, in the presence of a large and d fashionable assembly, the very pretty wedding was Y solemnised of Mr Charles Ernest Christopher Browne a and Miss Florence Amelia Woolfrey Bridge, of 50, s Inverness terrace, Bayswater, W. Tka bridegroom is a solicitor with the eminent legal firm ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Nlt'l A b 11.Y RIA6IS, A'1) DEATHS -= (I~dO Mi-s Acedii?(t are' C'iercd fOi-' faS -c. r ilac e rrĀ¶ lJ; Dreth, tlilh fanen'! ;. cd, S Cs!; iseiird, idA ;sherafdr 1~ c ad rno i-: f''tr ?? fis (Sr~l _ id; Liflb, 2s Ld. Lci. ' Si cu;blii B[XI ' S. *\ ?? 3!, at; 10. Upoer Cresent, the wife . S. la hi. Solici r, of a soiL. v p. L sRI it'll-I tlv 15, at l,6iwlnre, Antrim tO'! ?? o; Williaa A. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? XlARR1A6EN XNI) DEAtTHS- ?? :es. /..aU'uQs! are charged fi': us d;* u?4 - . r 2s Gu; Death, wict/i funecral jet;l La of Dbea';I,& ;rW feneral 1,0(1CC ad ?? Uidfeei7/ atl c Is/ee TGd; Birh], 2s 6d. ?? ?? ,iiiCt.I~cesi&~~ta m2ust hec;prejsih and --l 11 T S. 1s tii ?? 12, ?? at 6. Eglaftfllr9 Avenu~e, Bel- B*il Cc ,le at 2'3. Klanasa Avenue, the w~ife of blo ' ot a d~aughter. TL ;r A, m a;-? ...


... CAIN. The funeral of Mr. Alfred Dean Cain, of Barn- hey, Aigburth-road, Liverpool, second son of Mr. Robert Cain, and a partner in the firm of Messrs. Robert Cain and Sons, brewers, Liver- pool, took place on Saturday afternoon at Flay- brick-hill Cemetery, Birkenhead, in the presence of a large gathering of mourners. During the sad service all the houses owned by the firm were closed to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -I- DEATH OF SIR WILLIAM FLOWER. A DIRECTOR OF MUSEUMS. Sir William Flower, till lately director of the Natural History Depart- nmerts of the British Museum, died onl Saturday afternoon at his resi- dence, 26, Stalhopo-gardens. ?? had been in failing health for the last two years. During the past winter he derived some benefit from a stay at San Remo, on the Riviera, but it was painfully ...

--At l2S Crning Stre

... et, Bridgeton, on ; '1th.>, .he wife of T. 3. Carsou, ?? a' St T'rst , Tg, on 9th inst., the i5 r. D'4 CE~ :abr oky; an, on. K!eniEothl H~ouse, ;oitr-ock, onl the 't i nst, v ife 'f ?? 1Dne-in aery; a soc. Tinaa44 P Doug-lrs StrGet, varge, en the ith ii., the wife of Ale:;. Htouston; a 'N-ITA the Whine, DViliuir, on the 10th *te vi e V f ii. IKight a diught r. 51-7 1LL-At C nt'iglen Uou2e, O ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE CZAIE-j VITCH. C$SpTtSW TELEG4t ; F~~~lt Petmbvrg, Menoat' The Grand Duke George, brother of the Czar, and heir tW thS twroe , is de St Petersburg, Monday. The fowing oicia telegram has been re- ceived, dated Abbes Twuas, 0 30 a.m., Jly 1Oth:-The Grand Duke Ueorge. heir to the throat, has died in consequence of violent and sudden hemorrhage in the throat. London, Monday. The Prees ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ij,' HS, MAERI{AGb0 , AM) ATEATISj A; ;2R1 Z as': f'?s knid'/t(e arer ctarsrd Jill' as ?? j.. > ?? 2/,nwge. &db; t5/. riith feral ?? ?? tkI; trial'/, 'sitl fu-n- af i-al., ann'' , p b..'. Otefa'ci' ( ,Notice Li G; if, f/s 6d. 1.,, ''is ma rdc ?? Wuff I-e j an'Xt4 a05 BI R T H S. !:>!S--ullY 3. at Th.e lla',nhorns, Twyford, j . Ke, e ci Matthea Jervotse larvis, of a U 1'1: -hily 2. at 33, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MISS CROMEY'S WEPDING. In local shusical circles considerable interest was displayed In the wedding of Miss Florence Madeleine Cromey and MIr Arthur Trowbridge, and a large congregation assembled at the church of St. John the Baptist (city) yesterday afternoon to witness the nuptial ceremony. Miss Cromey is well known throughout the WAest of England as an dtcomplished vocalist, and Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FASHIONABLEJ WEIDDING. a LORD SHAIFTESBURY AND LADY C. I ~~GRtOSVE-N'O., The Earl of Shaftecbur-, 20th (Prince of Wales's Own) Royal Hussars. was married to the Lady Con- j stancn Grosvenor. elder daughter of the late Earl revettllor and tins Countess of Grosvenor. and granddaughter of the Duke of Westmins-er. in St. Paul's Church Klniightsbridge, on Saturday after-3 noon. The Prince of Waale5 ...