... I TIIE DIVORCE COURT. A SECRET MARRIAGE. Mr. Justice Barnes had before him, in the Divorce Court yesterday. the petition of Mrs. Ada Jane Bloore, of Aston, for a dissolution of her marriage with Arthur Bloore on the ground of his desertion and adultery. The suit was un- defended.-Mr. Barnard, in opening the case, said Mrs. Bloore was married in 1885 at the registry office, Aston, Birmingham. ...


... DISTRICT POLICE COURTS, BIRKENHEAD (COUNTY). Before Messrs. J. R. Lee, 3. Elliott, and Colonel Stitt. Assault on Bailiffs.-Johnb Knowles, builder, of Ivy Lea, West Kirby, was summoned on two informations for having assaulted James Bryson and Thomas Brown, bailiffs of the Birkenhead County Court. Mr. Matheson prosecuted and Mr. Craigie (West Kirby) defendeL It appeared from the evidence of the ...


... NLSI PRIUS COURT. Before Mr. Juice Bigham and a Special Jury, TEE CA-USE LIST. In ti list there are entered 14 special jury cases, 14 common jury actions, 5 for trial by the judge alone, and 1 commercial eause-in all 34 case There is 1 action for breach of promise, 1 for libel, 3 for negligence, and 3 for personal injuries. AN ACTION SETTLED. La Conteur v. Le Coantur.-This was an action for ...


... TRAGIC OCCUTUHENCES. I TE lRIBLE AFFAIR. INT BOMBAY. MURDER AND SUTMIDE. (RnUMTa's TLoetAhl,) ; Bombay, Thursday. Captain Iresiouger, of the Durham Light Infaostry, was shot last night by Mr Gregory, an engineer on bhe staff of the Peninsular railway. MIr Gregory afterwards shot his wife dead, and blow out his own brains. Captain Iremonger lies in a precarious condition. Jealousy is alleged to ...


... i- C r, BJUCKLAND PUBLICAN IN THEc of POLICE COURT. iC, . - . 1 1 A SUCCESSFUL DEFENCE. At the Portsmouth Police Courton Wednebday, before Mr. A. W. White and General Catt-, Frederick Cruse, landlord of the Binsteed Arms beerhouse, Bineteed-road, Bucklaud, vaa summoned by the police for permitting druuteu- ness on his licensed premises.-Mr. A. T. Prickett, Chief Constable, prosecuted, and Ir ...


... BRISTOL ASSIZE4 Crown Court, YESTERDAY. Before Mr Justice Phillimore, - ALTERATION 0 orSENTENCE. -Edgar Etherald Smart, 14, errand boy, who had been sentenced to twoa years in a reformatory for forgery, was called up again, and the Judge stated that as he found the law required that the sentence should be one of three years it would be altered accordingly. A DANGEROUS WOMAN. Plorence Price, 21 ...

Bristol Bankruptcy Court

... Bristol Bankruptcy CouLti YESTERDAY. Before his Honour Judge Austin. INTERESTING TO TRUSTEES. ELIZA TRimnd, EX PAUrTE STONHOUss.-Mr W. A. Pitt appeared for BrOC CCccil G. Stonlhouse, who appealed from the decision of the trustee, Mr G. H. Watts, rejecting his proof of debt upon this estate for:£20, theamounteclaimed to be due for two quarters' rent of 13, Frederick place Clifton. up to 26th ...


... I I A Home in St. Pau['s. Infants Removed to Workhouse An Inquest Yesterday, Yesterday afternoon the City Coroner, Mr H. 0. Doggett, held an inquest, at the Barton Regis Workhouse, on the body of Claud Kilminster, aged about eight months, who died under singular circum- stances on Tuesday, The decessed was one of three children, who were admitted to the Workhouse on Saturday. At the present ...


... DOUNIA1 We LORDS, WZIETMINITIU, At 10.30.-Cuwnarn: Fnrorell sail others w Van. Stroultors (tuirthtr beaxlIng)-Mviseklyie, v Stollery and another (farrtring). JUlIJIA;-L (X))LUFPT~l OF THE PRIVY COUN4CIL, t W4IETEiU a LL. At 10.31A-Jrdgmetnt: fonareinitrrtlti Urfayta Upatik I fiiilarS yaln ani l or' Apperrala: Al liarroc C~o~nfiouti rg (lcraa~ti:uyio ltrilturl)l acrd ritirt-r v Itm, ...

The Poison by Post Case

... The Poieon ijy Pos- Cne. Tug ?? Socretary has often a i very dificuit ?? to perform in th'. reviyi'n of c.:piti. bento lees. -le ' -. I .. .. I . . *. .I . - is the only Court of Crimina AppjaLI on natters I of fact, anld Ihe- lia also to decidf- wshethler tere| are extf inotting cirwnotinrces which justiiy a 1c';nmutatioyi of tle senitnt'c. to penal ser.itudi, I and fith (Julstiolns are ...


... Ig I I . i SATURDAY. SOUTHERN DIVISIONAL COURT-BefOre Mr Swifte. CHARGE OF RAILWAY TRAVELLING WITHOUT A TICKET. Thomas Warringtou, of 3 Hauhur' lane, was brought up on remand with travelling on the Great Southern and Western Railwayr without a ticket, from the Curragh Races, on the 49tb of last June; and also with impeding the train at Inchicore and creating a disturbance on, the platform at ...


... Mrs. EHll, who last-weelt complained that she had been deserted by her bus- band, a man of 72, again attended at South- war1; polheecourt on Tuesday, and re- polted that she bad not yet received any news of him. She had been in his service as parlourmaid, and wvas 20 years old. She had received a number of letters from persons sympathising with her deserted condition, offering her advice, and ...