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Thornbury Police Court

... is sd in Belore Col. Heory Thomas Salmon, Sir George B. w- Jolkinson, Messrs W. A. Hurford and Edward Harwood. IC at C'RU1LTY TO A IIORSE. ut Pichnird Etter, Bristol, was charged with cruelty to a. ) ilorse by causing it to be worked whilst suffering from a Y wound, at Rangeworthy, on the 29th June last, and ir, Frederick William Charles Hall, of Winterbourne, was or charged with cruolly ...

Bristol Police Court

... Bristol I> iY C rt; = - - - - :~~~ luch over Before Aldermean M'.\ Ic a rd with I.'E ou- Thomas Struth, S7, oil rcelr wvho stealing a watcll belonrgin'U a l ' arew man employed at a dairy' ii, t vf, 4 oing August 7th the proseceti, )e'tot j four and when be woke Iap1> ali :: ': the Hle communicated \itl t a . Itten following day P,(C. I erv iaa a P tead was in lRedland and sfjc. ...


... IN RE HALL AND DAVIS, EX PARTE THE DEBTOnS, h V. M1lLEDGO.-In the Bankruptcy Division of the it High Court of Justice yesterday, before AMr Justice le Wright and Mr Justice Phillimore, sitting as a divisional court, the appeal in re Hall and Davis, ex parte the debtors, v. Milledge, came on for hearing. Mr Clay appeared for the appellants, the debtors, and Mr Carrington was for the respondent. ...


... SVI1CIDE IN BRISTOL. I IN'' IA !-!AIAIN'T Pi1OP pOETO.R.' Y'icy.a at:ereeon the City Coroner (Mfr H. G. 111 1:1 u.i::1 ...


... AKI 'Aript, I Y Before Messrs W. Dove i,1 illcox,, e | hli:~~NGLECTI 'ri A ' nA, I I.I Tsodd. le FranCes Cox, 50, Cil rtjna'd wa , wandering and with nlgIlccti1 I' Crl ir,1 r Frances Louisa Cox Grevc ag , w J. Watson, appearing for ti e rj .e vention of Cruelty to hd , - t) G it defendant had the cUStkd !(f li d found it' a filthycondltd}n , 'I r daughter. She defeudant w it up for judgment ...


... THE DREYFUS TRIAL A Dull Day. More Expert Witnesses. Du Paty de Clam's Evidence. [Press Association Foreign Special.] RENx'ES, AuOUST 28. To-day's hearing was entirely devoted to taking the evidence of experts, and apart from a few per- sonal side issues was correspondingly dull, The most interesting features were the decision to take the evidence of Col. Du Paty de Clam on commission, and the ...

Bristol Police Court

... Bristol Police& Court. YESTEPXDAY. Before Nessrs J. W. Arrowsinith and A, Lee, CRUELTY. George Card, f8, was charged with being drunk while in charge, and wnith cruelty to two bullooks by beating them. P.C. 61 D said that on Thursday afternoon he saw the prisoner in Church road, St. George, in charge of a couple of bullocks, which appeared to be very exhausted. The man was running about, and ...

The Dreyfus Case

... stW 3~d~toI lct1eraw TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1899. *Tho BRISTOL MERCURY IYaS establisaled Mlareh 1, ThC BImvbiOL DAILY POST was issued in conjuncoioni with io t le rcuiy January 24, 1860, and incoriporated' vithl it January 26,1878. TEILErmoNE No. 149. I'He U)rcyfus Case. a VIE familiar English proverb,i They manage these things better in France, cannot be hold to apply I _-- _._ _1 _ L_ ...

Inquests in Bristol

... Inquests in Bristol, YESTERDAY. Before the City Coroner, Mr H. G. Doggett. A DOY'S TERI]3LE DEATH, 3 At the Don John's Cross Inn, Church road, St. I George, on the body of Frederick Alfred Borleigh, s aged four years, who met his death in a terrible 9 manner on Sunday. Thomas Burleigh, labourer, of 1, Seneca street, father of the deceased, gave evidence of identification. Ernest Burleigh, a ...


... CURIOUS TRIBAL CUSTOM. A serious accident which befell a Swazi at Earl's Court, London, on Friday, at midnight, has given rise to some extremely curious and interesting cir- cumstances, The unfortunate man, who, of course, Ibelonged to Savage South Africa, was standing outside the West Brompton entrance to the exhi- I bition in conversation with some fellow-countrymen, when he was knocked ...

Bristol Bankruptcy Court

... Bristol Bankruptcy Caurt, YESTERD)AY. iLefore the Official Receiver, Mr Ei. G.Clarke, FlIST MIMETHNG(:. CliABIXS, OfVIe, of 11, Pine grove, 11.iglan road and G9, Y111k street, confectioner.- Mr Fairfax Spofloi Lh appeared for the debtor. The Official Receiver stated that the liabilities due to unsecured 3 creditors amounted to £1563 7s, and to partly secured 3 creditors £463 1s. The amount to ...

Bristol Bankruptcy Court

... BrIstol Bankruptcy Court. YEJSTERDAY. I Before the Official Receiver, Mr E. G. Clarke. I PIRtST MEIRTIN'GS. Gso5(GEWILL1AAM5 TITrI, of 3, Sadler street, Wells, watchmaker and jeweller.-Creditors were repro- J sented by Mr O. F. O. Chubb (Wells). The liabilittes exDected to rank amount to £1148 6s 6d and the deficiency is explained at £62613alid. According to the Official Receiver's ...