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... WOMAN STAB BED TO DEATH. A terrible tragedy ocifarred yesterday in Luke- street, Toxteth-paek, terminating in the death of a woman, and the arrest by the police of a man charged with her murder. It seems from the la/test inquiries that William Christian ocou- pied the house No. 9, Luke-street, and a man and woman, named respectively James Pinkston, marine fireman, and Elizabeth Lloyd, were al- ...


... LIVERPOOL. Mr. W. H. Butler, revising barrister, again sat yesterday at St. George's Hall, for the purpose of revising the voters' listts for the parliamentary and municipal borough of Liverpool. Mr. Bertram Furniss and Mr. A. F. Muir represented the Liberals; M-r. J. M'Cozmb, the Unionists; ad Mr. J. Thompson and Air. Holland artsared in the Conservative interest The sittings were occupied by ...


... LAUaBITER IN COURT. in MagFistrate: Y our wtife ifi on the way to bail| Prisoner (itnplorinzglyJ: F'r Heavea's sake,| Judge, seud tue to gaol. 't a His Honour: Young ana do you appreciate ?? soleranity of san oath; a'o you kuow what a ne Boy: Ye-es. eir. I caddied for you last Sunday.i ser In a case heard recently in the Court os^ Session, on- Edinburgh, an artis~t was giving evidence, wheu IY ...


... SHOCKING MURDER OF A WOMAN AT STRATFORD, THE ASSAILANT CAUGHT RED- HANDED IN HIS CRIME. [SUBJECT 00 . ILLUSTRATION.] SHORTLY after eightf o'clock on Thursday night a man named Edgar Smith, thirty-two years of age, a labourer, living in Vernon Road, Stratford, attacked a woman named Martha Clay, the wife of a bargeman, re- siding in Preston Road, on the Carpenters' Estate, at Stratford, with a ...


... nmlE DREYFUS TRIAL. tlOOpS-interesting in the higbest degree, f B'aior EsvimanDX incited by Maitre Labori to express his opinion, remarked that even if the c author of the borderEan was a groat seigueur he vvas all Ike same a man who was ignorant of artillery Plieoner, wbon asked by the frssldent whether he had anything to Eay, pointed out that Gen, s Evidence for the Prisoner. An Exciting ...


... WSTMI-STER CHAPEL FRENCH PASTEUR ON THE DREYFUS CA SE RESULTS OF CATIHOLICISM. A TERRIBLE INTICMTMENT. Pastr C mrnes, of Paris, a member of thre Socizta EVangeEane de France, and tho Rex-. Dr. Alexander, of New York, stave acdrosses in ?? Congregadional cbapcl, James- street, ~Victorra-strcet, yesterdav. Th. former occ-pied the place of ,;he rgelrahr ?? the jev. Richardl Westrope, at present m ...


... I A DEFINITE STATEAMENT AT LAST. Tn the course of a lottcr addressed to the editor of thie Monitor,' thc Rev. Sydney F. Smith, S.J., of 31, Flario-streeit, W., says It ix said that if anvyollne miglht spcak on the Drityftls east' Nitli arillority it isillt' Ithot is. I ?? Th'i ifl illteorret. 0 j'he cxtent of my know ledgi iart 'followvs I Iraleo i iqtirii ie to asmit'tail wihether' it. ?? ...


... ?? raSEPTEMisER 5th. a Before Alderman Saunders (in the chair), Alder- Ni men Cooper and Bacon. Messrs. W. Braum and 'i )r J. Sheard.. if Thos. Griffin, no occupation, 86, James-street, . was charged with being drunk while in charge of a b 9, horse and cart on the' Cowley-road.-P.C. Pargeter 5' ' proved the case, and prisoner, who pleaded guilty, V n was fined 5s. and 3s. 6d. costs or seven ...


... ICILLED BY ROUGHs. AN ARREST AT BARNET FAIR. Lerkenwell police-court, on Thurs- ?? Jolh oroee, 23, a carman, of no h abede, was charged with being con- ed with three men not in oustody in '-'eltinr and rob'bing Henry Benbow ?? Id watch and chain, value 101., and go3ld en Aug. 30, at ~Albion-street, C~ld~nau rcd. heprisoner was further charged withbeing concerned flitis smemeninthe manslaughter ...


... JESTERDAY'S INQUESTS. I DEATH IN A. CAB. Mr. Walter Schroder hold an inouiry. yesterday, at St. Pancras-gardenr on the body of Thomas H. Watling, 22, of 6, Clerkenwell-green. From the evidence it appeared that on Wednesday the de- eeased went to the Sir Hugh -Myddeltoa sclools to remove some heavy boxes. He afterwards Complained of abdominal pains, and Dr. F. Maria advised his removal to the ...


... e INQUEST AGAIN ADJOClJNEF, 1- The inquest ten Elizabeth G~allewarthy, i5the LeeIs widow who ?? found dead Y on Sunday morning in a stable at e Douglas, Isle of Man, in circumstances l which suggested outrage and robbery, Y was reguined at Donglas yesterday.- r. Mr Thorpe Pearson, builder, Leeds, A trustee for Mrs Gallaworthy, deposed I le that he, with his wife and two children, 1. ...


... BARMATI SUICIDES. IETTrER TO A SWEETHEART. MARRI~ED MAN'S IMMORALITY. ~it-. Wynn Weetcott held anl inquest at the Hackney Coroner'a Court on Thursidsy, concerning the death of Emaily Miary Attn lirItee, about twenty-three years, a barmaid, lately employed at the Merniasid Tavern, Mare- strePet, Heck-nay, who commiitted rsuicids, en Awlttlay by taking carbolic Cciii while in a lirot-elnan ...