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Music of the Week

... Mu5if of QC ?1 cd THE OPERA MADAME CALVE has somewhat unexpectedly announced to Mr. Grau her ability after all to come to England at the commencement of the opera season. She has had a long tour in the United States, and railway travelling, long journeys, often in inclement weather, rather fatigued her. But a holiday in Florida has put her right again, and she hopes, therefore, to give Covent ...

Published: Saturday 14 April 1900
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1205 | Page: Page 34 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

New Novels

... 4t cX Aw 4 0ic THE SILVER DOVE A. C. INCHBOLD'S ' The Silver Dove (Hutchinson and Co.) is a w ell-written, sympathetic tale, not aiming high, but reaching higher than its aim. Written on temperance lines, it is nevertheless Iree froi the self-defeating elements of aggressiveness and preaching. It is also well up to date, inasmuch as the Ultimatum of last year's October toth sends off the ...

Published: Saturday 10 November 1900
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1127 | Page: Page 32, 34 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

Mr. Hall Caine's New Story

... ?4 r. Nau (taint's Octv Storp Al AN interesting article on Mr. Hall Caine and his work appears in the current number of The Golden }enni, with especial reference to his new story, ' Jan the Icelander, which is to begin in The Golden Penny next week. Curiously enough, says the writer of the article, two of my most vivid recol- lections of Hall Caine are in connection with 'Jan the Icelander ...

Published: Saturday 13 October 1900
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 471 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

New Novels

... ?? BY BMkUN, CLEMNT AND CO. ALICE ANTOINETT E DE LA MAR AT THE AGE OF FIVE IROM 'IHE PAINTING BY JAN VAN BEERS ffe W 4o1 lc QUEEN WASP TRUE and natural feeling, inspiring absurd conduct uinder im- probable circumstances, constitute the leading motive of Queen Wasp (Digby, Long and Co.), as of all Miss Jean Middlemass's stories. It is for her knowledge of hearts that her readers have ...

Published: Saturday 14 July 1900
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 581 | Page: Page 24, 25, 26 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... Set down your drashel an' come an' sfeak wi' me a minute t'other side the yard By EDEN PHILLPOTTS. Illustrated by R. W. MACBETH, A.R.A. IV. BEFORE the snows melted and the first month of the new. year had passed by, John Aggett and his master's son were friends no more, Of Titnothv it may be recorded that he fought fiercely, then with wvaning strength, and finally succumbed and.lost his ...

Published: Saturday 11 August 1900
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6234 | Page: Page 10, 11, 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... Lft 5 i f TIHE NEXT OPERA SEASON A PRELIMINARY list has officially been isstued from Covent Garden of the company engaged by Mr. Maurice Grau for the season next May. It is obviously incomplete, for the only Prima donna of eminence mentioned is Madame Melba, who, among other things, is expected to create in London the chief part-asso- ciated in Sardou's play with the name of Madame Sarah ...

Published: Saturday 25 November 1899
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 984 | Page: Page 29 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I WELSH. LADIES' CHOIR IN A NEW . ROLE. RECITAI IN A LONDON MiUSIC{HALL The Pall ?? Gazette on Thuisday 9 night contained the following announce- a mentnurdor the heading Mr. Charles Mor- O ton's Newest Notion :-Mr. Charles&Mor- ton, who has worked so long and so suc- cessfully in the public interest. has made an engagement that wvill surprise and inte- rest a good many music lovers and ...


... SOJUTH WALES UNIVEillSITY tOLLEGE.. ENTRANCE SCHOLaARSHIP AND EXlBITIION EXAMINATION, 1900. As the result of tbe entrance scholarship examination held at the University Col:ege of South Waies and Monmeuthshire Onl Septem- ber 17 ansi thi followinu-days the council at its meeting this weesi made the following awards:- c Joshua Golly, County School, Gowerton, a e Drapers' Company scholars'llip ...


... B1EIEWS OF BOOKS I LATEST WORKS PUBLISHED, BOOKS(. IuR. The Sway of Phtilippa.'' by J. fi, Patton. gone( L~oidon: George Allen. 6s. ?? Tl'lis is a1 brilliant roniance. 'rte characleri- hnuit sation is true and penetrating7; the story full -Prin of life and colour: thet love interest throbbing Ip avit ii assion. 'rTe author has alrca ily given to t le world 'huhi. Ito Dancerr.'' whtih cit ...


... SEVERE GALEO j 33 a t VIOLENT WIND AND a RAIN STORMS, (1 - t LOSS OF. LIFE AND ii PROuXPERTI'Yei FLOWR SHOWE 1ITENTS. t t 1: F'LOWER,' Sl-,'AV TElgN TS v B ti Y.N-T ,DT O WN T .AIND EXIl BITS SCATTEREID. LAD KIILAE) IN SA NGER'S CIRCUS. BRISTOL C11hA.NNE1.L SERVICE I?ITlER1F'IRED AVITH. During Moindayca the severe gale that ?? nll. Friday continuedI wvith, encept at short intervals, uinliated ...


... CAGOE BIRlD SHOW AT CARDIPF P. ftin LOCAL MEN SCORE IHEAVILY. Oi (as [B3Y WVELSH ATHLETE.] T Prom ai climatic point of view the conditions c 1,of the fonirth annual show of the Car- th 3 dillland District Cage Ilird Society on C W ,ednesday were by no means ?? I for rain fell heavily at Cardiff aill C 5 the day, with the result that many were, ii 1no doubt, deterred fromt attending itt ...


... -nTHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. o0 The Gay Lord Qunx. presented at the t] STheatre Royal, Cardiff, this wcek, is just one n of thee p:ays that set people chattering. Already it has led to nunlerous 'pologies and prealhni~euts fronc ii9aile who profess to see in Pinero (the aualior) either ae great nioralist a cr a hugo iennmoralist. And all because a mean with a past goes into the boudoir of a ...