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... AFRICA WAR . CONCENTRATION. BY I:01 LL.I FRUNTILATED. ma, Wedneftlay.—Betha attempted to Wvt art Deuember 29, Ng the apt of the faros to atlas the blackhatem fruatroted —Preo DE WIT'S RECENT VICTORY. ...

Published: Wednesday 01 January 1902
Newspaper: South Wales Daily Post
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: | Words: 32 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... AFRICA}.’ WAR. TO THE EDITOR OF THE STANDARD. 8, b,—When the hi«tory of W*r in South Afric* is written, it •hould begin from the ’Sixties. It will pcov. th.t PrMident Bruid wm pot » ‘J. friend of England to te. Wm with the Bt&utos had impoverished the ...

Published: Wednesday 31 July 1901
Newspaper: London Evening Standard
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 347 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... SOUTH AFRICA WAR. VICTORY FOB . - BOER COMMA>' WOUND** ' REAPPEARANCE BADEN POWELL TRACK PAGET OCCUPIES Lord Roberts reports that the Boera were driven on the 16fch. . 4 ifi -aver* Commandant Swartz was V J Wet has reappeared , fl burg and Commandos ...

Published: Monday 20 August 1900
Newspaper: Dundee Evening Post
County: Angus, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 466 | Page: 4 | Tags: none

South Africa' war

... South Africa' war. [CENTRAL NEWS AOENCV.] &foci River, Thursday, p tn. A farmer, who was taken prisoner when the Boers raided the Nfooi Valley, managed to escape and came into camp to-day. He says the enemy are sick of fighting, but that they are still ...


... THE SOUTH AFRICA WAR. MIDLAND COUNTIES JOURNAL. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1900. Tut operations which had been in progress in the Easbern Transvaal for several days unde r bbc personal direction of Lord Roberts culminabed on Monday in the batble of Bergendal ...

Published: Saturday 01 September 1900
Newspaper: Falkirk Herald
County: Stirlingshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 277 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... SOUTH AFRICA WAR. Ms Lapses Camases= Pis nor 4.1 ADVANCING TO KAFEKING Checks on the Way. FRENCH CUTTING OFF' BirrKELT OF OLIVIER. There is again little news from the sat of war aid the fate of Mailbag, as far Mt be gathered is undecided. Really, of coarse ...

Published: Saturday 24 March 1900
Newspaper: Northampton Chronicle and Echo
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 249 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... THE SOUTH AFRICA WAR. Lett•r from a Lady In Kimberley. The follmiring letter ban bee:, ue by Mrs Trimble. w dote of the late ('apt. Troops—fornierly adjutant of the Newcastle and Durham Engineers—a lady wed knees is the North of Eng Lott, but who is now ...

Published: Tuesday 05 February 1901
Newspaper: Newcastle Daily Chronicle
County: Northumberland, England
Type: | Words: 1734 | Page: 5 | Tags: none


... just and righteous war; but they hail not to dream that ia the Lichfield DifittioO, insomuch as both candidates were agreed that the war was inevitable tad au sure to sootier later. They all agreed that it was & jllOl and righteous war, and that the Goternmeat ...

Published: Tuesday 09 October 1900
Newspaper: Newcastle Daily Chronicle
County: Northumberland, England
Type: | Words: 640 | Page: 5 | Tags: none


... SOUTH -APRICAN WAR. aa > ct x BP ga of small ammancition were * returned to coloma marched 310 contact with the enemy on ¢ casualties were three Billed, 34 wounded, and three Boers were Sille? and 98 were Our + 2.720 head of sheep and goats, 90 horses ...


... SOUTH AFRICA WAR. [For latest news from the seat of war, including despatches cabled direct by Router's special correspondents see page 8.) BRITISH DISASTER REPORTED. «• MEN CAPTURED. ROUTS DE WET. SURRENDERS TO GEN- HUNTER Lord Roberts has reported another ...

Published: Friday 10 August 1900
Newspaper: Northampton Mercury
County: Northamptonshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2154 | Page: 8 | Tags: none


... THE SOUTH AFRICA WAR. FIGHT TO ♦ FINISH RESOLUTIONS At • W., .4 ti L Vocal :n N Cow .4 tw tlr viows the mojartty I..MnL at mob. tct se Miss • : - im 1. in'tb.• ;utrreal • • •s- I I. I v.% 4 ..1 Ttm•v2.t . wu! Ih • e. Awns .4 I It, 4, ..,.1 dut ...

Published: Wednesday 24 July 1901
Newspaper: Newcastle Daily Chronicle
County: Northumberland, England
Type: | Words: 90 | Page: 8 | Tags: none