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London, London, England

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Recollections of Basutoland

... c tto its of ,a litoaI nn By POULTNEY BIGELOW FAR Up in the Highlands of South Africa, hemmed in by the Cape Colony, Natal, and the Orange Free State, is the last coherent body of negrocs on the whole of this vast Dark Continent. They are the nearest approach to a native nation owing to a variety of exceptional causes, and they have been for years eager to be let loose upon their traditional ...

Published: Saturday 04 November 1899
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 996 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: News 


... IFROM OUR WAR CORRESPONDENT.1 MAFEKING, October :L1. AT last we have received definite information. The Ultimatumn has been sent to her Majesty's Government ordering the withdrawal of our troops. And failing that impossible step, we are to be attacked to-morrow. We are prepared to do all that Britons can do; but we are seriously outnumbered for the time, and can only hold the fort. ...

Published: Monday 06 November 1899
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1826 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 


... W\e give, in clef crence to the request of' many rcaders who share the public anxiety, the aipproxmtfate drates of arrival of the vat ions ships taking out the troops, guins, stores, and mules of the Army Corps. The dlates are tiw latest oni Nvinch they may be ex pected at Cape Town rather than- th~orearliest: - FIRST DIVISION (Lord Methuen 1 NNov. 6: I _oPks Iire.--2nd Bo. Roy al West Sutrrey ...

Published: Monday 06 November 1899
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1705 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 

The Top of the Morning

... 'Cbe Zop _of the MtHotninfl' DEATH -Oi LORD l-IoNVARD LE WALDEN. Lord Howard de Walden died in- Londonl last Friday night in his seventieth vear. He was at one time anl attache in the diplomatic service at Brussels, but subsequently antered the army, and was a major in the 4th Dragoon Guards. I-le is succeeded by his-son, the Hon. T. E. Ellis, who is an officer in the 10th Hussarsr-and Ech6 ...


... OTES ON THE WAR BY OUR MILITARY EXPEr SAFETY OF THE RAILWAY LINK FURTHiER NEWS OF MONDAY'S FIGHT. NIGHT MARICHES. THE LYJDDITE SHELLS. Tie cutting of the telegraph wire to Lady smith is now redluced to its proper proportions. I E;tlJer some Boer sympathiser along the line or seme small mounted section of the Boers has literally cut it. That is all. Up to the latest news trains were still ...

Published: Saturday 04 November 1899
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1523 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... SPIEECHTDS BY PIBUC | EVEN . t - N I CREERIUNG WVORDS FELON LORD ROSEBERY. LADY821111 AN UNTOWARD MCI- PENT.0 NATIONAL PLUCK AND THE WAIL AYE MEALN TO SEE Till TIl TING THIZ OUGIL I orl 1-rvivtt Aittt'iel Th'rcin-son. of Ediznburgh, Il t t 1 gat r tte'rtilri-lcdli tiihcuiivir's cii the-l'ot So- it. c-0x Utaid flth sts Iflatraoltt Cordoni Iiighlandomtii xi. ito-' rv-i. jiet~s rir wider ...

Published: Thursday 02 November 1899
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 9240 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... - TWO FAVOURITE CAGE BIRDS. it is a meet point with many bird lovers whether the Goldfinch or the Bul1fich is the handsomest of oar British finches. They are both undoubtedlv great favourites as cage birds, thoogh, perhaps, the Goldfinch is the more often seen in confinement. The brilliant plumage, the pleasing and lively habits, the bright and cheerful song, and the facility with which it ...

Published: Sunday 05 November 1899
Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 613 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 

Pall Mall Gazette Office,

... ?? qionlitte offiet* 18, CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C Lieutenant-General Sir William Butler, Commander-in-Chief of tht Western District, is to be in charge of the military arrangements foi the visit of the Queen ?? on the 15th inst., and he will arrive in Bristol from Devonport, with his staff, on the evening of the 13th, and will have his headquarters in College Green. The various troops of ...

Published: Thursday 02 November 1899
Newspaper: Pall Mall Gazette
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1343 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 

Advertisements & Notices

... The SUBSCRIPTION LIST will OPEN at 10 a.m. THURSDAY. November 2nd, 1890, and CLOSE at or before 4 pm. the SAME DAY for LONDON, and at or before noon FRIDAY. November Strd, 1899 for COUNTRY. THE ALLIANCE ELECTRICAL COMPANY (LNITIEDI TORMERLY VERITYS INSTALLATION DEPARTMENTr.) Incorporated untder the C mipintt \iA t-, 18662 tP 189t8. SMIARE CALPITArL~d.£ ?? Divided into 7,990 5 per Cent. ...


... LLOYD'S WEEKLY' NEWSPAPER. ' I OUR REVEPSE. The intense excitement with which the irst news of the capture of two British battalions was received has been somewhat lessened by the later official report. There is, however, none the less cause for the deepest regret at the deplorable disaster. The one solace is that it reflects in no way upon the braveqy,honour, or discipline of the force ...

Published: Sunday 05 November 1899
Newspaper: Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 335 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: News 


... EIN UNBESCHRIEBENES BLArT. Comedy, in Three Acts, by Ernst Von WolzoVen Produced at the New Theatre, Oct. 25th, 1MY&. Professor Mohl ?? Herr Lesit s Homann ?? Herr MERTEN Curt ?? Herr CLAUDIUS Aanslie ?? Frau CARLSKN Gertrud ?? Frau NUSCHe BUTZE Paula ?? Frdulein TALIANSKY Deggenmeyer ?? HOLTIAUS Theresa ?? Frau HILLER Lena ?? Fraulein CARLISN Ein Diensuran ?? Herr FL xK (FROM OTR OWN ...

About £130,000 has been received by the Lord Mayor on behalf of the Transvaal War

... LONDON, TUESDAY, Nov. 7. I About £130,000 has been received by the Lord Mavor on behalf of the Transvaal War I . I .- . I . .. . I ~U lt4 Ur Ulon unail 01 lone Lransva A ar Funds. Yesterday's contributions included a donation of a thousand pounds from the Queen, and gifts of 250 guineas from the Prince of Wales, and £100 from the Duke and Duchess l or York. Telegraphing to a Crimean ...

Published: Tuesday 07 November 1899
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 773 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News