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Bangor, Down, Northern Ireland

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... killed war Protects. Rev W A Hill, the esteemed minister of Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, presided, and, istrodueing the lecturer, remarked that owe year had passed away Niece war was forced upon oar ottantry by the Republics of South Africa. He said ...


... soldier, went at the call r.f duty to defend his Queen and country when trouble broke out in South Africa, and, haring seen the termination of the war, was about to ret urn home to those he loved, but the angel of death gone unexpectedly cut short ...


... beheld the practical termination of the war in the Transvaal, and they wished earnestly that pesos might soon reign over the entire world. It we. strange that in the closing years of the century they should have more wars on band than ever they had had within ...


... offer to an overwhelming force. therefore, the future loyalty of South Africa depended on the Afrikanders, the prospect would be most melancholy. Fortunately, this is not the case. The war has turned a stream of British energy and interprise into the country ...

sermon based apes the words, a ashold, I Desks all UAW now. and. totals point of the Deed of a

... that be would not so much give increased power to Britain as establish the right sad true in South Africa, they had escoursgement to bops that the present war aloud would lift, and that, with the opening for the Gospel there which British rule would work ...

have eel without aw 7 Nib to ve with to .eau le, °gm which oar troops have the terse while

... this war an miniportant concern, and not worth praying to God about, I should like to imprese upon that one, such has been the turn affairs have taken, that at present we are not so much fighting to determine whether the Britisher in South Africa shall ...

Fireside Chat

... prom- cation of the war, is to begin at mos the ro. construction of our military 'poison, end to brush out the blundering official rubbish of the War Office. But the honour and dignity of the British Empire imperatively demand that the war be brought to a ...


... best to defame and libel our fellow-countrymen in South Africa. All sorts of the usual evidence has been collected, collated, and very much edited to provide the necessary ammunition for the war of words, and the consequence is that a great deal of bad ...

lag the integrity of the BritishEapEra as a whole. (Hear, bear, and reetera) There is sae ether paint in the

... themselves in relation to tit* war whirh bee bees going oo during thews sroms t u f b e: moths ; but Hestia'sa and together yield the sad are prood to yield the palet, to thew brother. in Ireland for their conduce ia the war— (draws)--to Lord Roberts, ...

salectiom, Since, ( W.Williams) ; we e ,. Lion, glijah (liendelmolm); and Gad Save the Queen. The Orchestral ..

... pier. The weak) return y imbed by the War Mee of casualties in South Africa up to the week ended 28th July gives the total as 36,559, exclusive of sick and wounded men now in the British hospitals in South Africa; while, according to the ChinosDor of ...


... was one width once emend upon they were inclined to dilate upon. It we. the war in Booth Africa, and the deeds of magaillanat ammo that had been mooted by our traps is Sends Africa. (Apples) They were well Mew them all, cad appreciated by than all ; bet ...