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1900 - 1909
105 1900


Manchester Times


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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. SIR fA\MES PAGET. Sir Janmes Pagot, FR.PS., LL.D. (Cantab), ?? (Oxon), the great surge'-i, died at his London resi- dence, on Satntday evei;'.c, after an ilhlnes of poly a day or two. Sir James wi.; Serjeant-surgeort to thle Queen, surgeon to the Print if ,Wales, and consult- ing surgeon to St, Barthollon- 's Tilpspital. He was born at Great Yarmouth on ,Ja- nary 11, 1814, and became ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deatlis. BnTrl5, DEATEHS. MfARRIlAGES are ins-rt'i :,i MANCHESTER WEPKLY T1M.s' at tilO ri,.: siixpence per line when prepaid, or, if enter', account, an additional sixpence per notice is eV:l: !. The name and address of the sender in nal leae- given to voach authenticity, otherwise thu r.3a, ' cannot appear. . ~~~BI:RTBfS. BAnwxoy.-On 28th nilt., at 3, (Grovo ?? ?? Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 2- OBITUARY. 3, The death is announced of sl6 Honour Judge - Hastings Ingham, who retired in 1891. Is General Prior, appointed to the command of the lbth _ Brigade in South Afrioa, died suddenly ?? on Tuesday from pnenmonia. Dr. Edwin G. Monk, ?? eomposor of Church music, and formerly organist at York Minster, died _at his residence at Radley, Berks, last weelk, aged 80 years . The death took ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths BIRTHS, DEATHs. MIARRMAOS are inxirt ,i : .4 UANCHrESTER WpErKLY TITs71E at t!e sixpcnce per line when prepaid, or, if ''iter.. accontt, an&(aditional sixpence per noticv , The namne and address of the sender in all ral.e4 *0 given to voach authenticity, otherwise ?? cannot appear. BIRTH& JoN-Fs.-On the 5th inst., at 337, Bralfori rr . wife of the Rev. Joseph *. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. BIRTHS, DEATHSr, 1lARRIAakS arn ?? ,. btANCHFSTEsR WEEKLY TiiEs- arVt*. sixpence per linu when pr3paid. or, iti'.tei accohiat, anadditionalqirpence Tier notice ?? The xaoari and address of the seeder ii all L('C. given to vouch autbenticity, othersvisoe tia, 3 cannot appear. ?? BIRTEIS ESTILL.-Oa the 13th inst., at Crofts Biat,'. 1 the wife of R. B. Estill, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. D11 31ARTINEAU'. ?? of yeara and reveredl hy all lvio know him, it Dr. MNIartirreau passed away yesterday week, at his 1, houlse in Glordon-square, Londicn. A remarkable life rr isi 'nded, a, life of vlhirhlsie himselif gave a modeost. p summary when he said: On looking hark over the Is remnembered urork of fourscore yearS, I tried it all summaed uip in the simplest of arts-the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I DEATH OF THE DUKE OF TECK.I His Highipiss the Duke of Teek dlied oi Sun- day evening at White Lodge, RUchilmond Park, Surrey. The health of the Duke, who, was 62 years of age, had been unsatisfactory for some time, and he had been never really ?? silice the death of the Dicihess ol Teok. 1fis early demise wvas not, however, expected. A paralytio stroke occirred at three o'clock on Sun- day ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF JOHN RUSKIN. A B10GRAPHICAL SKETCH. . Mr. Ruskin died at two o'clock on Saturday after- noon at Brant-vood, Coniston, which has been his residence for many years. On Thursday wveek lie COn- tracted a severe cold, which developed into influenza; be rapidly became worse, and two days later he passed away peacefully vithout pain; in fact9 it had not been previously realised that be was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY, 3I21. II. l}. B~tlACKM:CREs. One of the most popular novelists uf the century has passed away in lAir. R. D. Blaclanore, who died at his house at Teddington on Saturday at the age of 75, Men and Women of the Time ?? Doddridge Blackmore was the son of the Rev. John Blackmore, and was born at Longworth, Berkshire, in 1825. His maternal granidother wee a gmuiddauglter of Dr. Doddridge ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRINGE OF LORD BALCARRES, Mp.. WEDDING PRESENTS FROM WIGAN.. The marriage of Lord Balcarres, I'.13. for the Chorley Division of Laineashire, aid eldest son of the Earl of Crawford, of Baloarres llouse, Fife, and laigih Hall, Vigail, to Mbias l'ePlly, daughter of the lste Sir l-l. Polly, Bart., and granddaughtor of the Earl of Wemyss, waq solemniised yesterday at St. IMargaret's C-hurch, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths BIRTH1S, DFATHS. MARRIAGES aro ifl5art!,: i, MANCaESTER W EEKLY TIMES 'It tile rit, sisponce per line whenl prepaid. or, i ?? account, an addlitional ?? per notic, in The namer and address of the sender ill a1ll einc.; given to vouch authouticity, other 3,4e tt : carnnot appear. 7BITEIT DAVFtNPoHtT.-.TatlUniY 20th1 to ir. neilli i - lI)aelport, l'arl-lano, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. ITTNER,1iL OF TElE DfUKE OP TEICK. Thlo interment- of the Duko of Teck took place at St. oeorgo's Chapel, Windsor, on .ailturdaly, with. simple a-nd.eolcmrn cerr-monial. The )Dncuess of -York, Princess Adolphus of Teok,and the Princess of Waleo werci present. The mourners folloliwing thc coffin were the Prince of Wakles (reprcsesting the Queen), the D)uke bf Cjmrbidg' ?? the Duke 'd ...