... THE PROPOSED CHARITY MATCH. A meeting was held during the week in connection with the proposed gala, the proceeds of which are to be devoted to charity. Representatives from both the local eocieties were present, and details were discussed. At present ...

Published: Friday 17 July 1908
Newspaper: Sheffield Daily Telegraph
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 77 | Page: 11 | Tags: none


... THE MATCH. Conversation with the promoter of the proposed charity match elicits the information that the matter proceeding in a most promising manner. The only drawback is that the event will take place a Sunday, and there are many prominent anglers who ...

Published: Friday 14 August 1908
Newspaper: Sheffield Daily Telegraph
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 109 | Page: 12 | Tags: none


... THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE. THR PROPOSED CHARITY MATCH. The Management Committes met at the Grend M,,Wm- Mr. J. J. Beotlay |Thml}..s'hym‘“ll'wrt hhu o '-d‘M anflhflmmmw from February 20 tc March 2 owing to the inter- League game, was sanctioned, on the syggestion ...

Published: Saturday 22 February 1908
Newspaper: Star Green 'un
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 109 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... RUGBY. PROPOSED CHARITY MATCH IN BRISTOL. The committee of the Broad Rugby Football are arranging what ahould prove 0. sou attractive match between a team got together the famous Welch E. (I Xicholle, and Wallace Jarman West of England !Ode. The match grill ...

Published: Tuesday 06 February 1906
Newspaper: Bristol Times and Mirror
County: Bristol, England
Type: | Words: 169 | Page: 8 | Tags: none

t t t

... game, and has still to make up half of that total. The proposed Charity match is giving rise to some very original suggestions, one of the most striking being that of a lady who proposes a match between Handsome Cricketers and Otherwise. The fair ...

Published: Thursday 19 June 1902
Newspaper: Bristol Magpie
County: Bristol, England
Type: Article | Words: 236 | Page: 12 | Tags: none


... Committee, was recommended last important that the the match removed. The CiunmitU-e finally the following resolution That granted the Manningham Club piny match with Bradford for the charities. The following reported player* were dealt with:— Came ...


... waat of Ragty land, to Mr. Brooks, ef team bow ia Joubert as fall-! ae half-back, aod to-morrow at 3 square Clab.—Practice matches oO jab Mr, X'. Paes ins win fer the bome (8 2 res iG. Seid 3,0; ‘Brenan 2) Played Tuesday, and resulted in a so tor Magpies ...

Published: Friday 26 October 1906
Newspaper: Irish Times
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 278 | Page: 9 | Tags: none


... out bit time last weel Bim. high, and reckoned very prom.- player, aad on* whom several League hays Ijeao alter THE PROPOSED CHARITY MATCH Tbe directors the Club ha.e ffjveo their con lent for « scratch team . o' firn and A team the W>nrv ...


... two club. .rd.-rod to pty cite or of in tare mate', anemic.' re The further inquired into the learning .1 of Turnfuli in the match Man. United aril United on °etcher 23. Having resia.-d to the fact that Turtibiil• ',tit of fick! tho prow:one, ho Ira.: ninpendel ...

Published: Thursday 04 November 1909
Newspaper: Western Evening Herald
County: Devon, England
Type: | Words: 613 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... ineligible man in their match with Bedfont early in the season.—A suggestion was mad» that a smoker be held on the occasion of the presentation of the trophy and medals. The matter, as well as that of the proposed charity match, was left in the hands of ...

Published: Saturday 09 March 1907
Newspaper: Middlesex Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: | Words: 875 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... with regard to a suggestion that each club decide upon a Raturday to make a collection on their ground to augment the proposed charity match fund. Nothing. however, was oeinitely decided upon. The Chairman introduced the question of the ineligibility of the ...

Published: Thursday 22 August 1901
Newspaper: Lewisham Borough News
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 921 | Page: 2 | Tags: none