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... ldfisfl:uh‘:hn from the | A cyclist corps 200 strong was being forme.. ot e eo B ail h.hd“ul'h-: | The recruiting for service in the fold inland Lo ed ue wid.— Fived 7o Gl 1 Cape Colony has not been brisk, o 1 wilsy WOMEN STEAL AND FIGHT. cae Sacicr, warried ...

T wonder if Mr. Isitt wiil notice that at Tuesday’s police-court two perrons were summoned for drunkenuers on ..

... T wonder if Mr. Isitt wiil notice that at Tuesday’s police-court two perrons were summoned for drunkenuers on licezsed prewisce. I must not forget to remind mwy Liberal readlem of a coming event which ranks next in importance to the Charles Roberts p ...

DEATH OF A PRISON GOVERNOR. The sudden death at Swansea was announced yesterday of Captain Smail, Governor of ..

... at Stoke New-. ington yesterday. Two women were shot, one fatally, and a salvage corps man was stabbed In the breast. A young woman and her brother, who are stated to Melong to Portsmouth, are detained by the police, THE KING'S TITLE. The King’s new title ...


... and relieve them of great pain. (Hear, hear.) Commenting uvpon the addition of the Police Division, Mr. White aaid people were apt to look upon the duties of the police as simply to lock them up when required. But it was far more to the point if in case ...


... directions, except one commando Dyin' ow, hossibly to cover retreat of remaminder. Captain hnl‘nn and Corporal Murray, B.S.A. Police, found in Boer hospital. Both ‘“l.,'&'l', l‘o:nspn-rh and garrison Mafeking ;m!t(nl or their relief.” l ELOFF SURPRISED ...


... INSURANCE TEMPERANCE BAZAAR AT LINCOLN: Ancther Effort to Reduce the Debt. Thanks to the efforts of the Women's Auxiliary of the Lincoln Temperance So|un-l_\' o very successful two days’ bazaar was held in the Central Hall on Wednesday and Thursday in ...


... Indiges . Rheumatism, Eczema and Skin Diseases, Nervous Disordere, Neuralgia, Bt. Vitus’ Dance, Paralysis, and all the ailments women suffer. Sold by ali dealers (but remember the substitutes some offer are utterly useless), or direct from the Britieh Depet ...

MRS. BRAMWELL BOOTH IN LINCOLN, The Wonderful Work of the Salvatioa Army

... Canada. She paseed on to speak of the question of their work amongst the ~women. One of the saddest of the sad sights of the day was the friendless, povertystricken, and degraded women of our large cities. They (the Salvationiste) had a epecial work amongst ...


... the history of the locai corps of the St. John's Ambulance Brigad: in more respects than one. The auspicious feature was the inauguration of the new horse ambulance van by the Countess of Londesboro’. But th members of the Corps also esteemed it a high ...

MAFEKING SIEGE. How Relief Came. Speech by Gen. Baden-Powell, (PRESS ASSOCIATION WAR SPECIAL)

... It was the turn of the British South Africa Police next. To them the Colonel said: “I need not repeat to you men the story of the little red fort on the hill which Cronje could not take.” 5 S P The Cape Police under Captain Marsh were ‘dfi-d-hfl-m: “You have ...

\ large concourse of people had assembled in ;; honour of the occasion. Some suggesting a Uorporation-street, ..

... gates might be closed, | My T. Clayworih, who went to the front as a whilst the members of the city police wore Uying rsember of lL St. John Ambulance Corpe, and to keop the crowd back. ‘The gates were rfl-w.\ the relatives of Private Winthorp, a Volunteer ...

Lincoln Landlady’'s Unpleasant Predicament

... Royal Blue, Elephant “‘ . ':‘:I | ing all sorts and conditions of men rarely Corps. This corps formed the ‘:]'d’ ‘l‘: fail to extricate themselves when taken by |of women waiTiors ““ “l: » l“:nd N surprise. However, Mis. Smith recently | European ...