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... HOVIS BREAD PROSECUTIONS 'AT CARDI)FF. 1, LIVELY ENCOUNTEIt BETWEEN SOLICITORS. . . ?? - A case of interest to baklers was heard at Cardiff Police-cocert on Wedelciceay before Mtr, d e Afilner-Jones. CIe deputy-stipeudiary magis- t t Irate. The defendant was J. W. Pyle, a linker, I: d residing at 80, Tuidor-road, Cardiff, and lie was i, sulieliolled by Mrs. Louisa Smith, a lady detec- t t, ...

Published: Thursday 15 November 1900
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2166 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... SHcOOTING CASII IN SWANSEA VALLEY. tai POACHIER WOUNDS TWO FARMERS. ve ea DYYPERAMINED CONDUCT OF THE bee ASSAILANT. I fie It was reported at Swansea on Friday that at a, voching affray had occurred on the th previous ex;6ninog at Nantymoel Uchaf Farm, hi on Gellyonen mountain, li the Swansea Valley, de Mr. John BSowen, occupier of the farm men- mn tioned, left his home, accompanied by his be ...

Published: Saturday 29 December 1900
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1398 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... 1C CARDIFF. sor le SATCURlDAY-(BMforo Alderman D. JONES and jec Tr Alderman It. CORYi. thi ?? ?? to VIOLENT ASSAULT. to -Elizabeth Lock, 30, was brought up to thi ks answer a charge of violently assaulting a ans fireman, nained George Greenwood by striking 't0 thim on the head with a tongs. The parties to or Met in Bute-strect, and afterwards wvent to 23 al Se Pontcannna-p'acce, here they ...


... LOCAL POLICECOURTS. CARDIFF. FRIDAY.-(Before Mr. MinwNER JONES, deputy. stipendiary.) ILL-TREATING A HIORSE:. Samuel C. Blight, 54, was charged, on bail, with cruelly ill-treating a horse by working it while- in an unfit state in Fitzalan-road on November 15. Prisoner is a cabiuan, and his veh'cle, with the horse in question, was the first on the stand. The general appearance of the animal ...

Published: Saturday 17 November 1900
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 695 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... | GLAMORG.AN ASSIZES. I~ _ INTERESTSNG SPEECH BY THE mo JUDGE. ADVICE ON THE RESTRICTION OF a .2. THE COAL OUTPUr at . 3 The Glamrorgan Assizes opened at Swansea 4, 'on Thursday morning before Mr. Justice 5. 'Bigharu. who, before opening tho Commis- Rol sion, attended service at the parish church. 7. In charging the grand jury, his Lordship sla said that, this was the last town in which he B. ...


... CARDIFF BANKRUPTCY-OfuPT. IRIDAY.-(Before the Registiar, MTr. HARRY COUSINS.) A TRAVELLER'S FIAILURE. iOO David Thomas. commercial traveller, of New- port-road, Cardiff, came Dp for his public ss examination. The bankrupt attriputed his failure to family illness and cost of moving from Cbester to Cardiff, and also to living beyond his income. His liabilities were £679 7s. 9d., and there was ...

Published: Saturday 29 September 1900
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 409 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... I t V In the Queer.'s Bench Division of the Ifigh N Conrt on Thiursday (befote Mr. Justice _ Kennedy. withiont a jury) the case of CollIns t a;id Others v. the Law Gua.ranteo and Trust i f Society tLilmitod) came on for further hearing. t This was an action by the Misses Collins, carry, r ing on business as the Abernanit-Dinas Silicat f Brick and Cement Company, and 'Mir. Portland Alserman. ...


... I i' had for oar, CARDIF. TUESDAY.-(Before the STIPENDIARY.) the UNIICENSED DEALING. can John Taff, a grey-4eaded old fellow; with a. of pronounced tendency to cry, was sumihoned ly for carrying on business as a marine store dealer at the Cardiff Docks without a licence. to Such authority was necessary under the 39th our Bye-law of the Cardiff Railway Company. the lie had been seen by Edwin ...

Published: Wednesday 19 December 1900
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 666 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... LOCAL4 POLICE-COURTS. CARDIFF, inc an' MtONDAY,-lpefocr M~r, T, W, LEWIS, INl Stipcndtesry-l ter AN ALLEGED CHILD 'INEBRIATE. iinl Ani extraordinary case name before his lix worship on thle arrival of -Mrs. Lyons, wise we brought. her boy Dan with her, on an adjourned school board summons, The boyv was at truant, and the Stipendiary, Qn bad been having him under consideration. with fro -a view ...


... ;CAUPIFF' BANKRUp'Id CO URT. ' .- FLDA'Y.-(Becore the REGIS`TRAR 'Mr. Haitrry or e . .usirs i. - de . PHOTOGRAPHER'S AFFAIRS'-: ! Edwin WMesley Robertsi;photogrsuher,'of Oar- c0 h ?? for liisepuiblib exiamifnation.: ?? tb Y ?? :Richards appeared for the tinetee;' Mr. )f Lewis Morgan appcartd. for the debtor-1r. ee if Robertsifaid that,he hid been inibu'sinese for s r. seventeen: years, 'In. ...


... I MAINTEINANCE CASE AT CARDIFF F l A somnewhat unnusial maintenlance case was tl btiolight into Cardifu' PolicLe-coulrt on Friday at (befare the Stipendiary, Atlr. T. W, Lewis) by Mr. P'ritchard, wvarrant oltner to the Cardiff tl Gnuardians. Defendant was Johtt Charles lb IT tch. pstimnalter of tbe sub-poet- a fllee. at Broadmnead, Bristol, and also sa ar Joint p)roprietor of certain quarries ...


... AD'MIRALTY ACTION AT CARDIFF. A; - - -A- - rI At Cardiff Coiinty-court (before Jatlde Owen) Sa tbe owners, master, nad crew of the steamer e St. Vincent, of Cardiff. claimed against the a ovwners of the steamer Ralph. of Cardiff. for r Falvage serviceB rendered on March 19. AMr. 0. It. 13,Lihache (instructed hy Messrs. Ivor Vachell and CO.) were for the p'aintffs, and II,. J. Sankey ...