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1900 - 1909
1,756 1900



Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. BELFAST ROYAL ACADEMYO EE SCHOOLS REOPEN AFTEE THE _ CHRISTIMAS HOLIDAYS on MUONDAY, Januaryr 8th. on and after .which date Pupils may enter for term commencing F ebruary 1st. S~pecial atten~tion given to Commercial subjects. Preparatory &hcllol and K~indergarten for Boys und Girls xnader ten yzears of age. Detailed Prospectus, wv ithllat of recent successes, on applicatiom T. R. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EA53 flRENG, PATENqT AND DAMDE LIO F0.4SF>D PNDE~ihPA2EL S'Y PA, Li4r; ~STED AND PROCESS. Y .ez.IIArt:. ThKSh? >rPrsOmLI' IWnE MorE TEA>- 70 ½r} . IS V vs. SYM4NGTON & CO., S B I 3LL3S AIASET F5REMoU;JI. 64ss 9 ]BRhTA& T'S BEST BICYCE SpeiaIs £E15 15 0 Standhard s :0 10 o 2J97enile S 0 t rec 5, hee;eRtra)LAE 1 C 297 Belfaet Depof-Saw IOYAL AVEUIIMLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROSPECTUS. THE LIST 1uz1. CLOSE ON OR BEFORE TUESDAY, st-rd 63CTuBER, 1Z-X. iBrs L3,B~t ENOS A\AES AD PACIFIGC PAlL- WAYI cOMPANY. LlitiED. clncorpera-ted' in 150=2.j) CAPI'TA. rosUed and Anrthoc~s'd. Foils Paia. Li.--au , First rrep-rerce Five per Ce.t Stock .ie-,vOe s u Secoiad Brefersece Five per Ceat. Stock £tczil7o i . rd n :y .o . . AU-THORISED DfElEs'r RE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Qa!DNY'S AF2z THE EST.i FULL STOCKS AST hE 1',,, lPn,'-' -GALL STRUET, _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _~~35,5 JOFJSTON'S Uf4BRELLAS. ALL OWN MAKE C. Repair. 31, HIGH ST., 21, NASSAU ST., BELFAST. DUBLIN. Recoveri ng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEM-~ SET JILFY D >v ?xor r. ',rsr/ &V . ,,, int ! , m r, Ira,;, Ho d re STOCKT1 KING SALE.' rrT~~~~~fl~ f -wy-r ryN^Z. '.ton p- i OC C LTDS WILL DE)T7FER. DUR9ING- tTHE 2.LONTrI DF JAN8'UARY, 11111r] SJIONCK O; 'I.1 T bET. R D, 3T , :k 1 ? E 1WiTEIRPROOF GARMENTSi 1NsEWST S HAES AND M A KE S. A T G; KEA L Yr l R.EDUCED PRICES, I., i) ig 1E V E SP . tN SF WIN'sDOWvS. o n 7j, II ' AA AL' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO B`E LET OB2 MSOLD. MALON'E PAKii NDYVla and zet-icy lie iunn B-c- --ii il-v h ) t4r-iiinrs ba::n Tn Lt-:- I -, d u2 n -;r M u i-nc Bejroozns. min A - at 1~-h 0n. antd CA. ye 1Jn,,,flrPLhLnti ;Lt rhzi -i lou~t ; ren22t MGeL~ & GAR SIAN. J05, Rec ii vrut a- inr Mr. 2,OW'1- 60UN Lana-bu. IC~2aLJ ~tio`Tec 25 illn- cntlu. o GLIB TONVI rLE ROAD. 12 TO LT I &z 21, A.SiHLE:Y VILLAS. - 'kF I OUND) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --- ~- - --7 z- ~y.;2 ,x;) I'l ~~, ;b__ i L e.e X ,;A im ti , , i d E3,u taifig gmt-,e flTh aU Timas and Seasons. / Wt W~~~~L% v f W.- ,'bae. l 5 qt0 1 @y l.-M,, therefo~re B at. Best ard Saest beveyase icrA Akthltes0 '~ erefo' I a th£eyefore BeSt 4-, j Pr~netes T-althy growth and development. il.erefore sesto e~~~*~ Is 31ot 11 deorerd or itampZed witLi Sold in. PaCkets and Tifis only. , , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WIITSUNTIDE. 3IACR f & M'Muzmf R NOFW SHOWi5TIN AN DrflNSE1 ASTOCE; of NEI.V '_,ILLT_'ERY, SAILOR. HATSI l AES, _NLA2NTTiS, WS}TU[ES,j Blaok said Colocred DRESS MATEPIAiIS, and4. ronfidenely invite inspection of same. ILLACK ALPACAS aud SI *ThIAN S, IS 42d, 2s 3d, 2s 6d 3ss. nil 3s 6d. JyrpTirmir FISTSHED (Urnspoltable) COAT-- INGS, in good range of Colourinigs, 50in. wide. 2s licl per yard. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' Telephone Dio. 410. 3398 -e . - THFT :HVLIXDATf SEASO>i iS Dj0Wt ON-W | OUR TRENE SisANERS, | AERSSINE & SONS, LED., I 33, NN' STREET. ske ond Repair all kiods of Travelling Goods on g e Premises. 1 al3 oails for and delivers repairsitc rnuslrg orse.-c. r(l^3 S - h AirUSF?NTS. ,f HEATRE ROYAL, BELFAST. F Managing Director. -.SasoD. WV. WAIuaN. . EHI&FLU4AYi, at 7-45; SATURDAY, at 7-16. THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . Orlando I CE, :Rk 1 malers to the Qaeena. :toQ33 ],.. F - -= C SHARMAN D NEILL, DIAMOND MERCHANT, SILVERSMITH, &c. TO 1-I.R.H. TlHE PRINCE OF WALES. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w~~~k ENN m XIa LEI Stali' PFo r W ns l3n g11 Up I rFdor Washing Clothes - ForSr rrn; and Summer Cieanang fUsed in a Ml, Cti HUam flmsof Ern A seki3ETe~ ril N~~~ei fryj&0 L tw For Wa-sh-~ Ict-17 ~ror ~jrng- and, f§-mnner Vi'eallhn A iae iariwder Ii aliet 0 I.eS'!S t~~tAN F For Washin-P tr For washing Clothes ¢ For Spring and Summer Cleaning flUiappy floiies off iE wtna I I I I Ii i i 1 1 I i ...