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... CORRESPONDENCE. EVEN CHANCES. [7To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News Sir, WITH reference to an article on this subject, lately contributed by me to these columns, a correspondent points out that I based my calculations respecting the length of the longest series (mathematically) due, on the results furnished by one table alone, and says, We have to consider the total ...


... . We have been aslted to insert the following Headquarters of the Army in South Africa, Pretoria, 3Qth September, 1900. [To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic Wetcs.] SlK, Will you kindly allow nte, through the medium of your paper, to make an appeal to my countrymen and women upon a subject I have very much at heart, and which has been occupying my thoughts for some time ...


... CORRESPONDENCE. To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. 1 PRINCE CHRISTIAN VICTOR MEMORIAL. Sir, Will you allow us to appeal for assistance in carrying out the following project, which was organised towards the close of last year The sympathy evinced by our lamented and revered Queen Victoria in all the personal sorrows of her people arising from the South African war, ...


... CORRESPONDENCE. THE SPORTSMAN AND HIS CLOTHING. To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic JYeiw.] Dear Sir,-- Our attention has been drawn to the article entitled The Sportsman and His Clothing, in your issue of Sept. 22nd., and we feel constrained to say a few- words in defence of our much maligned trade. It is somewhat difficult to know whether the writer of the article refers ...


... . To the Editor, The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. Sir I notice in your issue of the 19th inst., under the heading Circular Ivotes, a paragraph concerning the forth coming dispersal of my kennel of greyhounds, retrievers, etc., in which you hint that my retirement from the coursing field and show ring is permanent; I feel greatly flattered by the regret that has been so freely ...


... . To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.'* The Breeding Habits of Tsetse-Flies. Sir, In a recent article relating to the tsetse-fly and the diseases transmitted by it, you say, Maybe its (the tsetse-fly's) principal breeding-places are some what similar to those of the house-fly, which are in horse manure. I should like, with your kind permis sion, to correct this ...


... CORRESPONDENCE. International Fencing Competitions. (The M. Conte Incident.) To the Editor of the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News Sir, In view of the increased interest recently shown in fencing questions, as exemplified by the International fencing public competitions at the Crystal Palace, and at the Italian Exhibition. Earl's Court, I trust you will afford me space to call attention ...


... . To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. Dear Sir, The view from the Kymin, near Monmouth, is one of the choice views in the valley of the Wye. The river running underneath the wooded height flows in a silver crescent about broad meadows, and through the poplar spires that border it may be seen the rosy roof-trees of ancient Monmouth. It is as 'extensive a view as it is ...


... . T To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic Weios.! Dear Sir,-- While the approaching Coronation suggests to all concerned in the matter the desirability of assuring themselves of the validity of their heraldic emblems, it is a complete fallacy to suppose that the monopoly of knowledge upon this important subject is vested in the Heralds' College. There are many of our old ...


... . Bhide (Cheltenham). I agree. One's first diuner-parties are always a trial, to which, however, one grows resigned and accustomed as time goes on. So let this be your consolation. Always keep both olives, salted almonds, and sweets on the table, in silver or crystal dishes, as your fancy may direct. The Ivoliler Chocolate, wiiich hails from Lausanne, is particularly good and suitable for ...

Published: Wednesday 18 July 1900
Newspaper: The Sketch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 88 | Page: Page 44 | Tags: Letter 

First Prize of One Guinea; Cross Purposes

... First Prize of One Guinea, Cross Purposes In an American railway car sat an elderly dame with an anxious air about her. Conductor, she said, please let me know when we get to Poughkeepsie. By all means, ma'am, he said as he passed along. Again as he came her way she accosted hi n, Con ductor, you'll be sure and tell me when we get to Poughkeepsie and again he assured her that he would tell ...

Published: Wednesday 28 June 1905
Newspaper: The Tatler
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 278 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Illustrations  Letter 

An Astute Vicar

... The mantle of Sydney Smith has fallen upon the. Rev. Thomas Smith, vicar of St. John the Baptist, Greenhill, Harrow. The church was consecrated last week by the Bishop of London. Hearing the bishop had received £100,000 from the City and South London Railway he thought he might get some of it when the bishop came to view the new church. The bishop, however, in formed him by letter he had ...

Published: Wednesday 28 June 1905
Newspaper: The Tatler
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 132 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Letter