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1900 - 1909
105 1900


Manchester Times


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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. On Tuesday the Mayoreac of Middleton (wife of Councillor Robert Hilton, Mayor) died at the resi- dence of her husband, Glebeland Villa, 3Middleton. She had been ill for some time. The death of Mr. Charles Heath, the vwell-known and greatly-rewspected Etnglish tutor of-the present Czar and his Imperial brothers andl sisters, occurred on Saturday night in the Annitchkoff Palace at St. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I DEATH OF THE DUKE OF TECK.I His Highipiss the Duke of Teek dlied oi Sun- day evening at White Lodge, RUchilmond Park, Surrey. The health of the Duke, who, was 62 years of age, had been unsatisfactory for some time, and he had been never really ?? silice the death of the Dicihess ol Teok. 1fis early demise wvas not, however, expected. A paralytio stroke occirred at three o'clock on Sun- day ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. SIR JOHN ADYE. General Sir Johli Miller Adye, ?? Colonel- ('oinnarudant of the Royal Artillery, ciied Oll Sunday, whilo on a visit to Lord Armstrong at Cragside, Roth- bury, Northunmherland. The deceased offioer, who wasi born ill 1819, entered the Royal Artillery ats Scwond Lieutenant in 1836, became Major in 1854, Colonel in 1860, dlajor Generas in 1875, and General in 1885. Ile ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths BIRnTrs, DEATHS. MAMIAGise are insqrtsj in tie MANCHESTER WESItLY Tibiss at the rat e' sixpence per line when prepaid. or. if ent-rcil to aeconrt, anadditional sixtoence per notice i. ciwr!, The name and address of the sender in all eases to ba given to vouoh authenticity, otherwsss the aotics cannot appear. BIRTHS. BURNrLL,-.{1y cable), on the 24th ilst., at S i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. DE. RIYLE, EX-ITISILOP OFl LIVEPPOOL. Dr. Ryle, the late l1ishop of Liverpool, wbo- only went to reside at Lowestoft about five weeks ago, on relinquislhing the Bishopric of Liverpool died .t his residenee, 1Ielmingham House, Nirkley d~liff, on, Sun- day afteinoon. The latb Prelate's health hsti eaused some anxiety of late, although ho had ocensionally been able to drive out. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. 3IR~THS, DEATII9, MAItuAGelisE are inssrtod itt tbe MANCHESTER WEEILY TIrES' at tile rate of airpelico per line when prepaid. or, if entered to aecount, an additional sirxence por notice is charged. The name and address of the ?? in all eases to be given to vouch autbentioity, otherwise the notice cannot appear. _ _ BIRTHS. APlS._-Onl July 7th, at Adderbury ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITTTARY. Professor A. IV. Hughes, originator and chief or- gasniser of the Welsh Hospital in South Africa, died on Saturday at his residence, 7, Clheter.terrace, Regents Park, Londow, of enteria fever. Mr. Lawrence \Vhittaler, the uniiiceessful Liberal candidate for the Holden Ward at the rccent municipal oleetiosn at Haslingdeu, died on'rtueshay, aged about 68, from a paralytio seizure, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUXARY. - . . Mre. William waiert Lockhart, ?? died in Lon- don last Friday evening, aged 53. Mr. H. L. Ifolland, editor of tie Oldhani Stan- ,dard, died- n Monday afternoon at Southiport, after a lingerilg illness. Mr. William Parsonage, editor of the Liverpool Evening; Express, died on Tuesday of pneurmoinia. .The deceased was aged 56. The death took' place, oni Monday, of Alderman ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. Dr. JoeT)h. Kennv, coroner for the city of Diublin, dlied on AMonday. l'rom 1892 to 1896 Dr. Kenny sat as Parnellite Si.P. for the (2ollege Green Division of Dublin. After a, very short illness, Conncillor Jdan Holt, neweagent and bookseller, of Higher Bridge-street. Bolton, died of acute neounionia at his residence on Sunday night. Alr. Thomas lelte, cotton manufacturer, of Black- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF SIR WSM. CUNLIFFE BROOKS, BART. Manchester and Lancashire hase4 tuffeted & severe loss by the death of Sir Willia.ri Cunliffe Brooks, Bart., which took place o n Saturday afternoon at his residence. Forest of Cle Tana, Aboyne, Aberdeen- shire. lie was in his 81st year. lie ?? been ailinL for sonae time. When he was last at Chorlton- cum-Hardy, some months ago, it was noticed that lie ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. BIRTHS, DrATIIS, '?I)AttAG4ESl are inserted in the MANCIMSTEtR WECITEN 'vaelmr s at the rate of sixpence per line when pra paid. or, if entered, to account, an additional Fi Xvenc D3 per notice is charged. The name and address of the io nder in all cases to b N gi~rei to Touch autheatinity, otherwise the notice carnot appear. N BIITIIS. Ern/:Eys.-On tho 17th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. BIRTns, DEATHS. MARRIAGES aro i's)Rd, i . AMANCHaESTER WEEKLY TaIarS at tile ratt sixpence per line when prepaid. or, if ecite., account, an additional sixpence per ?? c,, c The name and address of the sender in all le, given to vouch authenticity, otherwise t1W eetj ranualt appear. ,ITARRIA G ES. EsPLIN_-SAWDON.-On the 6th illst, at (Chrit (!111, West, Didsbury ...