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1900 - 1909
251 1900


Aberdeen Press and Journal


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Aberdeen Press and Journal

The Court

... L be I | cbe zfwi ourt.] I~~~_. Vieerogal Lodge, Dublin, Wednesday. The Queen went out yesterday morning, attended by the Dowager Lady South- amptonI. Her Majesty saw at the Viceregal Lodge several of the workers employed by the Irish Lace Depot and the Irish Industries Association. The Queen witnessed the workers mldu6g varioUsc laceas. Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein went. with the ...


... rd AUSTRALIAN FEDERATION. I ( Lord flosebery presided yesterday evening at l the complimentary dinner given by the members . of the City Liberal Club, London, to the Aus- ltralian delegates to the Federation Conference. i fAmong the delegates present were the Hon. E. e'Barton, New South Wales: the Hlon. A. Deakin, Victoria; the Right Hon. C. C. Kingston, South Australia; S. H. Parker, Q.C., ...

The Court

... I Zbe af ortI Royal Yacht., Holyhead. Thursday. The Queen went out yesterday m 1orning, attended by 'the Dowager Lady South- ..wnpton. Prioncess enry of Battenberg went to the Kildare .nd National HBun races, Punches- 't.own, with the Duke and Duchess of Con- naught. Miss Minnie Cochrane and Colonel Lord Wam. Cecil were in attendance upon Her .Rura ;il Hi-Jihness. i-Ier AlMa jesty drove inl ...

The Court

... Ufie Court, Windsor Castle, Saturday. The Queen went out this morning, accom- panied by Her Royal Highness Princess HenTy of Battenberg. Lieun.-Col3inel thu Hon. W. Carrlngton ias been sciceeded by Lieut.-Collouel the Don. 1. C. Legge as equerry in waiting to Her MVajesty. A1 1r lazuther has arrired at the Castle. -1 I Windsor CAstle, Sunday. The Queen andt Her Royal Highness' tPrincess Henry ...

The Court

... I -le Court I Windsor Castle, Moanday. The Queen drove out ye-Sterday afternoonl attended by the Dowager Lady SOuthatmptori and the Hou. Dorothy Viviani. T|re Marquis of Salisbury, K.S. (Prime Minister and Secretary of State for ]Foreign lAfiairs), and Lady Gwendolen Cecil arrived at tilhe Castle and had the honour of dining j with Her Majesty. The Marquis of Salisbury had an audience of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Miss . . Pitt, Ringford, Krlrkcudbrigbtshire. - Cured of Consumnpvion. ILost blood, Wasted away, and had a bad cough, with night-sweats Violont pains in the head; in- digestiou. Years had ptassed In despair: Dr. Williatns' Pink Pills were tried, and restoratioa to health was tarilingly rapid. lnitienzas MiS$ Jenny Barry, th charming and well-knowv vocalist, is one of the tnos enthusiastic ...

The Court

... a3:be zmf court. Windsor Castle, Wednesday. j The Qaeen and Princess Henry of Batann-, g berg drove out yesterday afternoon attended iF by 'Mliss Bulteel. I Her Majtsty to-day in the Quadrangle of ° the Castle inspected the Naval Brigade of 11.M.S. Powerful, lately returned from South Africa. The brigade, with three of the ship's guns used in the defence of Ladysmith, under colmmnand of ...

The Court

... | Cbe Court. I 'Windsor Castle, Thursday. The Queen drove out yestert, y afternoon, attended by the Duchess of Buccieuch and the Dowager Lady Southampton. i Ber Majc-sty's dinLer party iast evening included Princess Hensy of Pattrnolerg, the Duke. of York, Prince Louis of Battenberg,.' the Duchess of Buccuiech, the Dowager Lady i Southampton, the Bon. Farriet Phipps, , ist Bulteel, the Earl of ...

The Court

... ' Ibe Z - U 2& court1 Windsor Castle, Saturday. The Queen drove out yesterday afternoon, attended by the Dowtager Lsdy South- !mptoa and the ton. 31arv Ilualges. Prince lotohito, of Japall, attended by1 Prince Twavklrm (concillol and vice-grand' chamberlain to the Emperor of Japan) and Lieut.-Colonel O'Shiima (staff otficer and in- !spetor of sl iltary educatiou anud attache to I P rince ...

The Court

... 'Ube ZW a-, - court. I Windsor Castle, Sunday. The Queen and tier Royal Highie's.ePrin- Hcss lemy of Battenberg drove out yesier- clay afternootn, attended by the HEon. Dorothy Vivian. The Bishop of Stepney and the Very Rev. the Dpiii of Windsor had the honour of dininLg with .Her Majesty last evening. The Queen, with the Royal family and ueombers of the RPoyal household, attended divine ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... J DEATH OF HON.-JAMES. O. FORBES OF COP'SE.'7' The deat4 ocpti'ted on Saturday iar~tt Coul,' Aberdenshireg, bf the Hon. Jas. Oahcneitr ForIces; :proprieiorof;Corse. Tle.`de&eafte'l, 'Wh'h was de:- scended f£roi;4 .SirJohunSsmoiI.b*-.xvbo wx2i credated'.Baron: Semnpill i'n-t2'b pe'erge of -otlanl'dI 1489, and was killeid at Flodden i ;1,1 2Wvas the son of Sir John Foebes. seventh bartonet-Caf ...