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... AxOTION AGAINST A CINVIL SEZh\ANT. r1S:,NLU10ZC~flLi~ MONE4 Y DTB'tTR. 0' coo cI: oI ~ t Ver-ten i i3mias anl 3o~ bro-ght bcv Mi-tc:,r V& ccnon. an eldrlyxl ut !dv ?? at 1%lI'.:ULCs22t &idLstb 14 lyba-lunce Z.~ ?? ?? 0, ,~ * ilo u4ziaon hcr Xi * QI'. -d ~~Mr. S- ENvaus 3..-~arj ~ - ta - t'01 ?? Bray. QA.,_ dr i\ L.Zln. K rr'ry--nened rtho deoem- ?? ?? te eas, Said A.- l -- .u qa nta~l a N !I ...


... TH1E SOWRY OF A LEGACY. Mrs. Allen, the wife of a railway porter, told an extraordinary story to Mr. SIde at outhwark Police Court yesterday. She alleged that she and her family had been forcibly evicted from a cottage belonging to herself, and upon which she had paid ; rates and taxes for three years. The Clerk: Who are the owners of the cottage? The Applicant: Well, wve are supposed to be ...


... OENTRAi CRIMINAL COURT. A HEAVY' CAtENDAP.I The September Sesions of the Central Criminal Court were opened yesterday at the Old Bailey. Tho Recorder, in charging the Grand Jury, pointed out that the numbor of cases was unusually large. With the ckception of two cases of murder, ten of man- siaughter, and one of attempted murder, th eases were of the ordinary doscription, but: he vras sorry- ...


... JVW NOTICLS. ROVi:F OF LURai.i wimuSIiN 0tia Ti1- f'Ilowir,~ los,Lnt'n, Is Appjitited fur 3! -Inlay next, it iG 45 - cwt s.-.1ruons: VLrdnterburn and o~ta \l.. v t' lit-o soot-sol frairon and t-t. N lbE ?? ?? JCR'PJ 1tIM.1iTRE OF~ THE~l PRIIVY COtUNCILI, WLifIITEIIALL. AL 17030 Mjiii. I,'rttci4 @5). Alppeal. SI1TREME. CQLUT OF JLUDICATLLE. CC1('T Or' A1I;'I'2L -Blr,',r Lordl Ju,tcir A. L. 5th ...


... COUNIY LI -Mh r In the County Cou:-: *- J gibbon and a Jiuy s' -, all day in tryin: aa acmol rr o Stokes, a farmrer resid:1- Z t I ' ., ( against James LvnlI, 1rit t 4 ,ihful ?? on Augu'. i and trees whxh seTpararseI b-l case was remitted fr;,m ttin h-- L Bench. i4e jar-- found for pir.:ii i t ,dUition to ?? ?? ALLE GED SLA.ND;rD 4 This was a rermitted at, . ¾zna,5, i alleged slander, ...


... I YESTERDIY. SOUTHEN DIVISION-4Before Mr Swifte). PUSE -SNATCHING IN COLLEGE GLIKEEN. A young fellow named Patrick O'Brien, of no fixed residence or occupation, was charged by Consable Murphy (40 B) with snatchinag a purse containing l8s from Miss IMtitchell, of Ballsbridge, while the disorderly scene was proceeding outside Trinity College on. Thrardmy I afternoon. Miss Miitchell was pasing ...


... NORTHERN DIVISION (Before Mr WalL) i A YOUTHFUL WINDOW BREAKER. E A little boy named John Fleming, residing in r Nerney's court, was char ed by a woman named Eliza Sullivan with breaking a pane of glass in E the shop, 40 Middle Gardiner street, by delier- ately pushing his elbow through it. The boy denied that he broke the window. He was re- roanded for a week to the North Dublin Union. i A ...


... YIlterday. in thec Sintlhern Pollce Court, be- fw-o YMr Swrifte, Q C' ,ir Ma-useell, the manager 4 t the Plhoenix Brooncry Company, vits su5ln- nmoned by Sergea.t A 22 fo-r having suppel drink to a drnnltnk-7 an.PTI in the licensed house 38 James'e strmet, for which the P1liOcnx BrewerY Cnmpany kold the licence. MIr (-raltd Bymrne appeared for the defence. CorporaZ MI'1)cnald. Dublin Furhliers ...


... I LAW INTELLIGENCE, I YESTERDAY. THE IRISH 'CJNDIPENDENT PRINTING AND PiBLISHING C(OIPANY, Yesterday, before the Vice-Chance Ior, ia the matter of the Comparies Act and the above company, Mr Miles K 'lne, Q C 4.nstrueted by Mr Sheridan, on behalf of Mr Thomas Baker, the liquidator of the company), applied that a mo- dified scheme for the raccnstruotion of the com- pany should be sanctioned bv ...


... SOUTH TPIRA!r~RY. WrEl'EIBOY FRf~FulTO NS. ' lonmel, Tue-day. The Lord Chief Justice (lJord CUIriea) yes- terday morreng re~suine& the hearing of the criwnal ases. winITTBOY OAISE. James Foley, loousmel, w dchaed- uvder the Wlnmteboy Ac ?? sending a letter to Denis Hunt, Lissmigh, threatenig viOlence, and requiring him not to -do an act which he had a legal right to do. He pleaded not guilty, ...


... POLICE INTELL16EXCL YESTERDAY NOGRTHEERN' DIVISION-1 ?? k ?? Thony. SALVATION ARMS tB' Zr:Y It wrill be remembered :ha: ;bt - : bers of th1e Saltion Army : . thtronghfareat M:ddle Ahoca -f-v irr of religious meetirgs large crovwds. When eb- -- court, 1Mr Mahonr iC4_-j. t.-. ' ?? Sidney Porter, the occ-al 1.,.4 O'(Neil, a member of tae Ak-v. 0io' cused were &Leo ordered m i peace and be of geod ...


... I SATURDAY. NORTHERN DIVISION-(Before Mr Wail). A YEOMAN'S CLOTHES STOLENT. Thes Martin, a labourer, having no taxed re- sidence, was charged by Constable Corrigan (137 D), with the larceny from the Royal Bar- ' racks oi a coat and trowsers, the property of Frederick Kennedy, a memaber of the Irish con- I tinget of the Imper al Yeomanry. The ac- cused was found with the articles in his pos- se ...