... 1899-1900. No Budget could be more humdrum than the legal year now closing. The obituary list is, happily, small, and includes only one judge actually in harness, though he was perhaps, of all the judges, the most conspicuous in the popular eye-narnely, Lord Russell of Killowen, whose almost sudden death came as a shock at the moment the whole profession was entering on its Long Vacation. ...


... ST. PAUL'S CATrHEDRAL. W,,'hen some traveller from New Zealand shall, in the midst 5olitude, take his stand ou a broken arch of London Bridge to Vah e ruins of Si. Paul's.' The words, tke famous words, seemed 't c g1h appropriate last night, when one was fronted by this ; tirN this splendid fixity, this massive architecture of St. Paul's, sung Spohr's Last judgment, according to yearly ...

Bristol Bankruptcy Court

... Bristoi Bankruptcy Court, YESTERDAY. Before the Deputy Official Receiver, Mr F. W. Darley. .IlJIST MEETINGS, SAmutrL PBIRrs, of Orchard house, Kingswood, and Wick, lime and stone ?? G. T. Lilley appeared for the debtor, and Mr E. W. Vcale for a creditor. The statement of affairs shows a deficiency of £278 8s 5d on gross liabilities amounting to £4328 7s 4d, of which £782 17s 10d Is expected to ...

Bristol Police Court

... Bristol Police Court YESTERDAY, Before Col. Coates and Mr J. Swaish. A SACK SUIT. John illtchell, 71, who appeared la tho dock n dressed in a saok, was charged with belog drunk and u disorderly. Deputy Chief Constable Caun stated that whilst in the cells Mitchell tore up all his clotheq, and the police made him the suit in which he was now attired (laughter), Prisoner was sent to gaol for a a ...

Bristol Police Court

... Bristol P-olce CourL 751 No YE S2ERDAY, Before Colonel Coates and Mr W, A. Todd. 6XO BOYS IN TRq1;YB~, I at1 J biU. Alfred Brain, 9, ?? Phillips, it, and C [of Solmo Bishop, ., 'Were charged with stealing a iepiece of iron. 'oQnglng to a fire grate at the house 4 of Henry 'Plumley, of Stephen street, St. Gaorge. wns The n~leevidence was that early on the morning *c of June 27tb the boys ...

Bristol Police Court

... Bristol Police CourL YESTERDAY. Before Messra J. E. Shellard and Edward Paraons. FASTE PRETENCES. James S. Cornwell, 17, and William C. Sprlggs, 19, were charged on remand with obtaining food and lodging from two people In the Hotwells by false pretences. The evidence of Mrs Hobbs, of Clifton wood crescent, and of Mrs Dark, of 6, North Green street, Hotwelis, was read over, to the effect that ...


... ABERDEEN POLICO OCO1RT. (Thursday-Before Baillie Taylor.) The Baillie on the Licensing Laws.-A licensed grooer was charged with having on him premisces sold w~htsky to a boy 12 years of ae contrary to the conditions of his certificate. Ac- cused pleaded not guilty. The boy, in the course of his evidence, sai he was at school, and Wuas in the habit of selling newspapers. On 2bth Deoember he ...


... I I APPOINTMENT Or PROCURATOR- FISCAL. A meeting of the Justices of the Peace for the county of Aberdeen was held in. tihe Sheriff 1Courthouse, Aberdeen, yesterday forenoon for the purpose of appointing a procurator-fiscal as euc- ce.sor to the lstae Mr George Cadenhead. There f wa, a large attendance, and, on th motion ofi Uar James Murray of North Inveramsay, Mr I i Gordon of Newton was ...

The Court

... Zbe coftt. Osborne, Saturday. The Queen drove out vesterdayv afernoon, attended bv the Duchess of Roxburghe and the Rloil. Evelyn Moore. Captain Adair, H.M.S. Auustralia, and' Commander Purefoy, HE.M.Y. Victoria and Albert, hfacd the honour of dining wth l;Her Mlajesty and the Royal family last evening. The Queen Nvent out .zhis morning, accom- panied by HEler Roval Highness Priocess Henry of ...


... 1 I3C 4.BT. SI'tOXD AYrS MflYINCL - Tlhe High Court olusticiary ie-timed in Aber- deeo C -t-rthotts' x-nsterd.' morrn.ow 'o dispo'e oit th tolwu!ih and iast case 6n the caettdar. Lord _M'Lren took his es-e.t onl the bench at hailfpas -.en. Mr Alexm:tlder Localgnt AIhLure |a3 acdvocatrc-deo)ue, a,.C!R`ed br Mr Cowatn. v-hle tIf- Gear Ae . Si ih aeted as clerk of cantrt. Tee tibiec were tlto adr ...


... BOY FOUND DEAD IN A CORNS CHEST. The Aberdeon counby police authori- ties have received inforinaittion of an extraordinary oceurrence at the farm of Balnacraig, near Aboyne. It appears that some time ago a boy named Ciarles William Thomson, aged 12& years, went to the farm, partly for the purpose of recruiting his health and to give such assistanee in the farm work as he was able to accomplish ...


... THE ALLEGED WIFE 3EURDER DAWSON AT THEz POLICE COURT. Frederick F. Dawson (21), of eno fixed abode, was charged at Leeds Police-court yesterday, befrre the Stipendinry Magistrate (Mr. C. M. Atkinson) with the wilful murder of his wlife, Emily lavwson. whilst they wvero lodging at 10, Belgrave'-street, on the 12rth inst. Mr. T. Tnernton appeared for thie prosecution, and Mr. Arthur Willey to ...