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... NET, CLOTH ?? Is 9S, STUDIES IN R E L I G I O N FROM SH A K E S P E A R E. EB AMIBROSE N. BLATCOFORD, B.A., WITH PORTRAIT. REVIEWS. Mrr Blatchford's brochure contains six chapters thoughtful, reflned, suggestive; and we can strongly commend the little work ...

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... security. Address i ., 57 TT South ing street. pitftti rose 'XPERI1ENCED Jeurnalist: edit, sisb-edit ;Y~ybI leaders, notes,,reviews, ve.b shor',band, lan-j * . i guageU- opeas to immrediate ehigagement; highesti flriz i teferences J~r~r~allSWF .Nrw E-v ...

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... UYnas.' £lSDNEY LEE . - S SD fUE MDO)E S:D- h: SIR WEmiySS REID: ,, S Er ?? i u' p-ou Lu-. ax b C. o.. Ltd. tXONTEiAPd0iARY REVIEW. - CON- 1HI'fs-, f. r JANILA:.y :Q: Cus> tsssd ltmperiallsaw Is i s'.w.b ?? b~r J. -A d~slL ~ist a a d tts 'nei . . b A ? ...

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... CLOTH ?? . ?? 15 9D, STUDIES t RELIGION FROM r S HE1 A E E S P zE A R B. rB AMBROSE N. BLATCHFORD, B.A., 1, WITH PORTRAIT. e REVIEWS. U Mr Blatohford's brochure contains six chapters thoughtful, reflned, suggestive; and we can strongly t commend the little ...

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... the ordinary Supplement. 3t: a Nv: Author. Price of the Double Number, 2d1. Post free for three penny stamps. The Saturday Review says: -It is neonder fiul how the 'Family Herald' keeps up iti stock Ii readable novels and stories. London: W Stevens ...

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... reference; city preferred. l. Addirss 7449, F'reeman Office. ad -XPERIENCED Joi;tnalist; - edit, sub-edit E leaders, notes, reviews, verb shorthand, lan- guages; open to ininuiciiaa engagement; highest references. Journalihs., .es Era, 22 Paterneostcr roW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLOTH ?? Is On, STUDIES 1 INt If ~R E L I G I O N FROM S H A K E S P E A R E. BY AMBROSE N. BLATCHFORD, B.A., WITH PORTRAIT. REVIEWS, Mrr Blatehford's broehure contains six chapters thoughtful, refined, suggestive; and we can strongly commend the little work ...

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... Index. Cloth, 6s London: T. FISHER UNWIN, 11, Paternoster-buildings, E.C. Mollthly. Price Half-a-Crowii. THE CONTEMPORARY REVIEW. C6.TENTS FOR JANUARY. Capitalismi and Ioperialis in. South Africa, by I. A. Hobson. Radicalism and the Imperial Spirit, bv ...

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... 1899; December P7th, 1899,; JJanuary. 3rd, 1900; January 10th, t900. * Containing- 1.-THE! WORLD'S OUTPUT OF TONNAGE. II.-A REVIEW OF TlE INDUSTRIAL YEAR. I1.--'-PROURl'SS IN NAVAL ARCHITECTTUR'. IT.-ENGINES, BOILERS, PROPELLING AND A UXILIARY MAHIEIty ...

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... .-18599 ,'Deoemb'e.r 27h 89,-Jnutry ;3rd. - 900; January 1(1h, l900. Jai r - SWI.-THE ?? f'OUTI4TkT 'OP'TONNAGB.'b 11.-A REVIEW VOP 'VlE INDUST;RIAL VEAR. Y Es IIL-PRtOO4RbSSN &AV'AL ARCRIT'ECZUltR IV. -ENOINES, 110lLERS.~' PROPI,~LLU~a N .I'MACIN'T ...

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... SSHOULD BE GIVEN AT ONCE. CASSELL & COMIPANY, LIMITED, and all Bookeellers, MONTHLY, PRICE HAI.-FtACROWN. IE (CONTEIMPORARY REVIEW. j T CONTENTS FOii JANUARY:- . Capitalism an'l Irmperialismo in South Africa. by J. A. -lousoo, Redinslisin and the Imperial ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLOTH ?? IS 9n, STUDIES IN R E L I G I O N FROM , S HE A K E S P H A~ R E,. E? AMBROSE N. BLATCH.FORD, BA., WITH PORTRAIT. REVIEWS. Mr Blatehiord's brochure contains six chapters thoughtful, refined, suggestive; and we oan strongly commend the little work ...