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Miler the One, TMAdmiral's M. T. B. Dimes ; tabkaa. The Far M.6.2•111a. Min Wizey ; ( laim

... health of the Host and flostees, and said it was owing to the thoughtful Madame of 3dr. and Mrs. Akre that they enabled to speak worth of admiratio they e ll felt for lb.. O ho . be their patriotic whoa, were glowing they were their eountry's stay in ...

Davies hat held the Aloe for itto pest

... The Perahore Company wili bare their (*date et the frost, wad it '; eri• that that the fullest meadows is plead is bin. °speaks Checketts looks every melt a soldier, sad Lord Dervberst -wediets that if is celled spas to charge a position be will be found ...

yards or mom, and that meant that they must hop'make • certainty of hitting, the tamet a little logger one

... ) 'Phoy had in the comny 36 marksmen, against .34 last year, and t hey bad wren first.olass •hota. ronnnst one last year. Speaking of the war. Vtscount llserburet referred to the Volunteers for the front Irma that battalion. Tlcy had the honour, which ...


... ever one* he sae a small boy. They knew he warn somewhere out there, and they were sally afraid site report referred to Lam. Speaking of the ear ions emits-isms he said it wan noel unjuct to ary out. Muller. All General, were boatels soniminte. He believed ...

TEE ITstoornr C wns

... doing at the present time he was cure they would sere* that it would he foolish to attempt to swop horses at such a juncture. Speaking of the good work of the Government. he pointed to the friendship of the l'nited States, and the ire. proved relation. with ...

London City Mission

... Bane* and others addressed the meeting; the choir interspenhig mend midterm The meelfmg slossd, after a vote of thanks to the speaks% In the nasal manner. Intertainm --..-- eut at the Pariah On behalf of Christ Church (West Gram), Company of the Church Lids' ...

Tetteala= Ratepayers,

... Llteraty Society by Albers HJI, Eeq., of Priory Bide, on hie mon interesting Retain. of T041161'0, in whtele hefted up gape—so to speak—la hie Reatleleonote which nava* appeared in oar columns. The audience wen highly delighted sod amend with the away wields ...

Mr F. Brooking's Ball

... pouring spirit y—rt owed God. The spirit had bete isthe world rarer over re world mighty - deep; It et owed the hearts the =to speak stirriag words ; it eared the e t and rawer that we rend of i to do the drag deeds they did far God. spirit God bar bees is ...


... el Me hundred ofBo men of the C I.V. who mubd the Pembroke Gamin Maser the Amasses war not reedy. Lord Claud flarailtos, speaking at half. yearly mot; Lug Cheat Kamen Ooaapaoy.. tail that they were poise half-wart to We 233 ftwrervseta sow serving waft ...


... take I hell the quantity al food ogee, and then' would the be little chews of the hose being choked. boy. Nor DMICIant 4. Speaking of the stosateh he controverted the mamas :dot that hots were dangiouus. Buts ' were mimed by the gedfly. which attached ...

Colusty News

... relation to the feinehise and the Uidaoders grievencre which berniebed a goes belli. Odom! Milward replied that he wan not speaking Most a mostron of mime Milli. but about a of Wring preparations for war. Re. the nature of the preparation , . Col. admitted ...


... Ithaostea la the sod elso forty Bothers, while Ur Geo. Rothe rod Mr Pal Rogers, the of the Old Age Pardee 8 eery, would be speaking Is with their work bolero very bog. Mr Ors. Radial, daily ethg two sorb mad • tbe widow woo gine by las abtoray, he teiterest ...