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... had not thought the out wen cared by • fall on the trek, was enough for him. 11 I were you, said he to Andrews, I would speak the truth, Salvation Army man and all. William Stow fully corroborated Brewer and White. sad with out he rag mealier witness ...


... leering for Smith At He *reind to regret the end of the holiday. and to i.e unwilling to rennin' dada. •. roldior ; for. speaking to Ritchie and bit wife the previous' evening on thin sithject, he pod he wished on accident MOIII4 happen to him or he mig;it ...


... it. Asked who, be ;mkt Bill Palen end Darkg George. Oa the isoraing the Bah arrested Sanders, who mid. Well. I can only speak the truth; I wee dragged into it. I did work last week. and they raked me to s e with them. Pm glail Bill's in; bee the wont ...


... her Thaniday night. sod whet eke went upetain he seemed to he Fell, except that be had • glees or WO 600 mush. He began to speak in a drowsy ' tone, but she took no notice of him. Then be made • draw notes and she shook hint. He did not answer. The.. was ...

IHE W te

... \oohed them late did sot at the prom* tintes is the ode the mesa sad thee up. They melts neamemwdatios to the Coma la do could speak Bailie', bet spoke to another in direction indicated. their owe language. The bad was awful. One fellow hal& Ail, orsages„ ...

den gad se the dude ha the Creed I Me 1 bays is .. . .. the Oelleinusiee Seta* sad

... (clines. the helitage that ad come down so them from the rodent and unwe day.. of Christianity when the Church was one and could speak an it we. iinprimahle toy the Church to do, an eh wee divided in than. dam, The Chairman prop:wed • vote thanks to Mr. Dowdeamell ...

11111111,10 WITH TIIS STU

... pointiona no Ids own body aunt endeavours to Imitate the sounds. Average deaf and dumb children are taught, by the oral method, to speak and write connectect and often intricate annteitati In sixteen months' thus. They nave, in foot, learnt to hear with the eyes ...

GOOD 111140111111

... saying, de mite ma ail nis% bonus: - meek nothing lint go el of theme hed gone; but iii my opinion ,t would a way thing to speak in 'entente, tonne '4 battery nod adulation regarding one wise io de• and is already before a higher tribunal' a Asher }edge ...

111 01X1118 MT

... Per hay there is a pester variety—coclofint. timothy. Serene and Italian ryogrom. (tram and .aver should Iv mixed, numbly speaking. In shout the same pmporl ions. The gram costa's' the starchy material, flip clover albumen. With am minors, earl they will ...


... of Comeitutional rosthods. Sir, the Church has not been, and will not be narrowed by Protmeents, but by their pool ta Speaking on bairn of many men with whom I ma seposiated, I ma relieve Dr. Cobb's garrote anxieties to a certain extent. We are not ...


... was compelled to down ration., hut, thank God. we have kept nor Rae fiyinc. The General was much moved When he had done speaking led all present in einring. God flays the Queen, tile whale crowd joining with great fervour. In the semidarkness, the ...

fix .Moreton dotrivt. duo to the

... reeds are likely remain most favoured by pedestriens whohave some regard for such things as shoelimither and corm, not to speak of possible bunions. The other day I tame wrowi the programme d concert given by the Eveshem Choral Morel, mod the lisdnry ...