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Advertisements & Notices

... St. COOK (experienced) Wanted for first ca etnat good rofereaees.Address 1881. HeadO.- OO atd at once; smrall family;fane'whig £.X8,..P2-Bens . 207 Went Campbl Stet COOK Wanted, thres persons, no wsig;£8 2. 2 0 Park Head. Kelvisibridge; free tl utd eOOK ...

The Gentlemen Ushers in Waiting on the Queen during this month are Colonel C. Larking, the Hon. Sir Spencer ..

... while his elder brother, Mr. W Ii Leatham, who sat for the Southern Division of the West Riding, stNled himself ' an advanced Whig. Mr. Leatham graduated at Lornd University, obtaining second place in the B.A. examination for classical honours in 1848; ...


... servant, ' T F. WI February 12. A LESSON FROM THE WHIGS. T 2 o the EDITOR of the PALL MALL GAZETTE. SIR,-De Quincey, in. speaking, in an article upon Dr. Samuel Parr, of he. unpatriotic conduct of certain Whigs with regard to the French war in 1803, uses words ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ebrogo orl ven raachines. W-wea, £2 12ts, Cd.. loura, rs, 7 pro, tI 4 ian Laohrurer utclsyed. - Apply Manager, a. orthern Whig. Ballast. M9PROVFI atCAE ANED Qic ~d i In,1 miljes i t of Loudon. Stats price per 1.000 and refernica.-.-4K 2, Daily News ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GIRL for llousework, Wanttd. Good wageea-75, Oaktieid lid., n- Bu'leaail Heath. E.£'LtL (clean, tnusnoriousol enmall family no whig good refer- em3cee. - Rose, Draper iopposite Il sley Cuch), Xoseley ri- Sae ?? stong Wnte. or farnohoo man &stteel; ano children ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sidelights columns that we recommend ?? Democratic voterS of the Ince Division to srpport the Tory rather than the Jingo Whig Richard Johnson. C. hit. DAY (Norwioh).-rany of the Dissenting ministers thas shown during thin war what contemptible creatures ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oceet ?? om Ladfotte = orii Tw wo I. -tn Entto bull-4ei,. Ca 5e h rwo te pl-e &ppb. or Wr 1V81 &d 1 0 _,W-b SACrtlt K-128l G N Whig 5ElB* to ML XrM W wow. k~ rsur .jw r~a. Wilse ?? S ?? 2fortable, hom to a in fml. SoV 14rf LtV. VerS, Sw 1 EXRA SEVAr wit gooden ...

Advertisements & Notices

... byL Mrt Ctri.Tapior tcoa'ducted by ttecoite, Til-S!.%nt. UT aA i'Mra. )Larch ~2. aL eight.ArGt-im Lilian Stanwiet. CmI M_. Whig ey Mckr'.dg~e. &aol Mr. Andirow IIack. Oryseiltl-. 100 Mr. Blallotr 3?rleA. 7a. Md. C.. Sa.. 4w; gallery VTpsmr - 0)01). Is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... prepai I credit rates will be chiarged, aII ~N'E to Advertisement ilbeboefr lssmount V Swill rasa THREE! SHILLINGS. ~-ApJply M. W'hig Scale does -not apply to Rtegistry Office and di r. Business Advertiseesnets, or to Advertisememnts emanstinp. Ir. ar Public ...


... taken by any intelligent person. In the early forties, after the starting of O'Connells repeal agitation, some more advanced Whigs advocated the holding of the Parliament and Court in Dublin every few years, and this idea of her Majesty of settling down ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and l6ne goo charactex; oen horse; plain gardeming.-Address. 2369, Daily eal. Q ROOM-C0ACHMdAIN.-Wazted. mnart married Masn. whign fam~y; nderman ept.Wagrai 25s.. -Witi CitULPe and Co2L-AddreMs 0Z52, Daily Po8n- EL'(~en)Weotod, for sa-aade; wiling aaod ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... l Titles, lie had something interesting and suggestive to say upon almost everything that cropped up. lie woas a professed Whig, or rather Liberal-Conservative (a designa- tion not then extinct), and on the whole Lord John Russell could reckon him among ...