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OOLLLIIII ocravan.__

... COLLIERY CO ANY. Limued, have received Ells), 0 cireular letter stating directors on acd loss the ox aalf-year Jaze 3th at the rate of 10 and also debentore bonds at. the coss of directors were 1m be ung 250 beads oa directors were sag ...

Ww. 10) oC MAILW 15, EXCHANGE, vl Have g Hire several Io Waggons ; framediat Coal or Wagzons st hicest

... mar We to Pure hase or Le Bk Lo A AY WAQGGON CONTRACTOR: AG! % MOUNTSTUAL aphte Address, 1 a Telephone, N New or Second-nand Waggonsof cve ure upon Fedemption or 3 or atrnypie hit new i tor lettering woes § T™ B™ PLAC SbTE DOLES, CARD thing, 0. aad National. Cardiff. ne, No. 45 ly mew. latest NS.—A aumber of periect! and what 10 Oak Brames, o}d ty, ft. Din. « ove end. doors each oi failing {c ...

Ilintibinsj Neckties

... RINCIPALITY PERMANENT, i. Bet yee T ANS ON PFPOPERTIES, to W. SANDERS & @ru ANNUAL REPORT : MrJ.M. Woop, 20, Beer‘ ‘Vale: Mr J. A. MrD, INTYPRIDD, LLANTRISANT, AND Repayments—5 to 20 Advances Made a) i pound Interest at a [8] iD P] mp INVESTING OR ORNITURS, P * WHY Warr Fou HAVE MONEY 75 amp HIGH-STRE MON., TOWN, NEW “TR! YOUR HOUSSS AS UF Fenn Mstanes as ety te Yee ithe bre OS ‘at ance to ...

TM situation in Swab Africa is complicated by the fact that whet) one Boer leader is down another comes on. MA. ..

... The situation in Sour Africa is complicated by the fact that whea one Boer leader comes on, Cartesa by F. C. Goald. Published by arrangement with the Westminster Gazette.” NEWPORT v ou met on the Uskuide enclosure in of cloxe on bas hazy. spectators, the weather two or three took of Cwmcarn, and at the James, of Crumiin, last moment Inne, the old played their full forward, was strength. The ...


... @ NAMB part’! ty for scutt] 1 remedy for worm, old &e, Lb wil 1) 800% ia eraptions of the > meade Mazk Label on each po spend Por scrotula, scurvy, wie .. lone, i the body, oy] either ees, 0 the secre avle jer, “No Nome’ — Prices ...


... THIS DAY IMPORTANT SALE ON THURSDAY, J: WELL-PRESERVED removed from Albany-road and ORGAN, Gf, bedroom Cardiff, notably amongst which ‘walnat, Sft. and 4ft. two dressing pair mahogany 4%. robe to ae re i fin, frame pianos. iniaid cabinet, apd tea sete, etc. & SON will SELL by AUCTION, ab 23, Duke- street, Cardiff, on at 2 o'clock, the above Salerooms always open for the Re MORGAN BEVAN ...


... .Sat., Feb, 24 Sat, Mar, 3 = 10} je Campenia Panes :—~ upwards; 67 0s and 3 Sed 5 Ss and = sent Seco 10 per cent. Retarn Tiekets Saloon. 5 per class to Boston, Pass tra Rew xtra charge. uar lime of steamers to Mediterrancaa Ports and Havre. Passengers: aod Canada. “apply to Phe Conard steamship Com Jobe Davies, J. Bate ks, : stuart Port 3 M, Jones and Son Aber- pron a street, Lanetiy; ...


... IN SOUTH WALSS. Wales Blectrical Po tion Bill, which is being by an influen. in the present meets with the of the Cardsft meeting of that body on cables was supported by Mr J. B. Portier, ae Lester Jones, The argament of the gentlemea spoke war shonld be given tc electricity, both as ao thas every @ motive of the same Seld. and will Wednesday.—The let Dilwars on neaster Regiment will eail from ...


... Peravian quoted’ et et 9 6d to Lis ordinary ayraps fine yesterday's 1, 138 a: small, coarse, ia 14 14s 3d. comtinnes at 3s transit for boldberry African. is quietly Rice- cleaned stead; steady, bat rood continacs slow. jy, with moderate sales in at 88 7! atrivals idle; yesterday's i UR. floar steady, at 93 3d to 98 tor fair Sarawak on spot ; further sales of April-June made at 88 aay and ...

01•114.-eary. GOOO qpOMY esaular wok: igrXerrel hinuraly .1=1..:1=16010m= 0003

... ii Waitress i Hotels Servants > A Housemalds, Hosts Page oye a en Was Well * jos given to we eo W Was Se ae VV and make ako himself SS — and IABP Krrand ft Woanstearvaguare. DRaekTIicn Lady as roand ; state age, wages, Wanted immediately, stats’ aesiet wit Boh gh ee ...


... NEWPORT TOWN COUNCIIE,. LOCAL VERSUS GENERAL TENDERERS. At the ot the Newport County OR, , the Ma; (Councillor Green- Works Comm permission to mention oses, of the that tenders had been received from several eon- tractors for the widening of the Gwasted to Barrack Hill, after some conflict of opivion about Giving tender toa local or distant it was decided that Mcsars Palmer, of Nea who offered ...


... Cabin, 208, Deck 10s. Belfast, Cabin, 17s 64; Steerage, 10s. Best route to North of Ireland and all yor gates and further particolars apply to 2X ANDER GREUOR, 9, Bute-crescent, Cardif & SON, LD., Newport. w JONES & Albion Chambers, MERICAN LINE MAIL VOuR BERVICE. TO NEW YORK, SATURDAYS LIVERPOOL AL T0. PAI te ers conte. Wal yu shortest most Whart of the Pea ‘eet to all places Aprly to Kee ...