... Soi.FIE ' X2RllM MAFEKING. *ATWAK ON' A PORFORT. l1E'AVY V II11S11 IA)SSE& TWO OFFIVE!S KILLED. CO1. AlNCK WOU1NDED. POUR VER11SION. (runor)it utrrv 1'NE lVII A, .Plee. th3. V ::a Lour;noc Marttuos, I}*c 'sS) Tii.' 'floo ig rvptni has boon rvsvc' frdtr Co;ii, Sn' ancn. d te Monday morn Ing i'n, ?? at z':iekiiit :tt:k'kt'ti Out' iM o11r tor:ts '1I tor X ca'nn-ton, Ma.'xinus. and ...


... SHOCIIG T RAGEDY EAR DUN- DA L.K. ALL'oGE-D murDfER BY A FAnfLB. DUsmaDA;, SArOED-.l.-TM.s mrning a shooI- ing occurrenea took plazea abotut. two mikes from Dundalk-. A young mar ied woman named Posana Roddy irving been murdered, and her husband, Win. Rad-dy, arrested on the capital charge. The dece:Led and her husbxtad lived at a. poae called 2escihee Upper, whiadh is about two aides irom ...


... UNQUESTS IN- BIRMINGHAM. _ SUFL-OCATSID BY THP BEDCLOTmS. Thec ] Cirminghao Coroner (Mr. 1. Bradley) held several important ?? on Saturday. The circum- stances attending the duath of Ealizbeth Poole (22). wife of William Poole, blacksmith, 27 Court, 1 house, Goochl trt-ct, were somvewbat singular. She was apparently well when she went to bed with her husband ?? night last. In the morning, ...


... At the police court, on Saturday, before Messrs Miu]lins, Barstow, Brown, and Hunt, Andrew Deek ins, residing in the Moorland road, was charged with attempting suicide by taking an overdose of laudanumnon December 26th. Dr Carey said he was called to the prisoner's house on the afternoon in question, and found him sitting In the back room. Mrs Deekins informed him that her husband had taken ...


... SArunDAY.-Before Sir Janes Smia and Aldern. t Parker. Armnman Fos ?? Thomas Lucock- (46). uF t -lover's Road, until recently manager of the lidcnc 1 Couies H;rerd, Unrion Street, was charged on a warrant with forging and uttering an endorsement of a cheque 2 for £39 lOs. ith intenat to defraud, on August 24- 1 Detective-inspector Daniel, in applvin for a remand, 2 stated that the cheqge passed ...


... -REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] FRANCL Pants. December 30.-The trial ?? to-day, before the Assize Court, of a number of the persons concerned in the riots of August 30 last, and in thed yllagge of the Church of St. Joseph. Ben Haim, an Algerian Jew, studying in Paris, -was sentenced to five rears' imprisonment, while six others were condemned to terms varying from one to two years. F our of the accused ...


... EXTR A-'3tDTN-ARY- BBIGAMY { 'ARSE. Frede;`c!; ni.- adl 46. a -ii1te'lvyrs' la urtr, is 1nowa r1 ainainc; -a2 th.e nro -len thi! beset ai m -ic ccrj mn ! was lietS arA C IR' I 'n -the WVew H;inr Police C ?? ve `erd;av viii hbai nv. nd aisc with cauW -- r i : f se-tr;-. in bo in. te in tie inorara c :cstr t ;e clin' ii zo St Jair ithe iGrca;. Setbral r rsan. r-i ?? ic' -J.cs 2'r.sons: i. at ...


... BIRMINGHA4 POLICE COURT. YPSTEIs ?? .41r. Golmfrre (fSip.), Dr. Griffial.s, and Mr. ThaUis. Un'xa GG Gm=an SxPExNcs.-William Ed wards (16), jeweller's engraver, of 38. Green Lanes, Hands- worth, was charged with uttering grlded Jubilee si x pences at the expense of the London Card Company, Hockley.-According to the prosecutor, Edwards bought Is. worth of Christmas Lards, tendered one of the ...


... RDER. ALLEGED NEW EVIDENCE. TO THE EDITOR OF THE DAILY NEWS. Hir, -- It will be remembered that the prosecuting counsel in the case of Regina v. Masset stated that If the prisoner went down to Brighton by the 4 o'clock train, she had been falsely accused of the crime and the 'leered' Judge. I his summing up, drew flge Juvs =atenzton to thte circumstance that tbere Lsad been no ennence for ...


... ThAGEDY NEA1R DUNDALK. - - ALLF(,hE'D WVFE MURDER. POLICE BIND THE HUSB3AND| WITH ROPES. Oin Satlndriv a shoDkir-' oecurrence took place: about two ?? from Durdalk. A youn.g mar- I ried womran named Rosanna RFoddy was found I brutally nmutdered, and her husband, WmV| Roddy, has been arrested on a charge of m-r- ?? his wvife. The deceased and her hus- ! band lived at a place cal'ed _Merchee ...


... f Lo-rnO-carmtRy. -These sessions 'were, held ycscr clsa, before Alderman Bell, J.P. (preskiding) 1Colonel Tyots, P-M.; Mes~srs. T. G.1.BibleA Sloan, ~nd John 'I ~Cartoey. At the sitting of the Cone; the chairmnan wished the members Of the legal pro~fession present and the citizens a peaceful, prospercus.~ and hiappyv New Year, and Mr. Hugh IC. OlDoaberty. is seniior solicitor, returned the ...


... I I YESTERDAY. SOUTHERN DIVISIONAL COURT--(Before Mr Bvrne, Qt). MORNING CHARGES. The number of morning charges was 38. CHARGE AGAINST GROTERS' ASSIS- TANTS. Two Young men of respectable appearance. named Thomas Kelly and Thomas Smvth, who had been charged as assistants in the public- house of Peter Paul Cullen, No 4 Upper Ste- plhen's street, were brought, up by Detective- Constables Love ...