Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF ALDERMAN WHITE, A. LIFELONG PHILANTHROPIST. It will be with a very sincere regret that Birming- ham people will miss the venerable and kindly figure I of Alderman White, who passed away yesterday morning, at his residence in Sir Harry's Road, after a short but severe illaess. Alderman White, who had passed his eightieth year, had recently been' less - robust than formerlv, but had no ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIGES, AND DEATH. A ?? of O Snnzrn Ai- Smrrrcx, pr nr. 'A£pi 91i Oie Wx'sc seft tnrcedau7 tz-u tws For co line (ciyk wsoris) Stxe a., Postl 50102 rS O pees Anneantoe mut oc 5Ortxtbd 61 b =areo at the sender. ifemoiaz notices (I In MIfwierinm I at r7 ar rcs BIRTHY-.' IZtG.-On th±e 6th Ist, at Gleceit. Ci., S3oa4 Edtv wife of Afred E1. Leighl, of a daughter. RonarRna-On the Sth ins-. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNSERAL OF TBEh TMAYM FR OF NOLVER. HAMPTON. The remains or alderman S. T. Manderwg wer-e ldin their last rebtine ssace in Pattingpeans Churahyard yes- terdoyv afternoon, ecu although the, funeral, s., beft- and5g the pfo'itron ?? the deceased occupied as e- favor of M3) ol vchrenton aisl chairman of the School Bofbrd, was of a public caracter, the arrangemens in accordance With Bre often ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF PROFESSOR SMYTH. Yesterday the death occurred, at Ripon, of Pro- fessor Charles Piazzi Smyth, who was for forty-three years Astronomer Royal for Scotland. He was born in 1819, at Naples, and was the second of three sons of the late Admiral Smyth, but was educated in England. He commenced his astronomical service at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, under Sir T. Maclean, in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE DUKE OF TECK. The preparations are now nearly complev'd li funera.1of the late Duke of Teek at St. Genrpe CiniX Windsor Castle, at 11.30 to-morrow. ATnoer on public work with which the late Duke waes aa was the volunteer movement, and he aceepzs J4 honorary colonelcy of the first Ci0v of Londoni Ar- and afterwards of the 24th Middlesex Rifts 1 corps will assist at the obsequies, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [RE-UTRFZ'S TELEGRAMS.] THE ASSUMPTIONNIST FATHERS. I PARIS, Janary-30.-At the Council of Ministers, to-riay, 31. Waldeck Rousseau communicated to his colleagues the letter which he had addressed to the Archbishop of Paris on the subject of his visit to the Assumptionists after the latter had been con- demned as an illegal body by the Correctional Tribunal, and the reply of Cardinal Richard. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR.I SCNADHORST.' t:~ j T; says A :- We Cregret ! to announce Etia IL.- CiF~, SliSinadhorst died4 o. the 2nd January. at Patney, aiter a prolonged illness.s WPe :re asked to say that the tocnetal will take place at Newrataey Oemetery>.utodey Vule, prohibly at: ?? j'olclek noon on. Saturday next, the 6tlh 'ast. ThOUh Mr. Sclhuadliqrst pye d a promipenf and important part in nationlfi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF COLONEL LEGGE. The funeral of the late Lieutenant-Colonel the Ho-, Edward Henry Legge, Assistant Sergeant at Arms t the House of Commons. and formerly of the Coldi stream Guards. who died at his Surrey residence Holmwosod Lodge, near Dorking, on Thursday last took place at South Holrmwood in that neighbourhood yesterday, when there was a large attendance of rela tives and friends of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES. AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. COCIIRANE.-NOV. 27 th, Miss Edith Cochrane, wife of Dr. Wilkinson, of 11, Victoria-mansions, Queen's Club gardens, Kensington, of a daughter. HARRsSON.-Dec. 16th, the wife of Mr Frank Harri- son (Miss Ethel Kay), of a daughter. Both doing splendidly. WOELLHAI-.-DeC. 10th, at 74, Carter-street, London, S.E.. the wife of Fred Woellhat (bliss Marie Hughes), ...