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... QUARTE R SESSIONS. WO1tCSTR CITY. The Quarter Sessions for the city of Worcester were held yesterday at the Guildhall, before the Recorder (Mr. B. H. Aimphlett, QO.l) GRAND JzYr.-The follow g were on the Grand Jury: Messra. W. A. Firkins (foreman), . H M. Bennett, P. G. Bennett, J. Bird, G. S. Chignell, J. Comptan, J. T. Rowarth, T. Cornforth, S. Derby, J. Flay, W. L- Frost, A. Gardenqr, W. ...


... At Guy's Hospital, London, yesterday, the inquest was held on Alfred William Giles (28) William Draper (60), and Fernand Henri Arts (54) who were killed witix three others in the railway collision at Wivelsfield I brtadon, on the London, Brighton, and South Coast line, on Saturday week, between the Newhaven boat tram and the Brighton Pullman ?? Westlake, driverxof the Pullman express, said ...


... - 5 ?? DIT, . C . T . W.- :: i I; . gE:. | ~ N , : :: if.; ?? : -A:CaBWsAV FiNa6.-Yeterdav t hlv yoiea C(ourt, Ch rlgs Oron,: en -driv&,~ Chaautry P ace, was: charged with being drunk in ~harge of a horse and cab' in WeliStroet, oin.Satuirday ng -os~csal Spic'er .sxaid defqodanlt dressed a, disturbanice -at one publso-bouse,~ and~ was ejected from anothe1r bedause he11 was the worse for ...


... Y|eterday at Bristol James Shearer, 36, St. Mary Street Cardiff, and James Smith, 27, Castle Street% Bristol, were summoned for allowing a halfpenny alob machine to be used for the purpose of a lottery for cigars at 27, Castle Street. Mr. Wise prosecuted for the police, and Mr. Weatherley represented the defen- dants. Mr. Wise informed the magistrates that Shearer was the manager and Smith an ...


... YrSTERDaA.-Before Mr. Yates and Dr. Simon. AiSS5Ttttn D 3}aFvnfD vs..-A number oi persomr, sumnmoned for using obscene language, W-ere repre- sented by their wives or other relatives. The Bench, however, do not approve of this, and a warning was given that in future if defendants did not appear in person heavitr fines would be imposed. UNMANsArEABLE AT FonriLTESn.-William Johnson (14), ...


... BALMTORA1, Thursday.-Tho Queen arrived at Bal- b( moral yesterday afternoon. Her Majesty -was accom- S parned by Princess Hery of Battenberg, Princess Victoria of Wales, Princess Victoria Eugenie and IF Prince Maurice of Batteaberg, and the Ladies and o1 Gentlemen in Waiting. The Queen was received on fo arriving at Perth by -Miss - Macgregor and Captain tl Malcolm Drummond. The Earl of ...


... BMIR-GIIAM COUNTY COURT. ?? Ar.-Berfore His oeourlz;rfue WhleYrc, UTes Th}srcUr BETWEBEN JPEwELntS.-liiS Hon delivered judgment in an action brought by Ed-.rl Alfred Marsh, ieweller, Northamwpton Stree;t, miing. ham, against Frederick Knight and Co., ?? 1- AIbion Street, Leeds, to recover £32 8s for halance of account for goods sold. His Honour beard the ease few days azto, wl en he reserved j ...


... BIRlMINGHAM POLICE COURT. YsnTEnmx.vYt- Before Mlirsss. Pearson (fl~quty Svi. Peyton, eand Wcttwrieit. ALLEG1'.) BURGLIiar.-John Morgan (17). 10, Bow Streez ; 'William BavlPis i20i 21 Court, 8 house, Lower Essex Street; and Williato Cain ?? 19, Lancaster street, sere committed to the Quarter Siessions, on a charge of burglary at the shop of Mr. William Brookes. lithographic printer, of John ...


... GER31ANY A-ND THE CONGO FREE STATE. 3,600 SQUARE -MIES SEIZED. Mr. Lionel Decle, who is in charge of the Daily Telegrapl& Expedition fronm the Cape to Cairo, telegrhing from Uvtira, North Tanganyika, on April 20, says: The situation here is critical. The Germaus.have forcibly seized all the Congo Free State territory up to the Rusizi River, ad to the north of Lak-e 3rru, occupying; 3,000 ...


... Yas=nAr.-BCfbrs Aler&mnc Edwairs end Messrs. Ph.i-iPs and Eoans. POwVDYIS AT TFE AnCiEs.-Thomas and George Hickiig, two younrg :men of the peaky type, were charged with breaking a plate-glass window at the Church Inn, Lichfield Road. Mr. T. W. Clulow a~ppeared for the prosecntion.-Defenda~nts, it was staved, belonged to a gang which has frequen~ted the Ten A~rches district for some tie past. ...


... The cas of Gordon v. Butler was heard in. the Queen's Bench. yesterday, before Mr. Justice Dariing. It wals an action brought by MEr. Leopold Gordon, I administrator of the estate of the late Isaac Gordon, money-louder, of Birmingham, London, and other places. There was no defence. Mr. Sheari an said the action was against a Mr. and Mrs. Butler, and according to their affidavit they in the ...


... i _ I I WEnsBAcH LcIcrtT COMPANY V. N.w INCANPDESCSET (ScaaIGci PATENT) GAS-eIGErING COontsy,-In tile. Chancery Division, yesterday, Mr. Justice Backlev gave judgment in the action brought by the NWeslbach Light Company against the New Ineandescent (Sunlight Patent) Gas-iighting Company.-His Lordship said the action was against five persons-offioers and directors of the defendant company-for ...