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... LIlE3,AT URE. HISTORICAL. PUzS ILLUSTBATI' THE HISTORT OF THE SaOws BBRGADE IN THE SEsvt E OF THE UmTrrnD NzTRnEsttaos, 1572- 1782. Extracted. by permission, fron I The Government Arehives at The Hague. and edited 'by James Ferguson. Vet. L - 169817S2. fEdirnburgh: Printed at tbe Univer- sity Pree.s by T. and A. Constzabb!, for the Scottish History Societv.t The second volume of Shsriff ...


... TO-NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENTS DRURY LANE THEATRE ROYAL. Mlanaging Direetor ARTiIrU. COLLINS. Tb Childreil's Pantomime. TWICE DAILY, at 1.-0 and 7.130,AN JACK IND THE BEANsTALK. Written and invenited by ARTHUR STURGESS and Aarsetn COLLINS. Music by J. M. Glover. HERBERT CAMPPBELL. NELLIE STEWART. Johnnie Danvers, blabel Nelson, Mollie I.owell, Rita Presano, Grigolati Troupe, and Powerful Comipany. ...


... PICTURE AN D ART SALKS OF 1899. j1303 A IflCIh1 CORazaiODENTWJ IThe relative importance of a year's art sales C is measured in various ways by various Per- tii sons. The eager collector of early Italian works ag, is apt to characteriso as void a season that does of pit not include at least two or three outstanding ica pictures in this kind, and these, as a matter of co fact, are to-day so ...

Theatrical Mems

... I q, ZAOVAM!Pt-? IIINIIM i Iei;ll~ssci, wivo-' dolsnes for the panto- . 'P m !lcts and narticalarly for the China - ,! liricd, i - an old student of the 1 - Art. laving a beut in the direc- Pt' ?? obtaiied an introduction to Mr O (i lest o ed the dresses for ono scene in, I iii on (Cr~soo in LM. IS l the summer i: Imndon a-rmed with his sketches which )ard lent him, and his recommendation, ...


... WOODSIDE TEMPERANCE SOCIKTY'S FESTIVAL. The annuual -Nv Year festival tinder the ausa- epices of oode.die Temperance Society vas held I in the i~nigh Hall there larit night. The li was crowded-. Mr G. F. Dhuthie, J.P., presided, and was accompanied by Mr .lames Gilhies. Gla.- gow. After tea, The Chairtwan, in the course of a few irtrloduc- tory remarks, reviewed sorne of the leading events i ...


... ,MUSIC OF 1899-r It has not-been a ver4 eventful musical year, and4, indeed, the competition for a long time; -past has been so great that almost all the im- portant works from the Contin ent have already inc been heard here. The principal feature of the se x;year, perhaps, is the rapid advance made by- the ex )young West African composer Mr Coleridge of 3Taylor. This gentlemen, who was until ...


... EINTE WTAINMENTS. - ?? ROYALTY THEATRE- TE BELLE OF |iv NEW YORK. the This musical comedy still runL merrily at the 2 Rovalty. This is the third week of the engage- pe scent of the company, and matinees have been Ne ?? dicring the holidays. it has many o'e attractions. The music is bright and piouant, wit that at tho close of the first act especially so. anm The sec-nc is cast in a York ...


... i)i> A i\ 'riF0PIELS. a it' Sn WYIk Fri. I-~ ~ ~~ ~lil;~ ~ ' - 7.0v * ~ ~ ~ ~~ a ?? l~~~ii~C ?? FI?T1 lt 112c 5111 7 -ei ufe xftC1 iV s a -'Ltl ?? I0 C lfII N iiiQ : a t:l thattite e AzteTe nii- libel and' ThTh i'eg'an ?? 1, it ne ?? ?? ii~pherj ?? doie at-ota C '~~~:AT111su tit io''ct er I C - ' 17i~~~ti e I oib~e Wi- C E. ty'va , te) wr t IC' A ill' UI'd la SToi ai hai ?rsn-Ir' to ?? Wufid ...


... I 1: IBELLAGHY. (Co Deflry)-Th's monthly Icttle fair was held yesterday, and was largeyv Iaerouised by buyels and dealers from the sour- roendinig towns and villages. The turn-out or anima's was lhrge. The demand was brisk, and prices firm nied active. Springers and young stock wvere eagerly sought atter, and commanded recldy sele at good pcices, Beefers sold from 40s to 56s per cwt. according ...


... TIlE SENTINiENTAL CALENDIU, Beneath thase wreaths of virgin snows The buds of sprring unseen repose, AvaiIing hou a varccoer breath To 7ake nithe fronm tleir seeeing death So hidden, whero no eve catn see, Under tiy maiden nodcesy, Young thouglhts of love bergin to form, 'lo quicken -when the skies grow- wVarlma- o would I were the laggard sun, low csoon were that ?? work begun ! No;tr oft, ...


... THE ' Ntk YEA-R. - ?? - r the celobrofton of the Neow Year holiday- Mrs. * e-r vestcerday favoured with as agree. 'want ;v waarle- as coulld well be hoped for in mid- hape ' t \'as not by any means the kind of On ?? cich 11erry and romance associate with of tha of the year. There was no snow, t hit a to a ' , there a boisterous, biting blast; iA A - er.C aromflpalliments possess any sent ;I ...


... LOCAL AM USEMENTS. er THE PANTOMiMTES AT CARDIFF_ MI is- I THEATRE RO.YAL. -_ Th ag JTack is stilt killing the giant at th eimae be Theatre Royal, Uhrdif', 'before large audiences Mada ~d, nightly, and Mr. Milton.Bode's 'comapany 'is a~cni 1w Throi rwplaying up well.- Naturally, -after a, week's time ina work, the pantomnime has been :rubbed down abuh) ry into almost perfect' running,,oider: ...